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CAG picks holes in LCA project, says it fails to meet IAF

Indians drool over IITs and whatnot .. but reality is those from IIT need a guidance from a white man to excel. Leave it to themselves, they are as good as LCA :lol:

IIT's and IIM's are certainly not the best - but their students are - The IIT's turn out good students because those who get in are good to begin with. On average, fewer than two out of every one hundred who appear for the entrance exam for IIT's get admission. If you were to choose the top two percent of any population, the average quality of that group will be a few sigmas higher than the population average. Harvard accepted 5.9% of applicants. Top engineering schools MIT and Stanford had acceptance rates of 8.9% and 6.63%. Admission to IITs is extremely difficult. Only the top 2% of the applicants are admitted and to get into a decent department, about half a percent is a reasonable corresponding figure.

But again ultimately it boils down to an individuals own talent - University of Mumbai has produced more billionaires than MIT, NYU and LSE for that matter -

How Can the University of Mumbai Produce More Billionaires than IIT? - India Real Time - WSJ

Secondly IITians hardly opt for public sector - May it be ISRO, DRDO, BARC or other public sector research organizations - Only 2% of ISRO employees are from IIT's most of them post grads or PhD's NOT the undergrads who are considered the best - worst is the case with DRDO where there is a shortage of HR let alone hiring from top institutes -

Only 2% of ISRO employees are from IIT and less than 0.5% from NIT - OnlineRTI : india
Why aren't IITians interested in government organizations like DRDO, ISRO etc? - Quora
India's mammoth defence worry, DRDO faces shortage of 2,776 scientists

As far as that "white man" is concerned - India is home to some 56 of the world’s 2000 largest and most powerful public companies.

India home to 56 of the world’s 2000 powerful companies: Forbes - The Hindu

India created over 100,000 jobs in US - India is the largest private sector employer in the United Kingdom -

Indian investment in US touches $11 billion creates 100, 000 jobs - The Times of India
John Kerry praises 'Tata' for creating jobs in US - The Times of India
Ratan Tata, the UK's largest private sector employer, steps down - The Foreign Desk - Our Voices - The Independent

And then we have stereotypes such as "Indian companies prefer hiring Indians over foreigners" or that "white man" for that matter - I wonder if it is really the case of the requirement of a white man to excel?

Indian IT firms hire few U.S. workers | Computerworld
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Finally an official stamp that LCA is a toothless impotent machine, with dozens of flaws and short comings.

Nearly 3.5 decades of tall claims licking dust.
Finally an official stamp that LCA is a toothless impotent machine, with dozens of flaws and short comings.

Nearly 3.5 decades of tall claims licking dust.
What do you think would happen if you got the CAG to do a study on your jet?
I shudder to think what would happen

Think about it.. You guys have dating sites and matrimonials for people specifically graduating from IITs.As more lesser indians are getting the chance now, we have non-IITians excelling here as well.. Like Satya Nadella etc.

Yet we have no Satya Nadellas and Indira Nooyis or for that matter any large multi national headed by an IITian .. nor do we have any indigenous R&D labs being headed by them ..

The bottomline is, any Indian, IITian, non-IITian can come over, compete with Americans, and kick their fat asses.

And as for "dating sites and matrimonials for people specifically graduating from "
I can't think of any that are popular. With good reason, not that you would guess why.
Indians have long kept insisting LCA is the super duper 4++ gen fighter, with advance avionics, advance EW, advance composite, and whatnot. Turns out it's all on paper. Indians' bad design and bad manufacture capability kept ruin their wishful thinking. Tejas is just another case of Arjunk in the sky, becoming the sky junk.
The bottomline is, any Indian, IITian, non-IITian can come over, compete with Americans, and kick their fat asses.

And as for "dating sites and matrimonials for people specifically graduating from "
I can't think of any that are popular. With good reason, not that you would guess why.

Americans for a fact are far more health conscious than indians. Anyways, my point was not a anti IIT rhetoric as your reply makes it sound but I was putting thing in perspective.

As for competing with fat asses are concerned, I have interviewed both your IIM and IIT grads and I know their calibre.
Yes, because in war the LCA will only face JF-17 and other jets will ignore them.

For the last 30 years only improvement is happening.
Sorry in war jf17 will face SU30s, Rafales and Jaguars LCA is not meant for front line fight..so pray to God
Sorry in war jf17 will face SU30s, Rafales and Jaguars LCA is not meant for front line fight..so pray to God

Yes, because before every war it is signed in contract which aircraft will face off against which enemy aircraft.

What is your academic qualification?
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