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Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

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here is writing system in ancient time of Vietnam.
For the matter that Chinese marriage with African friends I dont like to post photo here, if you like discuuss with me, I will turn back.

First of all, I'm asking why didn't the Vietnamese reuse their written language instead of just using Hanzi for a thousand years. Clearly the Vietnamese had plenty of time between Chinese domination to reinstate Vietnamese characters.

And second, I don't deny there are interracial marriage between Chinese women and African men -there are interracial marriage for all race - , but it's a very small percentage, East Asians tend to be very conservative, also, I don't get what you mean by "owned", it seems pretty demeaning to women.

The bold part does not make any sense. How could we be able to re-adopt the ancient writing characters after 1,000 years? It is practically impossible.
零 = 0 = nothing, you stupid fool.
You are really that one who knows "0".

Also 零 has other writing style [〇]

Now I know why so many Vietnamese are haters, because you guys are taught by shitty educational system.
All you have learned are jokes from the other universe.

Indian scholars used the Sanskrit word śūnya to refer to zero or void. The use of a blank on a counting board to represent 0 dated back in India to 4th century BC.
But china late on, The word wúrù (無入) (rendered here as zero, its standard translation by mathematical historians) literally means "no entry" or "null enters". :enjoy:]

back to topic, can Indian legally ban Chinese to use zero in mathematic.:enjoy:
Indian scholars used the Sanskrit word śūnya to refer to zero or void. The use of a blank on a counting board to represent 0 dated back in India to 4th century BC.
But china late on, The word wúrù (無入) (rendered here as zero, its standard translation by mathematical historians) literally means "no entry" or "null enters". :enjoy:]

back to topic, can Indian legally ban Chinese to use zero in mathematic.:enjoy:

無入= the concept of 0

This quote is quoted from a mathematical book written in the 1st century. How could it even related to India, hmm?
India never gave the concept of "zero" to China, you silly F, Chinese already have the concept of zero many years ago.

And I always say that the idea is stupid you blind F.
If the Chinese were to abandon their language, by whatever means, would the Chinese be capable of producing another one -- from the proverbial scratch? Not likely. They still need a template to create the new language. That is how languages evolve over time, like how French, Spanish, and Portuguese are closely related. So there is nothing 'wrong' or 'shameful' for the Viets to adopt a new language based upon another language. As long as the (new) language serves the people -- and it did served the Viets well -- it will act in no less capacity to unify the people as when they were under the old language.


Unlike the Vietnamese, the Chinese will not abandon their language, will not leave themselves history-less. If they would, they would abandon the core value of their civilization. It is just like that modern day Americans would abandon their constitution.

Absolutely no way!

That said, there are no fewer Chinese language experts studying the pros and cons of Chinese, and in a number of very smart ways to enhance the pros and to avoid the cons, especially in today's digital world. It is simple amazing how they have achieved! (Alas! You guys can't enjoy it now). :disagree:
Unlike the Vietnamese, the Chinese will not abandon their language, will not leave themselves history-less. If they would, they would abandon the core value of their civilization. It is just like that modern day Americans would abandon their constitution.

Absolutely no way!

That said, there are no fewer Chinese language experts studying the pros and cons of Chinese, and in a number of very smart ways to enhance the pros and to avoid the cons, especially in today's digital world. It is simple amazing how they have achieved! (Alas! You guys can't enjoy it now). :disagree:
:lol: You have any evidence that the Viets feels any less 'Vietnamese' just because they used a Western derived language to replace Chinese? This is the sort of arrogance common to the Chinese here: That anything Chinese cannot be replaced without detrimental consequences.
@ Passerby...well said

the other thing is that Chinese caractere is more cool and ferocious when using in war terminology, take a typical example 忍道 in Japanese is しのぶみち :oops:, so they don't want to use their own crappys Hiragana words for samurai movie.

無入= the concept of 0

This quote is quoted from a mathematical book written in the 1st century. How could it even related to India, hmm?
India never gave the concept of "zero" to China, you silly F, Chinese already have the concept of zero many years ago.

And I always say that the idea is stupid you blind F.

You quoted, is just approve my comment about word wúrù (無入) in my above comment, mathematically. In fact you don't understand what is different between 零 and 無入 in Chinese.
low educated boy, idiot but open big mouth to troll only.
The Title Thread is both amusing and pathetic.

On one hand, this is not any issue if Japan were to adopt Chinese Character. Even if Japan start teaching Chinese and adopt them as their Official Language, China would not have any say at all. It may seems strange, but it can happen and if it's happening, China have absolutely no say nor authority on What Japanese do or don't do within Japan Soil.

What pathetic is, Chinese member here Proudly self-proclaim then "Do not interfere with other internal affair" and only Bully country would do something like that. So, what is it when Chinese member here want to stop Japanese using Chinese Character?

People who study language will tell you Laungage iteslf evolve upon time and cultural change. The fact is, what interfere ones culture will be effectively display in their language, sometime it's popularity, sometime it's just simplier.
You quoted, is just approve my comment about word wúrù (無入) in my above comment, mathematically. In fact you don't understand what is different between 零 and 無入 in Chinese.
low educated boy, idiot but open big mouth to troll only.

The concept of 零 and 無入 are the same you stupid idiot, you dare wanna be my Chinese teacher, hrr?
And you dare call me low-educated and troll, HA!!! Said the stupid retard who always spread rumors and make up stupid story.
This is the third time I slap hard in your stupid face, you stupid fool.
Unlike the Vietnamese, the Chinese will not abandon their language, will not leave themselves history-less. If they would, they would abandon the core value of their civilization. It is just like that modern day Americans would abandon their constitution.

Absolutely no way!

That said, there are no fewer Chinese language experts studying the pros and cons of Chinese, and in a number of very smart ways to enhance the pros and to avoid the cons, especially in today's digital world. It is simple amazing how they have achieved! (Alas! You guys can't enjoy it now). :disagree:

Funny to see that you state we abandoned the core value of our civilization. Who did such stupid thing like Cultural revolution? How many times do you still want to discuss on the topic? You probably know we have good reasons why we have adopted latinized writing characters.

There is no way back to the Chinese version.
The concept of 零 and 無入 are the same you stupid idiot, you dare wanna be my Chinese teacher, hrr?
And you dare call me low-educated and troll, HA!!! Said the stupid retard who always spread rumors and make up stupid story.
This is the third time I slap hard in your stupid face, you stupid fool.

The diference is: wúrù 無入 "no entry", kōng 空 "empty". :enjoy:

The word wúrù (無入) (rendered here as zero, its standard translation by mathematical historians) literally means "no entry" or "null enters".


It's standard translation by Chinese mathematical historians. You are illitarally chinese boy then you slap on face of Chinese mathematical historians. I don't think Chinese mathematical historian are stupid fool. :coffee:
here is writing system in ancient time of Vietnam.
For the matter that Chinese marriage with African friends I dont like to post photo here, if you like discuuss with me, I will turn back.


These looks like derivative of Brahmi Script. Even Tibetan Script is a derivative of Brahmi script having letters syntax similar our Devanagari script and other Indic scripts. "Chir an do" is similar to South Indian Kannada and Telugu scripts.
無入= the concept of 0

This quote is quoted from a mathematical book written in the 1st century. How could it even related to India, hmm?
India never gave the concept of "zero" to China, you silly F, Chinese already have the concept of zero many years ago.

And I always say that the idea is stupid you blind F.

Never ever heard about Chinese contribution for discovering zero.

Indian scholars used the Sanskrit word śūnya to refer to zero or void. The use of a blank on a counting board to represent 0 dated back in India to 4th century BC.
But china late on, The word wúrù (無入) (rendered here as zero, its standard translation by mathematical historians) literally means "no entry" or "null enters". :enjoy:]

back to topic, can Indian legally ban Chinese to use zero in mathematic.:enjoy:

Indians were the first to use zero in mathematics and we still refer it as Shunya in Hindi. Not just zero, whole decimal system is our invention, before Indian numerals people used abacus for counting. That is one of most revolutionary contribution from Indians to the mankind.
Never ever heard about Chinese contribution for discovering zero.


I never said something like that Chinese discovering zero, but ancient Chinese did have the concept of zero. Please read carefully.

The diference is: wúrù 無入 "no entry", kōng 空 "empty". :enjoy:


It's standard translation by Chinese mathematical historians. You are illitarally chinese boy then you slap on face of Chinese mathematical historians. I don't think Chinese mathematical historian are stupid fool. :coffee:

We call the sky "天空", does it means we call the sky "sky empty"?
We call courtyard "院子", does it means that we call courtyard "son of yard"???
We call nuclear energy "核能", does it means that we call the freaking nuclear energy "nuke can"?????
Do you even know what "literal" means you mental retardation idiot.
You silly fool know nothing about Chinese and dare to become my Chinese teacher,
look at the earlier posts, how many slaps you have gained, tell me you 弱智低能白痴仔.

I am really sick of your nonsenses, I have been this forum for months and you idiot never stop posting bloody twaddles:

Blablabla Chinese can't read newspaper because there are too many Chinese character Blablabla

blablabla you are not real Han blablabla

blablabla people in difference area of country can not understand each others blablabala

blabla China copy everything such as oil rig Platform weapons plants lalalala

oh look I found a stupid website and the bloger call himself a King!!! Free Manchublabla!!!"


Go K yourself.
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