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But what if Imran Khan has it all wrong?

Really you are free to believe what ever you want no body can do nothing about your hilarious delusions but Tribals have to be taken on board and not with the attitude which some members are showing here that will only piss them of.

We have already *** them off. What heavens have fallen? They won't be allowed any illaqa-e-ghair or terrorist economy anymore. The sooner they understand, the better for them. Terrorists have been produced and sheletered inside the tribal belt for long, the state of Pakistan will not allow that to continue anymore.

I remember your "threats". I remember the delusions of "war for thousand years" and "rivers of blood" if action is taken against Taliban. What happened?
We have already *** them off. What heavens have fallen? They won't be allowed any illaqa-e-ghair or terrorist economy anymore. The sooner they understand, the better for them. Terrorists have been produced and sheletered inside the tribal belt for long, the state of Pakistan will not allow that to continue anymore.

I remember your "threats". I remember the delusions of "war for thousand years" and "rivers of blood" if action is taken against Taliban. What happened?
Nothing happened you have lost 90000 people in this war nothing much happened and till now TTP leaders are roaming alive and you are not even doing hot pursuit even after APS attack ? In fact now you are bringing Afghan Taliban and Afghan Government on talks. At least bother to kill Fazlullah and Omer Khalid Khurasani.
Had this post been posted 1 year back then there would have been something to discuss about but frankly speaking after the commencement of Zarb e Azab and especially after APS attack,he has been a vocal supporter of operation against not only TTP but all the terror outfits...

Right now discussing this issue is like beating a dead horse...I would say much ado about nothing

Basically, with outright failure of his 'dharna', he was left with no other option but to salute the uniform. However he may speak, in private, of the men who wear that uniform is another matter altogether.
Nothing happened you have lost 90000 people in this war nothing much happened and till now TTP leaders are roaming alive and you are not even doing hot pursuit even after APS attack ? In fact now you are bringing Afghan Taliban and Afghan Government on talks. At least bother to kill Fazlullah and Omer Khalid Khurasani.

Everything happened. The capacity of your brethren to attack effectively or pursue any other operation has been reduced to a near halt. There are no safe grounds for TTP left anymore. What good are leaders without foot soldoers? The next step would be to, well, take action against all Madarsas involved in creating radicalized SOB's. In fact, we don't even wish talk today with the leaders of Pakistani Taliban that want negotiation now. What does that tell you?

And ninety thousand seriously? I would ask for a source but then again, your local Mullah wouldn't have told you that.
Everything happened. The capacity of your brethren to attack effectively or pursue any other operation has been reduced to a near halt. There are no safe grounds for TTP left anymore. What good are leaders without foot soldoers? The next step would be to, well, take action against all Madarsas involved in creating radicalized SOB's. In fact, we don't even wish talk today with the leaders of Pakistani Taliban that want negotiation now. What does that tell you?
TTP members hardly had people from Madrssass Mr still got it all wrong. Yes we don't want to talk off course I believe you Sir. Now stop wasting my time
TTP members hardly had people from Madrssass Mr still got it all wrong. Yes we don't want to talk off course I believe you Sir. Now stop wasting my time

Nah, they were American agents, come on. Taking a detour from the usual stand, are we? Foreign agents alike, living in our midst. I loved that fantasy story, I still do! :D
As far as I know, Imran Khan was pushing for negotiation with those who were ready to lay down their arms.What he has been against is the blind use of force that inevitably results in collateral damage and only exacerbates the problem.

While I am all for not showing any mercy to the TTP scumbags and its only natural that APS massacre of children or the killing of our soldiers boils our blood, one also needs to remember that force alone is not the end solution.

Zarb-e-Azb is no doubt a success but just like every military operation, it has to have an end date.

TTP is a foreign tool, it was created to wreak havoc in Pakistan which it did for many years. Fodder is always the extremely gullible local pashtun who can be manipulated with surprising ease. However, the will is not political, atleast not local and so there is no point in even consideration that they be reasoned with.

Some demonic creatures are meant to be made example of, in the most cruel manner possible.
PESHAWAR: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan has again reiterated his stance that negotiations with the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) should be initiated.

“If America can negotiate with the Afghan Taliban, Pakistan and Afghanistan should also negotiate with them (Taliban),” said Imran while speaking to the media after meeting members of Army Public School (APS) Shuhada Forum.

Imran announced the observance of a minute of silence on December 16 to honour the victims of APS Peshawar. He also announced the formation of a committee to negotiate on behalf of APS Shuhada Forum with the federal government.

The committee would take up demands of the forum and will request the government to make December 16 a national holiday in honour of APS victims. It would also request the federal government to bestow Nishan-e-Haider on those who were killed in the attack.

Imran also highlighted the dangers faced by Muslim countries from groups such as the Daesh or the self-styled Islamic State (IS).

Imran Khan had said early last year that Taliban did not want to enforce Shariah in the country at gunpoint but wanted to liberate it from a US led war.

Imran Khan still backs talks with TTP - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Did he mention TTP specifically? Or just Talibans ? both are different btw.
So who else should Pakistan negotiate with? Afghan taliban? Obviously its TTP he's talking about.

Oh! Shame on him then..

Edit: Just Read this.

“If America can negotiate with the Afghan Taliban, Pakistan and Afghanistan should also negotiate with them (Taliban),” said Imran while speaking to the media after meeting members of Army Public School (APS) Shuhada Forum.
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