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Can India become a superpower?

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Indian Racism will prevent it becoming a true super power, cultural et all. Don't you have "sleepy eyed people" in NE India?

How is that racist? That's what it is called in Hindi. Why is it when anyone points out anything about Orientals, they are quickly labelled racist?
Lol @ the sleepy eyed people.

What culture do you people have? You dress in Western clothes, desire Western goods, follow an Indian religion, your government is the product of a German, your women flock to Caucasians. Is their anything Oriental in the Orient?

No one dresses in "Western clothes". Casual dress now looks more like Chinese peasant garb than anything resembling the ridiculous getups whites were in. The least attractive .01% of Chinese women gold dig white males, but your gene pool has been dumped in endlessly by Indo-Aryans who consider you to be literal walking shit. The majority of Chinese are secular, not Buddhist.

You must have gotten your genes for tiny cocks from the "Caucasians" :D

BBC News - Condoms 'too big' for Indian men
How is that racist? That's what it is called in Hindi. Why is it when anyone points out anything about Orientals, they are quickly labelled racist?

Objectifying a persons physical traits in *any* language is racist. Just because it is a translation from a Hindi phrase does not exempt it from being Racist. That is laughable.The fact that you can't see any problem with this, is part of the problem. :/ Asians in general , Indians, Chinese, SE Asians are very racist and stereotype communities / people based on physical traits in their respective languages.

Hehehe ... another super Power thread :P
Go eat a banana. China is nothing like the West except in superficial, utilitarian forms.

Chinese culture has nothing Chinese except Chinese food and Chinese writing system. :lol:
Incorrect, Confucianism dominates the political and public sphere.

Its Marxism in actual. ;) Chinese music, costumes, customs, building designs nothing look Chinese, they are all copycat from the West. :o::o:
Quick, go hire some white servants so they can mop your lawn
Why not you then, I have a job for you in my place, if you are OBLIGED enough... huh???
P.S. You are not that Sarcastic as much as you think of yourself.

Valentine's day is against Islam : Pakistan, LOL
Pakistani regulator warns media against promoting Valentine’s Day - The Washington Post
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Some members have clearly lost their mind ..... both Indians and others........
Its Marxism in actual. ;) Chinese music, costumes, customs, building designs nothing look Chinese, they are all copycat from the West. :o::o:

That's extremely mis-informed and narrow minded and backward. That's like saying "India copies it's skyscraper designs from the west", Or "bollywood songs should stop incorporating western electronic musical instruments" :lol:
That's extremely mis-informed and narrow minded and backward. That's like saying "India copies it's skyscraper designs from the west", Or "bollywood songs should stop incorporating western electronic musical instruments" :lol:

Bollywood music is fusion of Indian and bit of western. Chinese music is complete aping of European music. There is small element of traditionalism in Chinese culture. :coffee:
This movie is a classic in PDF.

Hahaha, absolute hilarious, a glaring "Inferiority Complex" in grand display. :pop::laugh:
Any chance of it winning any film award, like Cannes, Oscar, Golden Bear etc? :dirol:

There are so many India supa powa this India supa powa that India supa powa high India supa powa low - are these pure ecstacies or complete frustrations?
Bollywood music is fusion of Indian and bit of western. Chinese music is complete aping of European music. There is small element of traditionalism in Chinese culture. :coffee:

Which is all good, all cultures must mix and evolve.
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