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Call for jihad in the Ukraine

ah , Al Quaeda the CIA's military arms disguised as muslim defender..

Nice to see how CIA fooled the world's civilians with this charade.. (of course no nation leaders is fooled by this CIA charare)
is the poor little wahabi monkey giving up ?

We just want to hear a neutral stance - which of course you didn't like -

After all, to you - and you only - he's an infidel Hindu.

He is a Pakistani. Try to understand his pain (not).

It is ironic that supporter of talibaboon Khan, the pillar on which TTP rest id getting so riled up against terrorism.

I think he is a pro-Iran Shia Pakistani.
These so called Mujahideen are going to make the lives of ordinary Tatar Muslims hell. Anyway most of Tatars are not going to fall for this trick. But then again with American funding they can launch themselves seriously into Ukraine
GCC needs to militarize in the future in order to neutralize multiple threats. The US will not remain interested forever. As soon as you become dispensable (which will take some time), Russia can take action. You have to understand that Russia is not as affected by sanctions as some other countries. No country is willing to go to war with Russia (not even the US) over some dispensable Middle Eastern countries. Look at Syria for example.
PS: I don't wish for the destruction of your country. I am merely talking about possibilities.

No country is foolish enough to launch and all-out war against KSA which would not potentially attract the 450 million Arabs or so but equally the 2 billion Muslims as well.
Besides by that time KSA might become a nuclear power as well and KSA is the 13th biggest country on earth already. It would be a logistical nightmare for a far-away country such as Russia to try to invade let alone annex KSA and all of the Arabian Peninsula. The geography also presents huge obstacles (mountain ranges, desert etc.). It's a feat never achieved before by any outsiders so good luck to Russia with doing that.

The world powers will never allow that to happen anyway given the enormous riches of the Arabian Peninsula that play a crucial role for the world economy and its stability.

Simply Russia will not invade KSA. They are not that stupid. Forget about it.

Also I struggle to see what KSA or the Arab world have to do with Crimean Tatars or Caucasians other than the later being ruled by Arabs for nearly 600 years and Caucasians originally originating in the Middle East which has been proven by numerous genetic tests.

@Yzd Khalifa
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Russian military is pathetic

the last time they lost a war was in early 90s against tiny checniya it took them over a decade to get things under control and even then they did that by making a ex islamic rebel a leader and allow him amd give him money to create a islamic renaissance

they don't have the capacity to wage war away from their lands

even to try to punish the GCC with their money and airforce would end up badly for Russia
So many claims being made and believed here but no evidence of course, just internet talk.

I will humour you and say ok the "west" are responsible for some of these things but then I must ask.

Are all of your countries and your populations really so weak that they can be influenced by a few people from the outside, if so then you only have yourselves to blame.
Agreed... and most rational thinking members here know this. However. There are some here who talk of "nuking this and nuking that" like it would be some kind of video game. They have absolutely no clue of how the real world outside of their little PDF fantasy land works.

Like post number 48. :rofl:

By the way, recently I was arguing with someone about the possibility of terrorist jihad against Russia after terrorsit loosing in Syria. So I was right.

You were arguing with me and I still say there will be no jihad. :partay: If you noticed even this declaration was only calling for Ukranian Muslims because they know the fighters in Syria will not abandon that fight for a fight in non Muslim lands.
Never underestimate armed militants, friend. Look at what the terrorists had done to India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, China and so on.

yes sir, but this is putin, he bombs, carpet bombs, doesnt care about collateral damage of civilian population. Unlike US which would do combing operation and try to pro us government, russia just bombs and goes.
Like post number 48. :rofl:

You were arguing with me and I still say there will be no jihad. :partay:
Look, I'm not saying that all true believers around the world will rush to the jihad against Russia in Ukraine. I talked about that a few thousands professional terrorists, following the mad mullahs working for the CIA, can travel to Ukraine to earn their houris.
Look, I'm not saying that all true believers around the world will rush to the jihad against Russia in Ukraine. I talked about that a few thousands professional terrorists, following the mad mullahs working for the CIA, can travel to Ukraine to earn their houris.

I heard Putin was appointing Kazan Tatars to look out for Crimean tatar right so why would they get involved? The rest of Ukranian Muslim population is near non existent so who is going to fight lol?

yes sir, but this is putin, he bombs, carpet bombs, doesnt care about collateral damage of civilian population. Unlike US which would do combing operation and try to pro us government, russia just bombs and goes.

Putin would not do any carpet bombing in Crimea which is full of Russians.
I heard Putin was appointing Kazan Tatars to look out for Crimean tatar right so why would they get involved? The rest of Ukranian Muslim population is near non existent so who is going to fight lol?
Unfortunately, Western agents have worked many years among the Crimean Tatars. And there are some extremist groups in Crimea. It is easy to make a few fanatics to commit folly, and then present it all so that the Russian started killing Muslims. And then CIA-paid mullahs will deliver their zombie-killers in Crimea.
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