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Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

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I never said something like that Chinese discovering zero, but ancient Chinese did have the concept of zero. Please read carefully.

Actually many civilizations had concept of zero/void but Indians were the only one who defined zero in mathematics.
I never said something like that Chinese discovering zero, but ancient Chinese did have the concept of zero. Please read carefully.

We call the sky "天空", does it means we call the sky "sky empty"?
We call courtyard "院子", does it means that we call courtyard "son of yard"???
We call nuclear energy "核能", does it means that we call the freaking nuclear energy "nuke can"?????
Do you even know what "literal" means you mental retardation idiot.
You silly fool know nothing about Chinese and dare to become my Chinese teacher,
look at the earlier posts, how many slaps you have gained, tell me you 弱智低能白痴仔.

I am really sick of your nonsenses, I have been this forum for months and you idiot never stop posting bloody twaddles:

:rofl: don't you know , for this guy Hotdog = hot + dog...that how he interpreted chinese writing :rofl:
The Title Thread is both amusing and pathetic.
On one hand, this is not any issue if Japan were to adopt Chinese Character. Even if Japan start teaching Chinese and adopt them as their Official Language, China would not have any say at all. It may seems strange, but it can happen and if it's happening, China have absolutely no say nor authority on What Japanese do or don't do within Japan Soil.

Kanji is Chinese creation, it Chinese IP, we absolutely have the right to question it. So according to your logic China can use any IP of this world within Chinese soil? Chinas has never question Japanese usage of Kanji... doesn’t mean we have nothing to say.

What pathetic is, Chinese member here Proudly self-proclaim then "Do not interfere with other internal affair" and only Bully country would do something like that. So, what is it when Chinese member here want to stop Japanese using Chinese Character?

Using Kanji is not internal affair of Japan it’s Chinese business, we don’t care if they use any aliens writing. We want to stop them to use it because for over 2 centuries, these Japaneses had done nothing good for China beside using our knowledges against us. Without Kanji, they will be like monkeys to communicate with a tons of homonymous sounds, they wouldn't be able effectively wave war against China...and story end there.

even today their inventions such hiragana couldn't solve their problem of writing and still rely on Kanji, you can imagine how they can fight a war without knowing how to write...LMAO

6 Reasons Why Kanji is Necessary
china cannot legally do anything because no law travels across the border between sovereign states. so to do what you ask for requires chinese military action that can politically subjugate nipponzi and abrogate their political sovereignty...not that i find the idea of military action unsavory because i concur that it is repugnant to see nipponzi distorting such an aristic and tasteful script like ours.
The diference is: wúrù 無入 "no entry", kōng 空 "empty". :enjoy:

0 (number) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's standard translation by Chinese mathematical historians. You are illitarally chinese boy then you slap on face of Chinese mathematical historians. I don't think Chinese mathematical historian are stupid fool. :coffee:

you also need to learn another Chinese expression

in modern day China lingusitc there is a term that is: 越南=猴子/白眼狼
china cannot legally do anything because no law travels across the border between sovereign states. so to do what you ask for requires chinese military action that can politically subjugate nipponzi and abrogate their political sovereignty...not that i find the idea of military action unsavory because i concur that it is repugnant to see nipponzi distorting such an aristic and tasteful script like ours.

No need invasion to subjugate Japanese, If every chinese bash them until they give up Kanji..and use their own primitive writing...it's pathetic to resort this way but it will work eventually even if we can't legally prevent them from using it...LMAO
I never said something like that Chinese discovering zero, but ancient Chinese did have the concept of zero. Please read carefully.

We call the sky "天空", does it means we call the sky "sky empty"?
We call courtyard "院子", does it means that we call courtyard "son of yard"???
We call nuclear energy "核能", does it means that we call the freaking nuclear energy "nuke can"?????
Do you even know what "literal" means you mental retardation idiot.
You silly fool know nothing about Chinese and dare to become my Chinese teacher,
look at the earlier posts, how many slaps you have gained, tell me you 弱智低能白痴仔.

I am really sick of your nonsenses, I have been this forum for months and you idiot never stop posting bloody twaddles:

Blablabla Chinese can't read newspaper because there are too many Chinese character Blablabla

blablabla you are not real Han blablabla

blablabla people in difference area of country can not understand each others blablabala

blabla China copy everything such as oil rig Platform weapons plants lalalala

oh look I found a stupid website and the bloger call himself a King!!! Free Manchublabla!!!"


Go K yourself.

The debate about numeric zero concept, invented by Indian.
when in the past true Han Chinese used the word wúrù (無入 lieraturally. I quote again for you: The word wúrù (無入) rendered here as zero, its standard translation by mathematical historians, literally means "no entry" or "null enters".

When you stated : "天空", does it means we call the sky "sky empty"? Base on your idiot logic the word 空 , it doesn't mean empty, no zero. :enjoy:

I as a mankind would never be friend with such thing like that.

You are Nan Man, you can't understand what does it means when original Han Chinese have been writing in ancient time about zero:

:rofl: don't you know , for this guy Hotdog = hot + dog...that how he interpreted chinese writing :rofl:

Don't forget that you has been admitted that you were slaves of Mongolian, Manchus, etc and your face is thicker than wall.

you also need to learn another Chinese expression

in modern day China lingusitc there is a term that is: 越南=猴子/白眼狼

Also one Dong Yi boy here, insect don have human brain to say about us.
Kanji is Chinese creation, it Chinese IP, we absolutely have the right to question it. So according to your logic China can use any IP of this world within Chinese soil? Chinas has never question Japanese usage of Kanji... doesn’t mean we have nothing to say.

Using Kanji is not internal affair of Japan it’s Chinese business, we don’t care if they use any aliens writing. We want to stop them to use it because for over 2 centuries, these Japaneses had done nothing good for China beside using our knowledges against us. Without Kanji, they will be like monkeys to communicate with a tons of homonymous sounds, they wouldn't be able effectively wave war against China...and story end there.

even today their inventions such hiragana couldn't solve their problem of writing and still rely on Kanji, you can imagine how they can fight a war without knowing how to write...LMAO

6 Reasons Why Kanji is Necessary

Dude, there are two things you need to realise.

1.) Chinese is not a Sole China development, Hence China does not have the IP right to Chinese. Chinese have a History of Indo-Sino-Mongo Background and it is also based on the Old Chinese. (East Han Language 東漢語 ) Bear in mind, you are not talking about the usage of Mandarin (Which is a sole Modern Chinese Creation) 普通活並不等於漢語.

China did not have patent on Chinese as in any other modern language in the world. Hence China did not own the exclusive right to Chinese Language.

2.) Even for agrument sake, China did have patent to Chinese. Since when do we have international juridiction on Intellectual property right? If such a thing do exist, China would have been sue for alot of things long ago. (From copy fighter planes (Su-27) to Copy Motocycle (Hongda Motocycle))

Using Kanji is not internal affair of Japan it’s Chinese business[/COLOR]

If what you are talking about is a private coding protocol. Then yes, you are right. What stop you from using a language in another soil? No.

Do you know how many Chinese in Japan? Are you going to tell them NOT TO USE CHINESE in japan? And how many of those will listen to you? Then you need to consider how many Japanese in China learning Chinese? Are you going to stop Japanese Student Studying in China? or You are gonna not let them back to Japan once they done studying?? As they will inevitable learn and use Chinese when they return. Then while you are at it? Why stop with Only Japan? Why not Korea, Why not India? Why not America? Why not The whole world??

Language is a free trading issue. I would love to see there are no one speaking Chinese in Australia or America. But this is not going to be. Even local government do not have to right to shut off those people i wonder how Chinese can stop people oversea using Chinese as their first communicatable language??

So tell me, how using Kanji or Chinese is a Chinese Issue? Did China own Japan as of now, i don't understand? If you don't like japanese using Chinese, you can stop using Chinese and develope another language. Will they copy it is another problem.

Hence this is pathetic
The debate about numeric zero concept, invented by Indian.
when in the past true Han Chinese used the word wúrù (無入 lieraturally. I quote again for you: The word wúrù (無入) rendered here as zero, its standard translation by mathematical historians, literally means "no entry" or "null enters".

When you stated : "天空", does it means we call the sky "sky empty"? Base on your idiot logic the word 空 , it doesn't mean empty, no zero. :enjoy:

You are Nan Man, you can't understand what does it means when original Han Chinese have been writing in ancient time about zero:

Don't forget that you has been admitted that you were slaves of Mongolian, Manchus, etc and your face is thicker than wall.

Also one Dong Yi boy here, insect don have human brain to say about us.

ever wonder this thing learnt so many human stuff, from imitation to human language, thanks to your former masters Chinese and French

now try to explain this 越南=杂种
ever wonder this thing learnt so many human stuff, from imitation to human language, thanks to your former masters Chinese and French

now try to explain this 越南=杂种

Both France, China were beating and ran away from Vietnam with bloody heads, dirty enemies.
Try again to understand and explain why in ancient time true Han people looked down at you as Dong Yi barbarian, in Han Ji the word Yi combined Han Ji character indicated to insects.
No need invasion to subjugate Japanese, If every chinese bash them until they give up Kanji..and use their own primitive writing...it's pathetic to resort this way but it will work eventually even if we can't legally prevent them from using it...LMAO

You are so funny. Many Chinese still blame us today that we dropped Chinese writing characters and adopt Latin Vietnamese alphabet Chữ Nôm (字喃/��喃/��喃 [cɨ̌ˀnom]). Now you demand Japan to drop Kanji. :tdown:

Actually we used three different Chinese versions that made one very difficult to master the language:
(from wikipedia)

chữ Nôm (��喃 "characters for talking") the transcription system for native Vietnamese language using original and newly made Chinese characters to represent Vietnamese sounds.

chữ Hán (漢 "Han script") and chữ nho, sometimes capitalized chữ Nho (儒 "Confucian script") are the native Vietnamese names for the form of classical Chinese - both written and read in Chinese - used by Vietnamese government, administrators and scholars in Vietnam from the end of the Third Chinese domination of Vietnam till the loss of sovereignty to French Indochina.

Hán tự ([hǎːn tɨ̂ˀ] 漢字, "a Chinese character") is the Vietnamese pronunciation of the same Chinese word hanzi, as Korean hanja, and Japanese kanji. The term is mainly used in typographic, calligraphic and lexical contexts to describe Sino-Vietnamese Chinese and Japanese characters. [7]

You are so funny. Many Chinese still blame us today that we dropped Chinese writing characters and adopt Latin Vietnamese alphabet Chữ Nôm (字喃/��喃/��喃 [cɨ̌ˀnom]). Now you demand Japan to drop Kanji. :tdown:
They do not blame. First they whine about it then they insult us for it.

What happens when your body take in something that is offensive? You throw it up. Ói lên, phải không?

Now...Am not saying the Chinese language is poison to the Vietnamese. No language is. Am saying that when the time comes when something is no longer useful, the people will discard it and the Viets did gently laid aside the Chinese language and adopt the new language. The current Vietnamese language served us well all these years. When Ho was friendly to Mao, he did not have North Vietnam spoke only Chinese. He pretty much grew up with French. He went to school in France. He was a personal friend to a Frenchman -- Jean Sainteny -- who negotiated for France regarding Viet Nam. He did not abandoned French because it served him well for his purposes. He was not ignorant of how the modern Vietnamese language came to be. He recognized both North and South Viets spoke it and needed as many common things as possible as a people, divided or united does not matter.

We Viets did not became less 'Vietnamese' because of the French derived language but to the Chinese we did became less Chinese because of it. It is this independence from China in one of many ways that ticked off the Chinese members here. It is petty arrogance on their part. So now they lashed out at the Japanese out of petty and meaningless anger. Effectively, they are whining: 'If you do not want to submit to our superiority and depends on us then stop using our language'. It is juvenile and more deserving of pity than of reactive anger on our part.
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