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But what if Imran Khan has it all wrong?

Since many in Pakistan believe that the TTP is doing RAW's bidding, does that make Imran Khan just another Indian agent?
Well i dont think so i think he just need to get his brain checked looks like UK liquor is showing its affects on him.
He always have supported ttp....
He never said a word in favor of army operation...only his party did....

He feels ttp represents pashtoons and childern of APS perhaps sons of dogs and bitches and shud have been slaughtered more
Pakistan held talks between Taliban and Afghan govt in Islamabad.

same month..

Taliban, Afghan government talk 'peace' in Islamabad - The Express Tribune

and like always military likes to control things.. I bet Nawaz has no say in it like the rest of foreign policy is also controled by the military.

PESHAWAR: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan has again reiterated his stance that negotiations with the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) should be initiated.

“If America can negotiate with the Afghan Taliban, Pakistan and Afghanistan should also negotiate with them (Taliban),” said Imran while speaking to the media after meeting members of Army Public School (APS) Shuhada Forum.

Imran announced the observance of a minute of silence on December 16 to honour the victims of APS Peshawar. He also announced the formation of a committee to negotiate on behalf of APS Shuhada Forum with the federal government.

The committee would take up demands of the forum and will request the government to make December 16 a national holiday in honour of APS victims. It would also request the federal government to bestow Nishan-e-Haider on those who were killed in the attack.

Imran also highlighted the dangers faced by Muslim countries from groups such as the Daesh or the self-styled Islamic State (IS).

Imran Khan had said early last year that Taliban did not want to enforce Shariah in the country at gunpoint but wanted to liberate it from a US led war.

Imran Khan still backs talks with TTP - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

there is no harm in peace talks, everybdy does that, all around the world where sanity prevails, oh look at Cuba,USA, Iran and USA, Taliban and Afghan Govt.
Did he mention TTP specifically? Or just Talibans ? both are different btw.

actually he never mentioned taliban or ttp. he only mentioned that that our stance has been vindicated as pakistan hosted talks between taliban and afghan govt.

I jst watched the presser, this is just wwwdawn.com manipulating words.

When it comes to TTP - Mr Khan is a moron.

easy tiger, dont get confused.
There can be NO talks with TTP.

I do not know that how on earth Dawn has added TTP by its own or Imran Khan has actually TTP?
He is a bloody moron. I swear if he had said it infront of me i would have slapped the $hit out of this amateur MILF.
Totally False Propaganda

he was talking about afghan Taliban listen to his press conference he said that usa is now endorsing talks with afghan taliban and he said nothing about talks with ttp .again dawn news twisted reporting

Express reported:

July 22th 2015

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan on Wednesday welcomed dialogue between Afghan Taliban and the government in Kabul saying such issues could only be resolved on the table.

US diplomat Richard Holbrooke was also a supporter of resolving the Taliban issue through talks,” he added.

Here is the link to the news:

Imran welcomes dialogue with Taliban - The Express Tribune

@Jango @Jungibaaz @WebMaster @Horus

kindly delete or stop this thread Imran Khan was talking about afghan Taliban as evident from express tribue report .i also provided the link

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Afghan peace talks justify my stand: Imran - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Every one know what was his stand.
And this was his stand
Imran Khan: ‘We need to talk to the Taliban. War is no solution’ - Asia - World - The Independent

Totally False Propaganda

he was talking about afghan Taliban listen to his press conference he said that usa is now endorsing talks with afghan taliban and he said nothing about talks with ttp .again dawn news twisted reporting

Express reported:

Here is the link to the news:

Imran welcomes dialogue with Taliban - The Express Tribune

@Jango @Jungibaaz

kindly delete or stop this thread Imran Khan was talking about afghan Taliban as evident from express tribue report .i also provided the link

Stop crying like little girls and get some guts to feel the heat.
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