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Can India become a superpower?

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We still have our Indian culture intact unlike blind aping of Western culture by Chinese. :girl_wacko:

I know. Chinese people want to be just like Westerners with indoor plumbing. Indians are true to their culture of pooping in the streets, in their beds, and on each other. All while yelling at each other in the indigenous Indian language of English. Jai Turd!

Aisi bachon wali harkate na kar razpak. :wacko:

I know. Chinese people want to be just like Westerners with indoor plumbing. Indians are true to their culture of pooping in the streets, in their beds, and on each other. All while yelling at each other in the indigenous Indian language of English. Jai Turd!

That is better than eating wonton deep fried in poop oil. :lol::lol:
Yes. Indian influence include yoga, curry and what else? You got to help me here.

Bollywood, Garba, Vedas, Very beautiful Hindi movie love songs, and various literature, Highly delicious Indian food, Vegetarianism, Non violence, Indian philosophy of living life with 4 Purushath (Attempts) , Dharma (Ethical duty), Artha (wealth), Kam (worldly desires), Moksh (Liberation) , Devotion to almighty, Upavas (Fasts), Celebrations of various festivals etc.
2 false flag scums crapping and eating each others crap.
Bollywood, Garba, Vedas, Very beautiful Hindi movie love songs, and various literature, Highly delicious Indian food, Vegetarianism, Non violence, Indian philosophy of living life with 4 Purushath (Attempts) , Dharma (Ethical duty), Artha (wealth), Kam (worldly desires), Moksh (Liberation) , Devotion to almighty, Upavas (Fasts), Celebrations of various festivals etc.
2 false flag scums crapping and eating each others crap.

This is how Chinese protected their culture. ;) @Luca1 @AgentOrange can you define this great Chinese culture. :lol:

I don't care if we became a superpower but if we can uplift our most backward masses and improve the standard of life of most of us. If we improve infrastructure allowing better housing and transport.
That said, we are on the right way and if we keep going on we will be a power to be reckoned with.
I know. Chinese people want to be just like Westerners with indoor plumbing. Indians are true to their culture of pooping in the streets, in their beds, and on each other. All while yelling at each other in the indigenous Indian language of English. Jai Turd!

Americans mother tongue is English. So going by your logic, US is not a super power.

India's superpower status will be imposed on it because of size, population and economy, Its not what Indians asked for it.
We still have our Indian culture intact unlike blind aping of Western culture by Chinese. :girl_wacko:

Go eat a banana. China is nothing like the West except in superficial, utilitarian forms.
@WebMaster @Horus @Oscar . Despite enormous protests, including from me, that someone calling himself 'DorHeadHunter' is extremely offensive, there seems to have been no recognition of this offence. I had indicated that I'll leave the forum on this. Thank you. All the best to you all. Bye.
You need to develop the people, before you develop the country. English speaking countries will remain the main superpowers untill another common language for business is adopted.
Lol @ the sleepy eyed people.

Go eat a banana. China is nothing like the West except in superficial, utilitarian forms.
What culture do you people have? You dress in Western clothes, desire Western goods, follow an Indian religion, your government is the product of a German, your women flock to Caucasians. Is their anything Oriental in the Orient?
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Why does India have a fixation on becoming a superpower?
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