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CAG picks holes in LCA project, says it fails to meet IAF

Honestly no trolling

But i knew this
Pakistanis knew this
Pakistani military knew this
Indian military knew this

The only people who dont know this is indian fan boys

Best of luck for the Mark 2 which from the article looks to be ready by 2018

"MK2 ready by 2018" ? That's why CAGs assessment are out dated . New deadline for induction of first MK2 will be 2022 . And Point made on EW suit are valid but MK1.5 version is also under construction. Which will have MK1 upgraded with EW suits . Rest all are true .Heavyweight than planned , less internal load capacity reduced speed etc as mentioned . But still LCA is better than JF 17 in thrust to weight ratio , playload capacity avionics . Just to give you an idea .

But above all will be overcome by MK2 version. And India have no choice buy to induct MK1 and later upgrade them to MK2 version . Pylon jamming pods of Mig 21 did great job during 2004 war games. So MK1 can be used against its challenger J17 and with over whelming numbers can come into play. MK2 is rumored to be built from scratch

I won't say there is nothing to worry after all tejas was not only a replacement of mig21 but supposed to be leap ahead of MIGs . Which yet to be achieved . But all these problems can be sorted out . ADA and DRDO is a mess . Shame on some people who comes in at 10 AM and Leaves sharp at 5 PM ( in between breaks and chitchats shits ) as if they work for Govt Ration shop. This attitude must change or change those who can't change their Chalta Hai attitude. This is national security and public money involved . These scientists should lead as an example of patriotism not a lame duck lazy babu's . Don't let alone HAL . They are equally culpable. Even though politicians have played their share in messing up things the real responsibility lies with ADA DRDO HAL and other PSUs.

Who cares? They are both third rate planes that don't even have the one and only thing that matters in a fighter jet
Hint: three letter word, starts with d

??? 4 letter word ? What's that 3 letter word starts with D ? Don! Din! What's was that

Sure but how have you spent 4 decades developing a plane which is essentially all foreign made and sourced parts
You need to make one plan to understand that.
Even Media Perceptions is All Matters for PDF Experts it was always in Case of Indians hope Parameters not changed When Situation Reversed
Did Chinese media agree that Tejas is technological superior aircraft then JF-17 ? | idrw.org

Is there any difference between "finding problems in a platform" and "having one platform superior on specs"?. Which Chinese officials have said that? What you are reffering to is a blog post analysis by an Indian and with a Question Mark at the end of his own analysis which speaks level of confidence he has. You've got a great reference mate... not!
In BVR or WVR combat? And such exercises are not held to determine which air force is superior or inferior. These kind of exercises are held to share tactics and operational experience. But never mind, IAF has an edge over USAF because IAF has the mighty Mig-21. :crazy:

I told ya before, dont shoot the messenger. :enjoy:

Yes, yes why not. Dare I say anything negative about the quality of IAF?

My post has nothing to do with quality of IAF. I am a big fan of F15 series. With over a 100 AA kills without losses, its record is 2nd to none. But it never met its adversery in a actual combat scenario which is the russian Sukhoi27. And Sukhoi27 series have beaten F15 in various mock combats even though odds were placed highly favourable to F15. Thats to a fact.
We all know about these short coming. Hence LCA Mkii project has been undertaken. There are so much room for improvements. Still a better fighter than mig 21. So must be inducted in numbers. Will play its role well in point defence.

By the time MKII is ready, it will be obsolete. India is master of creating weapons its own arm force would reject.
a wise man knows when to walk away from something, its' time you guys take this white elephant behind the bar and shoot in the head.

Not only that, IAF would be "constrained" to induct the fighter LCA without availability of a trainer model, thereby "adversely impacting pilot training", the audit body said in a report tabled in Parliament.

The CAG noted that it was due to the delay in the manufacture and supply of LCA that IAF had to go for alternative temporary measures such as upgrading its MIG BIS, MiG-29, Jaguar, and Mirage aircraft at a cost of Rs 20,037 crore and revise the phasing out of MiG-21s.

Listing the shortcomings, the CAG said that the LCA Mark-I fails to meet the electronic warfare capabilities sought by IAF as the Self-Protection Jammer could not be fitted on the aircraft due to space constraints.

Also, it said that the Radar Warning Receiver/Counter Measure Dispensing System fitted on the aircraft had raised performance concerns which are yet to be overcome (January 2015).

The LCA Mark-I, which got Initial Operational Clearance in December, 2013, significantly falls short (20 permanent waivers/33 temporary concessions) in meeting the Air Staff Requirement (ASR), the CAG said, adding that that has led to reduced operational capabilities and survivability and, consequently, its operational employability.

It added that the shortcomings in the Mark-I (increased weight, reduced internal fuel capacity, non-compliance of fuel system protection, pilot protection from front, reduced speed) are expected to be overcome in the Mark-II model.

"LCA Mark-I does not meet the ASR. The deficiencies are now expected to be met in LCA Mark-II by December 2018," the CAG said.

While DRDO has always showcased LCA, christened Tejas, as an indigenously-developed aircraft and the indigenous content of the LCA was estimated by ADA to be 70 per cent, the CAG said it "actually worked out to about 35 per cent" as of January this year.

Systems such as Kaveri engine, Multi-Mode Radar, Radome, Multi-Functional Display System and Flight Control System Actuators taken up for indigenous development could not be developed successfully, resulting in LCA's continued dependence on the import of these systems, CAG said.

IAF had proposed in the early 1980s that a new aircraft be developed to replace the MiG-21 fleet,
manufactured during 1966 and 1987, after its phasing out in the 1990s.
CAG picks holes in LCA project, says it fails to meet IAF | Business Standard News
a wise man knows when to walk away from something, its' time you guys take this white elephant behind the bar and shoot in the head.
This white elephant is still way head from its contemporary jf-17.According ASR parameters of which your gloating about mentioned in article For Iaf, Jf-17 is even below LCA With subs standard engine thrust,Deisgn, EW , Composite materials and Life cost operation worthiness .

Iaf operational budget is over 10 times of the Paf and its requirements too.

Following is old report is only talks about LCA not meeting IAf ASr requirements in IoC that's doesn't mean problems cannot be addressed.New Serial production Lca's are handed over to IAf have addressed most of these shortcomings.
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a wise man knows when to walk away from something, its' time you guys take this white elephant behind the bar and shoot in the head.
Do you even know what you talking still another wise man said Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Do you even know what you talking still another wise man said Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Sir,why you never face wrath of mods here :P
It is time Government take external help in making Tejas potent. SAAB has already offered its services. As Gipen and Tejas are similar kind of fighters, I think government should form a JV with SAAB to redesign the whole Tejas from scratch
Get rid of the Tejas for heaven's sake. It is a yesterday's fighter which has no room for the modern day air war. And those of you keyboard patriots who keep defending Tejas then let me remind you this is the age of 5th gen aircraft. And in any cases air forces are equipping themselves with 4.5 gen aircraft.

A tejas will not be the same caliber as Typhoon or Rafale for the simple logic that a 7 tonne aircraft cannot carry the load of a heavier twin-engined aircraft. Tejas is a joke against F-16 itself which PAF fields and will use as front line attack aircraft. How long will tejas survive against F-16 Blk 52?

Tejas is history. And if you keyboard nationalists are so desperate to see an Indian build aircraft then wait for AMCA.

I think government should form a JV with SAAB to redesign the whole Tejas from scratch

And how much time and money do you think it will cost? Indian defence budget is 40 billion dollars. It is divided among army, navy, air force. And this budget includes everything from infra, training, equipment, maintenance, replacement and other host of things.

How much money out of that 40 billion dollars do you think can be devoted to re-start LCA from scratch?
Get rid of the Tejas for heaven's sake. It is a yesterday's fighter which has no room for the modern day air war. And those of you keyboard patriots who keep defending Tejas then let me remind you this is the age of 5th gen aircraft. And in any cases air forces are equipping themselves with 4.5 gen aircraft.

A tejas will not be the same caliber as Typhoon or Rafale for the simple logic that a 7 tonne aircraft cannot carry the load of a heavier twin-engined aircraft. Tejas is a joke against F-16 itself which PAF fields and will use as front line attack aircraft. How long will tejas survive against F-16 Blk 52?

Tejas is history. And if you keyboard nationalists are so desperate to see an Indian build aircraft then wait for AMCA.

And how much time and money do you think it will cost? Indian defence budget is 40 billion dollars. It is divided among army, navy, air force. And this budget includes everything from infra, training, equipment, maintenance, replacement and other host of things.

How much money out of that 40 billion dollars do you think can be devoted to re-start LCA from scratch?

What options you have? India has to have an indigenous fighter platform. Moreover, LCA is a capital expenditure projects, meaning the expenditure will be spread across years. So money is not the problem. LCA has to be sorted out.

And F 16 are vintage planes. They don't possess much of a threat to India.
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