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Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

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Oh ha ha ha, look at this, a freaking, stupid, brazen Vietnamese still haven't admit its foolishness, so Hardcore~

"天空" is a word and "空" is a character, these are different you stupid monkey. Chinese is really too difficult for a single-celled organisms like you to learn. And who don't you go check what literally means you idiot, oh no you can't, since you only got a 空 brain.

Oh my, so "Mr.stupid-fool-Dare-to-be-a-Chinese-teacher" got nothing leave but only racial attack~
The most ridiculous part is that a Vietnam dare to call a Southern Chinese "Nan Man"! Oh meu deus, You are really the funniest bastard I have ever seen, really. And this idiot Vietnamese still dare to try to tell a Chinese what "original Han Chinese" and "true Han Chinese" are, how pity.

Don't attempt to change the subject because you have already out of basis you idiot, besides Mongolian and Manchus are all Chinese, we are all included in the Chinese ethnics group you stupid fool. You have no business in this history. Also even in Yuan and Qing dynasty there were huge amount of Han and other ethnics senior officials. If we were slaves, then what were you, rubbish? Ha, said the idiot whose ancestors lost their country for thousand year.

Dongyi is a really old concept stored in the history book, I suppose your tiny stupid brain never a friend with evolution.

I'm tried of your "Chinese lesson", why don't you keep your mouth shut and get the heck out with your stupid brain.

Did I say that "空" is not a word you blind fool? How could anyone be that stupid like you.
"天空" = sky
"空" = empty
天空 =/= 空; sky =/=empty

See, so simple, extremely easy to understand. And you, a Vietnamese who knows nothing about Chinese, dare to argue with me a Chinese speaker about Chinese language and keep making nonsenses. In the name of God why don't you just K yourself and put an end of your worthless life.

Ancient Han is Ancient Han, (modern) Han is Han; they are 2 different concept you idiot.
You are talking what should be stored in the history book you immature stupid monkey.
As a Cantonese YOU are really the Namman (and you stupid fool don't even speak Chinese). Besides my ancestors were from the Northern China, your brain is really full of racist rubbish.

Your other comment is also stupid nonsense, as always.

Read again your two post above. :rofl:
To: jhungary

You think you're smart by playing trick of confusing and converting concepts? you just make yourself a fool.

Let's just stick to Kanji using right, ok? which is what this thread is about.
You claimed "China did not have patent on Chinese as in any other modern language in the world. Hence China did not own the exclusive right to Chinese Language." so I assume you declared Hanzi was not invented by Chinese people hence couldn't be banned for use by Japanese, right?
No, you may not and cannot assume that he even implied so.

A 'patent' is a decree by an extraordinary body, like a judge or a judgement, that grant LEGAL enforcement to a person. However and whenever that person did whatever it was that a patent was granted upon him is a different issue. An engineer working for a corporation can invent a widget but an extraordinary body will grant the patent to his employer, not to him. The Chinese language was not invented, it was developed and it was evolved, and when it was developed there was no extraordinary body to say to the world that the Chinese language is a piece of intellectual property exclusive to the Chinese people forever and ever and if anyone poached said language, this extraordinary body will punish the violator(s). So as far as the world is concerned, if one Chinese taught a non-Chinese to speak, read, and write Chinese, the Chinese language is effectively laid bare for all to exploit as they see fit.

This discussion opened a can of worms that the Chinese members will lose because now you gave the world the same right to demand China stop building airplanes, cars, trains, ect. Any country that invented any widget now has the right to demand China either pay retroactive compensation or cease using its intellectual property.
To: gambit

Sorry, I'm not a tiny bit interested in playing the game of words with anyone, just sick of it.

"patent" or "not patent" , it's a sheer fact: Hanzi was invented created by Han Chinese, we say "仓颉造字", we even have the name of the creator仓颉!
Spoken language may not be able to say "being invented", written language is surely a result of invention of certain ethinicity.

You don't really think Chinese people will even try to ban Kanji use by Japanese, right?
and isn't it a bit stupid and funny if English-speaking nation adopting this kind of mixed expression :
"I like 功夫, I've been 练xercising 武术 for years. ",
why not use your own writing form: "kungfu", "martial arts" to express borrowed words, especially "练xercising" so twisted.
HI there


Sino-Tibetan languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are believe that part of Indian Territories are using and contributing to the Sino-Tibetian langauge

I believe you were talking about writing system. Yes, many languages in Himalayan region and North-East India are Tibeto-Burman in nature.

Both Tibetan Script and Burmese script are Indic in nature and the derivate of ancient Brahmi Script while Chinese is written in pictorial script.
To: gambit

Sorry, I'm not a tiny bit interested in playing the game of words with anyone, just sick of it.
If you are not interested, then you have no RIGHT to use the word 'patent' in your argument because the word itself carries fine definitions and contexts relevant to the court, either legal or public opinion. Heck, the Latin root itself mean to lay bare for all to see.

You don't really think Chinese people will even try to ban Kanji use by Japanese, right?
Why not ask the guy to posted the question in the first place?
If you are not interested, then you have no RIGHT to use the word 'patent' in your argument because the word itself carries fine definitions and contexts relevant to the court, either legal or public opinion. Heck, the Latin root itself mean to lay bare for all to see.

Dude if he can claim patent over Chinese characters, can we Indians too claim the same to stop these people from using decimal system(Indian numerals) from their daily life. :hitwall::rofl:
Oh, this is funny, didn't you see I was citing the other one's remarks, it was he that used the word "patent".
go back to have a more clear look.

What I was stressing was that Hanzi was an undoubtedly and absolutely sole invention by Chinese, you disagree with this?

By the way, if someone wants to compare every nation's invention, cultural and technological contribution to human beings,
please be enlightened here:
Domesticated rice originated solely in the Yangtze Valley of China around 8200-13500 years ago meaning all people in the world cultivating
and eating rice nowadays are benefiting from Chinese agricultural invention.
I'm not allowed for posting link, so pls google "molecular evidence for a single evolutionary origin of domesticate rice" on national academy of sciences of US.
It was a result of molecular research by several universities of US including Stanford University.

As for other Chinese inventions, here,
"List of Chinese inventions", on Wikipedia.

Oh, this is funny, didn't you see I was citing the other one's remarks, it was he that used the word "patent".
go back to have a more clear look.

What I was stressing was that Hanzi was an undoubtedly and absolutely sole invention by Chinese, you disagree with this?

By the way, if someone wants to compare every nation's invention, cultural and technological contribution to human beings,
please be enlightened here:
Domesticated rice originated solely in the Yangtze Valley of China around 8200-13500 years ago meaning all people in the world cultivating
and eating rice nowadays are benefiting from Chinese agricultural invention.
I'm not allowed for posting link, so pls google "molecular evidence for a single evolutionary origin of domesticate rice" on national academy of sciences of US.
It was a result of molecular research by several universities of US including Stanford University.

As for other Chinese inventions, here,
"List of Chinese inventions", on Wikipedia.
talking about Chinese characters with vietnamnese is a waste of time . they are no longer the nation well educated with Chinese culture.I still remember once there was a guy confused by 化 and 华 and happily calling themselves 化外之民 without knowing its meaning----BARBARIAN
talking about Chinese characters with vietnamnese is a waste of time . they are no longer the nation well educated with Chinese culture.I still remember once there was a guy confused by 化 and 华 and happily calling themselves 化外之民 without knowing its meaning----BARBARIAN
And you think this thread is not? :lol: You guys were laughable before and started a thread about legal enforcement to deny others access to the Chinese language made y'all even more laughable.
And you think this thread is not? :lol: You guys were laughable before and started a thread about legal enforcement to deny others access to the Chinese language made y'all even more laughable.

i don't want to waste time here,please show me the legal enforcement you called.
as far as i know, there is not a international law that can constraint americans,or else there would be no the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan......
i don't want to waste time here,please show me the legal enforcement you called.
as far as i know, there is not a international law that can constraint americans,or else there would be no the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan......
No, YOU show us that legal enforcement. I do not care if it was you or some other Chinese dude who asked if China can force the Japanese to stop using Kanji. I do not care if it was you or some other Chinese dude who brought up the word 'patent' and that somehow China sort of 'own' the Chinese language. Both involved the inherent legal enforcement so the burden of legal proof falls upon the Chinese members here.
I want to say that if my neighbors learn and use my house design, I would be so proud and pleased.
As long as they don't claim the design are theirs.
I believe you were talking about writing system. Yes, many languages in Himalayan region and North-East India are Tibeto-Burman in nature.

Both Tibetan Script and Burmese script are Indic in nature and the derivate of ancient Brahmi Script while Chinese is written in pictorial script.

Yes, the whole discuss i made to the fellow chinese member is the Manuscript (Writing System) where most of them refer the New Standard CHinese (Mandarin). What they fail to see is the Modern Standard Chinese is a devirative from the Manuscript in ancient time.
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