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Crimean Tatars are being used by the Fascist from Kiew


Like everywhere, if locals assimilate into you, there is no reason to not allow them into your own people, those Tatar families are converted to Orthodox Christian and forgot their language.

Like everywhere, if locals assimilate into you, there is no reason to not allow them into your own people, those Tatar families are converted to Orthodox Christian and forgot their language.
Many of intermarriage switched to Orthodoxy, while others remained Muslims. Nobody did not make them by force - Islam and the Tatar language survived until our days and feeling quite well.

Like everywhere, if locals assimilate into you, there is no reason to not allow them into your own people, those Tatar families are converted to Orthodox Christian and forgot their language.

They are calling themselfs still Tatars. It shows they are still alien elements.
I hope the mods will do something about genocidal comments like this, which hints towards extermination of the Tatar m

also guys like you prove more and more why the Tatar should stick with Ukraine.
Sadly most Russians are like this. If Turkey acted like Russia by extermination we would have large chunks of Balkans. This is how Russia stole Circassia, Caucasus, Crimea,etc.
No I'm not talking about that, thats a different issue, they of course remained as a distinct local people, but those who entered into Russia's nobility are normally assimilated, its same everywhere.
No I'm not talking about that, thats a different issue, they of course remained as a distinct local people, but those who entered into Russia's nobility are normally assimilated, its same everywhere.

But this is normal, the usual process?
Sometimes happens a lot worse. For example, almost half of present-day Germany was once inhabited by Slavic - they were completely assimilated, completely forgot their native names, language and religion. Similarly, the Germans assimilated Balto-Slavic tribe of Prussians.
I'm not saying its not normal, its same everywhere, I was just telling something I have read, since this thread is full of arguing I guess you take every post as potentially negative :D
I'm not saying its not normal, its same everywhere, I was just telling something I have read, since this thread is full of arguing I guess you take every post as potentially negative :D
Well, the assimilation of the conquered peoples and equating the rights to the majority nation - is in my opinion not a bad way to build Empire. There is another - American way - kill nearly one hundred percent of locals, and the remaining - to settle in rezervations.
Especially since in the case of Russia, the local population was not forcibly baptized by fire and sword and local languages, culture and beliefs were not destroyed. In Russia there are still millions of Muslims, Buddhists, and even primitive shamanic cults.
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Western Scythians are not Slavic, there is no proof suggest that.

The European Scythians look too similar to the Russian farmers, so it is hard to believe that they were not closely related to each other.

The Russian steppe zone was the homeland of many Indo-European tribes from the very beginning, but later it got occupied by the Turkic tribes after the invasion of Huns, while these Indo-European tribes were forced to retreat back to the Russian forest zone. Until the 16th century, the Russians have finally re-colonized the Russian steppe zone once again. And many Russians are actually the descendants of these steppe Indo-European tribes.




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Entire Europe is Indo-European, they looked like them is a not a proof.

Today, only Ossetians are generally accepted to be a descendents of Eurasian Scythians.

Original Homeland of the Slavs as far as I know accepted to be somewhere at north west of the Eurasian steppes.

Entire Europe is Indo-European, they looked like them is a not a proof.

Today, only Ossetians are generally accepted to be a descendents of Eurasian Scythians.

Most Indo-European speakers in Europe actually descended from the Indo-Europeanized aborigines, very few Western Europeans actually descended from the Proto-Indo-European tribes.

For example, a Sicilian also speaks the Indo-European language, but genetically he has nothing to do with the original Indo-Europeans.

Most genetic Indo-European descendants are the Slavic people in the East Europe.
Thats a subject I'm not much knowlodged, but I doubt your argument.

Plus all we know about the outlook of them is few visual sources which doesn't gives needed information, still no proof and as I said Slavic homeland is accepted to be north west of Eurasian stepes.
ITAR-TASS: Russia - Parliamentarians will ensure guarantees to Crimean Tatars in case of accession to Russia

Speaker of the State Duma says it is important that all residents of Crimea, all nationalities living on the peninsula, including Crimean Tatars, will take part in self-determination processes

Crimean Tatars protesting in Kiev

Lower house of Russian parliament forms observation mission at referendum in Crimea

MOSCOW, March 12. /ITAR-TASS/. If Crimea accedes to Russia, parliamentarians will support guarantees to Crimean Tatars, speaker of the State Duma, lower house of Russia’s parliament, Sergei Naryshkin said.

“If Crimean residents vote for the accession to Russia at a referendum, State Duma deputies will support and ensure guarantees to the Crimean Tatar people,” Naryshkin said.

“It is important that all residents of Crimea, all nationalities living on the peninsula, including Crimean Tatars, will take part in self-determination processes,” the Duma speaker said.

Crimean Tatars came through many trials. “Today there are chances to ensure inter-ethnic peace and accord, realize economic, social and political rights of Crimean Tatars in equality with other peoples living in the republic,” Naryshkin said.

“State Duma deputies laud the Crimean parliament’s resolution on guarantees and rights of Crimean Tatars. We can say in the past 70 years a document, which contains the serious obligations towards Crimean Tatars, was approved,” the Russian lawmaker said.

The resolution says the new Constitution of the Republic of Crimea will envision the following guarantees; giving the Crimean Tatar language the status of official language together with Russian and Ukrainian, representation of Crimean Tatars in district and town councils and other bodies, and recognition of national self-rule bodies of Crimean Tatars - Kurultai [the national congress] and the bodies it forms.
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