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Calculus created in India 250 years before Newton: study

Or maybe the day Muslims stop bragging about how technologically advanced their Arab masters were that they introduced everything from numerals to trigonometry, only to go and see in those countries everything being run by non-Arabs. :lol:

Arabs learnt those things from their Hindu-Buddhist ancestors,still they teach their kids that their ancestors had less scientific contribution compared to Arabs, Arabs taught them these things. :rofl::rofl:

Actually, one tends to have pity for these people.

A person with no self-respect, who considers his own ancestors as Jahils to be hated and considered enemies, whom some primitive, uncivilized nomads had to forcibly convert to overcome the jahiliya; who consider the people who raped, plundered and perpetrated genocide on their own land and ancestors, as heroes; people who try to assume an alternated identity and history only to be rebuffed by their Arab masters...

And they see it all falling apart.

If one could really see it dispassionately, they deserve pity more than contempt...
Hindus have invented very little especially considering they have been around for thousands of years and yet their country looks terrible, they have little achievements to show for. Of course, a few Hindus have made big names for themselves but when you consider they have been around for thousands of years they should have more to show for their existence.

Ah the Junior Troll Tank is back...!!!

At first let me tell you,call us Indians , not hindus - Yes there are Indian Muslims,Indian Christians,Indian Sikhs and Indian Parsis - who accept the common heritage they share with their Indian Hindu brothers...unlike you know who...:lol:

For your Information-Indians ( or hindus as you may like ) have given a lot of contribution to fields of physics,astronomy,mathematics and medicine - many like decimal number system,trigonometry,calculus,early heleocentric modes,ayurveda,surgery and there are maby more-numerous achievements.

Even in the modern world,it continues its tradition in these areas - heard of CV Raman,Srinivasa Ramunujan,Subramanium Chandrashekar,SN Bose,JC Bose,Homi Bhabha or Meghnad Saha??

My country is in a pathetic state?And look who is saying it....!!!
Last time I checked we had far better infrastructure and security situation here in India,last time in the ' Lahore should be developed like Delhi' thread,I had the oppertunity to show that Pakistans tier1 cities like Karachi is not even comparable with India's tier 2 or tier 3 cities in Infrastructure.....

Little achievements?

We are one among the best in Space research,having even put a payload on surface of the moon-We discovered water on the lunar surface,and Indian flag is permenantly imprinted on the Lunar Surface.
If thats not enough- We have built satellites for European customers,We are building a satellite navigation system and is gearing up for next mars and moon rover missions.On launch vehicle front -We are developing GSLV Mark 3 (that can put 10 tonnes to LEO),2000kN semi cryogenic engines and is also developing Reusable launch vehicles and have already ground tested scramjet engines.

As a citizen of a state that have not even put a nanosat to space on its own or built a usefull communication/earth observation sat- you have no right to critisize us.

We are among the best in Nuclear technology.We have developed 220 & 540 MW PHWR designs,our 700 MW one is nearing completion.
We are considered as number one in Thorium nuclear reactors - We have Advanced heavy water reactor (300MW) and Advanced Thorium reactor(600 MW) design.We are also ahead in fast breeder reactors.

And we are a part of ITER project too.

As a citizen of a state that cannot yet develop a commercial nuke reactor,there is nothing for you to say..

Go and check out the parts made by India for Large Hadron Collider,our contribution to projects like ITER.Let me tell you- There are only a few countries that have achievements and infra like Superconduucting Cyclotrons,Synchrotrons,Hypersonic Wind Tunnels and Hypersonic shock tunnels.

As a citizen of a state that cant even develop a 70 cc moped engine,you have no right to critisize.

But for a guy who often posts things like 'Pakistan have much better nuclear weapons and delivery systems than India ' or 'Pakistan can be first country to develop a fusion reactor '....I dont expect much of IQ or comprehension skills.
^Indian fraud I am not going to bother reading your propaganda and distorted Indian mythological history. Too bad you took the time to write such a long essay...
^Indian fraud I am not going to bother reading your propaganda and distorted Indian mythological history. Too bad you took the time to write such a long essay...

:lol: @ Pakistani complaining about propoganda.

You are a very typical Pakistani-none of what I said is mythological-everything I said is written in ancient texts-from trigonometry to Ayurveda.

And how is Indian Scientists,Nuclear & Space mission related to mythology?? :omghaha:

Yeah right,everything is Indian propaganda-when we say India discovered water on moon,India is a member of ITER project...you know its propoganda...:omghaha:

Yeah,and enjoy your Denial....:lol:..Meanwhile I guess Pakistan has perfected fusion reactors :lol:
^Indian fraud I am not going to bother reading your propaganda and distorted Indian mythological history. Too bad you took the time to write such a long essay...

Here some more facts for you.

Psychology Dictionary - Dictionary of Psychology Terms


known as Abu Ali Sina Balkhi (Persian: ابوعلی سینا بلخى) or Ibn Sina (Persian: ابن سینا) and commonly known in English by his Latinized name Avicenna (Greek: Aβιτζιανός),(born c. 980 near Bukhara, contemporary Uzbekistan, died 1037 in Hamedan in modern Iran) was a Persian polymath and the foremost physician and philosopher of his time. He was also an astronomer, chemist, geologist, logician, paleontologist, mathematician, physicist, poet, psychologist, scientist, soldier, statesman, and teacher.

Ibn Sīnā wrote almost 450 treatises on a wide range of subjects, of which around 240 have survived. In particular, 150 of his surviving treatises concentrate on philosophy and 40 of them concentrate on medicine. His most famous works are The Book of Healing, a vast philosophical and scientific encyclopaedia, and The Canon of Medicine, which was a standard medical text at many medieval universities. The Canon of Medicine was used as a text-book in the universities of Montpellier and Louvain as late as 1650.Ibn Sīnā developed a medical system that combined his own personal experience with that of Islamic medicine, the medical system of the Greek physician Galen,Aristotelian metaphysics (Avicenna was one of the main interpreters of Aristotle), and ancient Persian, Mesopotamian and Indian medicine. He was also the founder of Avicennian logic and the philosophical school of Avicennism, which were influential among both Muslim and Scholastic thinkers.

Ibn Sīnā is regarded as a father of early modern medicine, and clinical pharmacology particularly for his introduction of systematic experimentation and quantification into the study of physiology, his discovery of the contagious nature of infectious diseases, the introduction of quarantine to limit the spread of contagious diseases, the introduction of experimental medicine, evidence-based medicine, clinical trials, randomized controlled trials, efficacy tests, clinical pharmacology, neuropsychiatry, risk factor analysis, and the idea of a syndrome, and the importance of dietetics and the influence of climate and environment on health. He is also considered the father of the fundamental concept of momentum in physics, and regarded as a pioneer of aromatherapy for his invention of steam distillation and extraction of essential oils. He also developed the concept of uniformitarianism and law of superposition in geology.

George Sarton, an author of the history of science, wrote in the Introduction to the History of Science:

"One of the most famous exponents of Muslim universalism and an eminent figure in Islamic learning was Ibn Sina, known in the West as Avicenna (981-1037). For a thousand years he has retained his original renown as one of the greatest thinkers and medical scholars in history. His most important medical works are the Qanun (Canon) and a treatise on Cardiac drugs. The 'Qanun fi-l-Tibb' is an immense encyclopedia of medicine. It contains some of the most illuminating thoughts pertaining to distinction of mediastinitis from pleurisy; contagious nature of phthisis; distribution of diseases by water and soil; careful description of skin troubles; of sexual diseases and perversions; of nervous ailments."


Medicine and pharmacology :

Though the threads which comprise Unani healing can be traced all the way back to Claudius Galenus of Pergamum, who lived in the second century of the Christian Era, the basic knowledge of Unani medicine as a healing system was developed by Hakim Ibn Sina in his medical encyclopedia The Canon of Medicine. The time of origin is thus dated at circa 1025 AD, when Avicenna wrote The Canon of Medicine in Persia. While he was primarily influenced by Greek and Islamic medicine, he was also influenced by the Indian medical teachings of Sushruta and Charaka.

The Canon of Medicine :

About 100 treatises were ascribed to Ibn Sina. Some of them are tracts of a few pages, others are works extending through several volumes. The best-known amongst them, and that to which Ibn Sina owed his European reputation, is his 14-volume The Canon of Medicine, which was a standard medical text in Europe and the Islamic world up until the 18th century. The book is known for its introduction of systematic experimentation and quantification into the study of physiology, the discovery of contagious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases, the introduction of quarantine to limit the spread of infectious diseases, the introduction of experimental medicine, clinical trials, neuropsychiatry, risk factor analysis, and the idea of a syndrome in the diagnosis of specific diseases, and hypothesized the existence of microrganisms. It classifies and describes diseases, and outlines their assumed causes. Hygiene, simple and complex medicines, and functions of parts of the body are also covered. In this, Ibn Sīnā is credited as being the first to correctly document the anatomy of the human eye, along with descriptions of eye afflictions such as cataracts. It asserts that tuberculosis was contagious, which was later disputed by Europeans, but turned out to be true. It also describes the symptoms and complications of diabetes. Both forms of facial paralysis were described in-depth. In addition, the workings of the heart as a valve are described.

The Canon of Medicine was the first book dealing with experimental medicine, evidence-based medicine, randomized controlled trials, and efficacy tests, and it laid out the following rules and principles for testing the effectiveness of new drugs and medications, which still form the basis of clinical pharmacology and modern clinical trials :

"The drug must be free from any extraneous accidental quality."

"It must be used on a simple, not a composite, disease."

"The drug must be tested with two contrary types of diseases, because sometimes a drug cures one disease by Its essential qualities and another by its accidental ones."

"The quality of the drug must correspond to the strength of the disease. For example, there are some drugs whose heat is less than the coldness of certain diseases, so that they would have no effect on them."

"The time of action must be observed, so that essence and accident are not confused."

"The effect of the drug must be seen to occur constantly or in many cases, for if this did not happen, it was an accidental effect."

"The experimentation must be done with the human body, for testing a drug on a lion or a horse might not prove anything about its effect on man."

An Arabic edition of the Canon appeared at Rome in 1593, and a Hebrew version at Naples in 1491. Of the Latin version there were about thirty editions, founded on the original translation by Gerard de Sabloneta. In the 15th century a commentary on the text of the Canon was composed. Other medical works translated into Latin are the Medicamenta Cordialia, Canticum de Medicina, and the Tractatus de Syrupo Acetoso. It was mainly accident which determined that from the 12th to the 18th century, Ibn Sīnā should be the guide of medical study in European universities, and eclipse the names of Rhazes, Ali ibn al-Abbas and Averroes. His work is not essentially different from that of his predecessor Rhazes, because he presented the doctrine of Galen, and through Galen the doctrine of Hippocrates, modified by the system of Aristotle, as well as the Indian doctrines of Sushruta and Charaka. But the Canon of Ibn Sīnā is distinguished from the Al-Hawi (Continens) or Summary of Rhazes by its greater method, due perhaps to the logical studies of the former. The work has been variously appreciated in subsequent ages, some regarding it as a treasury of wisdom, and others, like Averroes, holding it useful only as waste paper. In modern times it has been mainly of historic interest as most of its tenets have been disproved or expanded upon by scientific medicine. The vice of the book is excessive classification of bodily faculties, and over-subtlety in the discrimination of diseases. It includes five books; of which the first and second discuss physiology, pathology and hygiene, the third and fourth deal with the methods of treating disease, and the fifth describes the composition and preparation of remedies. This last part contains some personal observations. AVICENNIAN PSYCHOLOGY : In Muslim psychology and the neurosciences, Avicenna was a pioneer of neuropsychiatry. He first described numerous neuropsychiatric conditions, including hallucination, insomnia, mania, nightmare, melancholia, dementia, epilepsy, paralysis, stroke, vertigo and tremor.

Avicenna was also a pioneer in psychophysiology and psychosomatic medicine. He recognized 'physiological psychology' in the treatment of illnesses involving emotions, and developed a system for associating changes in the pulse rate with inner feelings, which is seen as an anticipation of the word association test attributed to Carl Jung. Avicenna is reported to have treated a very ill patient by "feeling the patient's pulse and reciting aloud to him the names of provinces, districts, towns, streets, and people." He noticed how the patient's pulse increased when certain names were mentioned, from which Avicenna deduced that the patient was in love with a girl whose home Avicenna was "able to locate by the digital examination." Avicenna advised the patient to marry the girl he is in love with, and the patient soon recovered from his illness after his marriage.

Avicenna's legacy in classical psychology is primarily embodied in the Kitab al-nafs parts of his Kitab al-shifa' (The Book of Healing) and Kitab al-najat (The Book of Deliverance). These were known in Latin under the title De Anima (treatises "on the soul"). The main thesis of these tracts is represented in his so-called "flying man" argument, which resonates with what was centuries later entailed by Descartes's cogito argument (or what phenomenology designates as a form of an "epoche"). In the The Canon of Medicine, Avicenna dealt with neuropsychiatry and described a number of neuropsychiatric conditions, including melancholia. He described melancholia as a depressive type of mood disorder in which the person may become suspicious and develop certain types of phobias.
I know. Nothing personal, just that you can't have both. ;)

Yes, the world accredits Newton and I have nothing against it. If the facts prove otherwise, it takes nothing away from his greatness.

There have been plenty of smart people all over the world. Some of the genius (especially of the Eastern world) has not been fully appreciated yet because of the world order of the last few centuries. It can and will change.
Perhaps, and the Indian who came up with it was certainly a genius. But it will NEVER change the fact that calculus became a useful tool after Newton. Western civilization could completely disappear....still won't alter that fact.
none of my post is racist.remove your biased glares and see it for yourself.
it's your pakistani brethren who are racists and are calling me african and other things.
first you try to act funny and then when you have nothing to counter you turn into a racists
and don't tell me what to do

First of all you started to make irrelevant and condescending posts about muslims in this thread "2 attacks on ships in Suez Canal" which led to hostility from pakistanis. Second of all don't compare me with those racist people. I am not one of them. I can stay things like those but that's not my style.I don't single out an entire race because of a few idiots.
YOU on the other hand claim pakistanis are slaves to arabs. Which has nothing to do with this thread.You are not fighting Indophobia you are discriminating here. This thread was mislead by someone who waves the flags of india and Usa who people believe is a pakistani. Now until they can't prove if he is a false flagger or not.They should keep pakistan outta it because this thread is not related to that. Plus I'll stay outta your way if you are only fighting Indophobia here without bigotry.
Perhaps, and the Indian who came up with it was certainly a genius. But it will NEVER change the fact that calculus became a useful tool after Newton. Western civilization could completely disappear....still won't alter that fact.

You can't be absolutely sure of this. There is a lot in history that needs to be discovered and much of it may never be discovered at all.

There are many achievements of the ancient world that can't be explained by the knowledge people think was available at that point. There was no knowledge of gravity yet you had large canals built with the correct slope that you can't do today without taking it into account. Many great structures, musical pillars in Indian temples that would require highly advanced knowledge of acoustics and much more.

No one is contesting the great achievements of Newton or other Western Scientists and also the fact that these tools and knowledge have become more widely available and much more widely used after these great Scientists.

Yet, they may have been discovered and used as "useful tools" in the past by various ancient civilizations. Human brain was as smart 5000 years back as it is now.

Human knowledge has increased tremendously in the last 2-3 decades in several areas. There may have been such a burst of creativity and knowledge in the past as well. I don't see why it is impossible. We need to have an open mind.
Yes, the Indians invented Calculus, except they don't called it calculus, they called it cunnalingus.

And we did that cunnalingus using our pet dogs on you! You know everything needs a test subject, so fair enough! ;)
Did they lick up nice?G-spot hit? :what:

Nothing new, already predicted by Sir ZH

Oh yes the soothsayer, ZH who said in 5 months you will sit on moon and every decision being made in this earth will be decided by you great :P
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