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But what if Imran Khan has it all wrong?

IK is a amateur politician & he does not think on time or when it is required. He thinks later when all is over & because of this he is always surrounded by problems.


The thing with Imran Khan is that you know who he is---there are no surprise---. If he makes an about turn on this issue of the TTP and talking to the terrorists----and agrees that military action it is to the end---lay down the arms un-conditionally before any talks and those who executed the soldiers in horrendous manner will be executed---then he the leader that Pakistan need.

He also needs to change his rhetoric about the U S as well.
Blindly labeled? He is an open IK and PTI'er, so what should I call him, an MQM supporter. The funny thing here is, that many of MQM'ers here declare they are not supporters of party but go to great lengths to defend AH and his idiotic behavior.

Why does the reference to PTI need to be made here?

I am a PTI supporter, so why do two PTI supporters have different stances then?

That surely means that his stance or my stance isn't due to PTI.

So your reference becomes useless and nothing but a flame bait.
A long list of excuses.. oh! and btw, you're sitting behind a computer too. Unless you're under a rock somewhere in North Waziristan Agency, your argument that I'm sitting behind a computer and so not aware of 'real world' situations, is just utter nonsense. The enemy may not wear a uniform but Pakistan Army does and Pakistan is a signatory to Geneva Conventions. So quit making excuses and if u're not happy with Geneva Conventions or think its not 'convenient' for you or Pakistan Army to respect and adhere to those conventions, please take Pakistan's signature back from those conventions and quit parading around as a 'democracy'.

Nyet, a long list of deviations of real world from the ideal world you think you live in. Didn't you read my post? I think I mentioned something that sort in the first two lines. I have faced the war first hand (like almost all Pakistanis) sitting in Karachi, are you aware that the conflict affected most areas of this country and wasn't limited to the tribal belt as you seem to think?

Abide by International laws one hundred percent and be absolutely fair? Come on, who does that anymore? Why don't you come back to earth and we can continue this discussion? :D Because the way I see it, you are unnecessarily rooting for humanity to inhuman creatures and none here will agree to that. The point is we won't ever adhere or find it convienient to follow it (for these terrorists), if you have a problem with it, feel free to travel to Hague or pressurize your Govt. Don't bother with "human rights" or "laws" here, you won't find any takers.


The thing with Imran Khan is that you know who he is---there are no surprise---. If he makes an about turn on this issue of the TTP and talking to the terrorists----and agrees that military action it is to the end---lay down the arms un-conditionally before any talks and those who executed the soldiers in horrendous manner will be executed---then he the leader that Pakistan need.

He also needs to change his rhetoric about the U S as well.

The thing with IK is that he doesn't know what the hell is he talking about at all times. He's the polite version (relatively) of AH. And having said that, I think no explanations are necessary for a leader who tows both the opposing lines of "negotiations" and "operation" concurrently.
Had this post been posted 1 year back then there would have been something to discuss about but frankly speaking after the commencement of Zarb e Azab and especially after APS attack,he has been a vocal supporter of operation against not only TTP but all the terror outfits...

Right now discussing this issue is like beating a dead horse...I would say much ado about nothing

Surprisingly... TTP is very influential over all political parties.
The APC was a glaring hint of it. Which provided an opportunity to foreign fighters, cross back into the safe side of border, again which is controlled by Tajiks and Iranians having Afghan passport, funded by US.
Why does the reference to PTI need to be made here?

I am a PTI supporter, so why do two PTI supporters have different stances then?

That surely means that his stance or my stance isn't due to PTI.

So your reference becomes useless and nothing but a flame bait.

Because a shared characteristic present among most PTI supporters is blind faith and believe only they are right and anyone opposing their view is to be targeted in all ways possible. Believe what you wish, but when it comes to behavior PTI supporters are in the same category as MQM ones, call it a flame bait or what ever you wish.

Nyet, a long list of deviations of real world from the ideal world you think you live in. Didn't you read my post? I think I mentioned something that sort in the first two lines. I have faced the war first hand (like almost all Pakistanis) sitting in Karachi, are you aware that the conflict affected most areas of this country and wasn't limited to the tribal belt as you seem to think?

Abide by International laws one hundred percent and be absolutely fair? Come on, who does that anymore? Why don't you come back to earth and we can continue this discussion? :D Because the way I see it, you are unnecessarily rooting for humanity to inhuman creatures and none here will agree to that. The point is we won't ever adhere or find it convienient to follow it (for these terrorists), if you have a problem with it, feel free to travel to Hague or pressurize your Govt. Don't bother with "human rights" or "laws" here, you won't find any takers.
Very well said, his problem is one step beyond that and that is of moral absolution. Its about black and white, his arguments are devoid of any consideration for the victims and he will argue to the end of earth, a side effect of those suffering from moral absolution.

The thing with IK is that he doesn't know what the hell is he talking about at all times. He's the polite version (relatively) of AH. And having said that, I think no explanations are necessary for a leader who tows both the opposing lines of "negotiations" and "operation" concurrently.

There are only two so called political parties in Pakistan who can be considered as Fascists, MQM and PTI. The irony of this whole debacle is that followers of IK indulge in the very same behavior as they so regularly accuse other political parties of. IK have no real political vision or solutions to any of our chronic problems, instead he have is an unlimited supply of rhetoric.

I am not saying that all PTI supporters are loony basket cases, but majority of them sure like to behave in that manner.
Because a shared characteristic present among most PTI supporters is blind faith and believe only they are right and anyone opposing their view is to be targeted in all ways possible. Believe what you wish, but when it comes to behavior PTI supporters are in the same category as MQM ones, call it a flame bait or what ever you wish.

But how can two PTI supporters be towing the party line and be blindly following their leader even if they have opposing views, poles apart?

I say A, he says Z, but still be both are towing the party's line? Or does the party have two statements, one with which I agree and the other for him?

Your labeling of a member as a PTI'an or an MQM supporter just on the basis of his/her stance on the military op is plain wrong.
Very well said, his problem is one step beyond that and that is of moral absolution. Its about black and white, his arguments are devoid of any consideration for the victims and he will argue to the end of earth, a side effect of those suffering from moral absolution.

To people imagining and living (in their minds) in utopia, right and wrong are very clear. To the citizens of the real world, well its hardly the case ever.
There are only two so called political parties in Pakistan who can be considered as Fascists, MQM and PTI. The irony of this whole debacle is that followers of IK indulge in the very same behavior as they so regularly accuse other political parties of. IK have no real political vision or solutions to any of our chronic problems, instead he have is an unlimited supply of rhetoric.

I am not saying that all PTI supporters are loony basket cases, but majority of them sure like to behave in that manner.

You are right on the money on the political vision and solutions part. I would argue that this is because most of PTI supporters and activists are hormonely compromised teenagers (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) but paves way for blind following and rallying behind a revolutionary (not what I think) charismatic leader. But then again, none other can IK can see to it that they use two opposing thought patterns at a single address or resort to full scale character-assasination of all those who him with such ferocity.
No they won't finally it would be FC which would be deployed yes they are part of Pakistan but they became one on promise that no troops will enter their area.

Well then. F*ck that promise. Tribals can write this promise on a piece of paper and shove it up their as$.

Insan kai bachaon ki tarah rehna hai to raho warna humain logon ko insan banana aata hai.
Well then. F*ck that promise. Tribals can write this promise on a piece of paper and shove it up their as$.

Insan kai bachaon ki tarah rehna hai to raho warna humain logon ko insan banana aata hai.
Super powers tried to do same and failed if that would have been that easy USA and Soviet Union would have done it long ago. And british before them
Super powers tried to do same and failed if that would have been that easy USA and Soviet Union would have done it long ago. And british before them

We are not USA. We are not Britain. We are Pakistan. And guess what we have already taught them the lesson that you are saying they won't learn. They have learned the message by heart.:)

After Zarb e Azb, the message of Pakistani establishment to all terror factions is clear. It is our way or the highway.
We are not USA. We are not Britain. We are Pakistan. And guess what we have already taught them the lesson that you are saying they won't learn. They have learned the message by heart.:)

After Zarb e Azb, the message of Pakistani establishment to all terror factions is clear. It is our way or the highway.
Really than wait for few months you would know How much lesson they have learnt I have talked to several tribals from different tribes and their views are quite .................... which I don't want to post here So you would eventually go for a greater dialogue with Tribals, not talking about TTP here, but local tribes like Mehsud and Wazir and Orakzai and several others.
Really than wait for few months you would know How much lesson they have learnt I have talked to several tribals from different tribes and their views are quite .................... which I don't want to post here So you would eventually go for a greater dialogue with Tribals, not talking about TTP here, but local tribes like Mehsud and Wazir and Orakzai and several others.

If they would do something stupid. They would meet the same fate as TTP. They have only one option. Respect Pakistani law and state writ. And live like any normal citizen living in Lahore or Karachi. They have no other option but to live like a decent law abiding citizen.
Super powers tried to do same and failed if that would have been that easy USA and Soviet Union would have done it long ago. And british before them

Superpowers weren't local and had huge logistics issues. Pakistan isn't one. You use fancy words for most you don't even know the meaning of.
Superpowers weren't local and had huge logistics issues. Pakistan isn't one. You use fancy words for most you don't even know the meaning of.
Really you are free to believe what ever you want no body can do nothing about your hilarious delusions but Tribals have to be taken on board and not with the attitude which some members are showing here that will only piss them of.
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