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Can anyone tell me why India and Pakistan don’t get along?

It can cover the hair if one wants to. It is not a scarf and is much bigger than that.

Which place are you from.

If you are flying Indian flags, I presume you should know it. It is also part of one of the common Indian dresses.

I don't have that much knowledge about clothes.
why India and Pakistan don’t get along???? What a stupid question :lol:
oho .... you took it so serious.

I just euphemistically remarked about India Pakistan dosti dushmani paradigm.

Sorry yaar to have hurt your feelings.

Being a Pathan, I normally don't say sorry. :)

That's been noticed.
oho .... you took it so serious.

I just euphemistically remarked about India Pakistan dosti dushmani paradigm.

Sorry yaar to have hurt your feelings.

Being a Pathan, I normally don't say sorry. :)
sorry kaha iss ka matlab naqli pathan.............:rofl:.
Saadi Shirazi said long long time ago;

Ager Qehtur Rijal Uftab

If there is dearth of humans on the earth, be careful of the following,

Awwal Afghan. (First Afghan)

I will skip the remaining.

I am a Pakistani and not Afghan. And not all Afghans speak Pushto. Even their Pushto dialect is discernibly different.

Your ethnic digs tend to come apart at the seams sometimes. While I generally agree with the trend of your posts, there are some interesting things in what you have said.

First, Manxmen don't speak English as a native language, in case nobody told you this before. If I tell you that the Scottish throne bought it from the Norwegians for 4,000 marks, you might get a hint. English was imposed on them, and it might barely be this that you are hinting at.

Second, Saadi's verse, which you have quoted for the second time, is a curious one. It says, in order, to watch out for the Afghan, for the Kamboh and for the budzat Kashmiri. Rather good going; that takes care of your folk, of the Punjabis with whom the old tribe of the Kamboja have merged, and the Mirpuris, the only Kashmiris you will ever get to see.

Pity you couldn't add a line or perhaps a couple of phrases wrapping in the Sindhis and the Baloch.

Btw, if we are to believe proto-history and reconstruction of history from literary records, the other branch of the Kamboja, the Parama Kamboja, the famous horsemen from the Ferghana valley, also form part of present-day Pakistan, as they merged with the Scythians in all probability, after some centuries of dithering between Indo-Iranian and Indo-Aryan.
Also it is against the core interest of UK to have stable and peaceful South Asia sub continent or any other region once they leave. Otherwise that excuses could they have if they want to be meddling the affair of those countries again.
The only thing worth keeping your eye on is whether the newly emerging dynamic of business interests in keeping India and Pakistan on cordial terms overtake the political interests to keep them at loggerheads.

Everything else, unfortunately, hold little value.
If one is interested in any serious answers and discussion, then i think jokes and jokers of Express Tribune should be put aside. No matter how bitter the truth is, one must try to get to the fact and present the solution in a realistic manner. The problem of India and Pakistan has historical perspective and also is deeply affected by global politics of today.

Ideologically both India and China are different from Pakistan. If Pakistan can have strategic partnership with China, why it can't have with India? National Interests? Well National interests are defined by first defining the nation! Unfortunately whenever there is an effort from Pakistani side for friendship, Indians insist on marriage! which is not the case about Chinese. One reason of this problem is the way children are told in India about how the world was created with Maurya empire already ruling everything from central Asia to Myanmar! No my friends! Central Asia, Afghanistan, Indus Valley and even the western states of today's India have always lived separate from Central and South East India! Prior to Alexander's assault, Pakistan was part of The Achaemenid Persian Empire, then it was invaded by Alexander, but not fully controlled! Then briefly for almost 100 years it remained a part of Maurya Empire, then it separated and again became a part of persian empire. Then these were Mughal who united the whole subcontinent, and it was only during the Mughal Rule that there was never an effort for separation from the western parts. Then again it disintegrated into hundred of states which the East India company fought to establish their rule over South Asia. Unfortunately, there are people who still cherish the dream of Akhand Bharat. I once saw Vajpai reciting his pathetic poetry and cursing Pakistanis for betraying the mother (United India), Seriously! Get a life! British had fought hundreds of states and dynasties to establish their rule over subcontinent, and when they left, it consisted of two states, there was no partition!

A new factor got intense about our relationship with India after Arab Israel War of 1967. No one can explain US-Israeli cooperation according to any principles of International Relations, but for India and Israel, its about the common "enemy".

From Pakistani side, there are people like Zaid Hamid who consider that the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (SAAW) about the conquest of India is yet to be fulfilled, but mainstream scholars are of the view that it has already been fulfilled as the subcontinent has already been been ruled by Muslims for centuries. Moreover there is yet another point. In the literature of that time, Hind was used in view of Indus, and technically the Indus is in Pakistan, and the word India for todays India is a misnomer!! Among all the sayings of the Prophet which Zaid Hamid quotes, only two are authentic, and both of them dont make it clear that Hind shall be conquered again.

1st Hadith:

Abu Hurairah (R.A.) said that my intimate friend Muhammad (Sall-Allaho-'Alayhe-Wasallam) told me that:

“In this Ummah, the troops would be headed towards Sindh & Hind” [Musnad of Ahmed Bin Hanbal and many other books]

2nd Hadith:

“Two groups amongst My Ummah would be such, to whom Allah has freed from fire; One group would attack India & the Second would be that who would accompany Isa Ibn-e-Maryam (A.S.).” [Musnad of Ahmed Bin Hanbal and many other books]

Both of the above ahadith are not enough to satisfy the scenario presented by Zaid Hamid. All others are of weak authenticiy. No one, be it Zaid Hamid or anyone else, can prove otherwise. I agree there are no narrations to prove him wrong as well! This is something undetermined and he should not be so vocal about something that ambiguous.

I presented my point of view according to the best of my knowledge. You may disagree with it and correct me where ever im wrong. In the end, I pray to God to grant both India and Pakistan a happy, prosperous and peaceful future. Ameen.
Laka Dil Ta Rasha, da ajtr da zannana afreen. :)
laka(lakh/boy) dil te(?) rasha(come here),da(?) ....zanana(aurat) afreen(praise)

Oh my God. ha ha ha ha

What can I say ...... you know much better .... you have daily dealings with akhrots all around you.

ha ha ha ha

Aleka she understands pushto to an extent.

Be careful before it is too late.
I can but. i can get translation done by either hubby or any one in laws..but if its something obscene then its causes problem.
laka(lakh/boy) dil te(?) rasha(come here),da(?) ....zanana(aurat) afreen(praise)

I can but. i can get translation done by either hubby or any one in laws..but if its something obscene then its causes problem.

dil te rasha - at times it is also used as hey listen - hey look, while one is trying to seek attention of another person.

Forget it. move on - yeah

At times we live in a mental pond and carry the stink with us while we never get out of the pond, despite physically living in different places.
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