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But what if Imran Khan has it all wrong?

It has more to do with the fact that you need to stop watching ISPR fed propaganda and do some research on your own. It is pretty much common knowledge that torture and extra-judicial killings form a significant part of Pakistan army, FC, Rangers, modus operandi when dealing with non-state actors - and innocent civilians are routinely picked up, tortured and then their bodies are found in a ditch somewhere.

Here is a brief sample:

Pakistan: Extrajudicial Executions by Army in Swat | Human Rights Watch

Hence proven, PTI is the political wing of TTP.




Hence proven, PTI is the political wing of TTP.
TTP is a terrorist organization & they only understand the language of bullet, how many time will you negotiate with these scumbags??? they are backstabber, in other words people supporting the ideology of TTP are also Talibans in making/Taliban sleeper cells..... PA have done a wonderful job in kicking the arse's of these so called protectors of Islam... to be honest IK have also taken a back seat for now, supporting the dialogue with TTP.....i wonder what would have been in reaction if the Current Oprn would have not been a success.......

TTP is just simply a terrorist organization doing terrorist activities for their master. There is no nationalism behind their identity like the Baloch cause or the Mohajjir cause or the Punjabi cause----.

They should never have been a part of any negotiation in the past and should not be in the future.

TTP has no axe to grind with the state----like some other ethnic groups.
It was wrong stance of Imran khan.
We should not talk with animals. We should demolish them all, even their children are their future and they will revengue back if we left them.
It is said, in war don't leave a single substance. War is such cruel thing, even we have to take such extra steps for long term peace.
It took decades to eliminate tamil tigers from srilanka. Their generations fought with them, while Sri Lanka had soft stance for tamil tigers due to families. But when they realized them as serious threat, water was already passed.
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His take on extremism / TTP is a time-tested one. You cannot permanently defeat non-state actors only militarily.

Time tested one -- Oh gosh like all other treaties in the past FAILED. Everytime we had one, that only resulted in TTP having a chance to re-organize themselves. Remember they had once reached Buner that being only 70 KM away from capital rang the bells across the globe and the world was literally laughing at us. My question to you, What option do we have when the option of talks is failed? Keep begging them for talks?

As for Pakistan Army 'squarely' winning the war; yeah well I'm all up for winning but if you have to bulldoze and destroy entire towns and cities to do that, or round up innocent young men under 'suspicion' of being TTP guys and then torturing them and dumping their dead bodies here n there, I wonder whether its worth it.

Nothing like rounding up innocents and killing them is being done now. Stop lying to yourself -- you look so adamant to believe otherwise without any proof. Which i fail to understand why except for the reason that most of IK fans and TTP apologists are mentally sick. Who would go to any limits defending their amateur leader and the great 'cause' of TTP.

As far as the operations in the past are concerned. Things like this happen. You have an enemy that is hidden among the very people. it bears no discrete indentity. yet you're looking for 'key differences'. Even the link you yourself posted states that
Human Rights Watch has since February researched alleged human rights violations in Swat based on an initial list of 238 suspicious killings provided by local sources and the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan

The total population of the valley counts up to more than a million. Im sure TTP would have either killed or threatened more of these locals than the military itself. What makes you think that the locals too weren't fed up with TTP? Guess what many of them ended up forming lashkars to support army. which i fail to understand under the light of your argument. Lets see if you can explain it.

So far as we have seen People living there are thankful to army for clearing this mess. Today the same people enjoy the same rights and same facilities as the people from any other city.

You know why i quoted that one line in the first place? cuz your whole bantering is based upon so called extra judicial killings done back in 2010, which are no more to be seen in zarb e azb. As you too, have utterly failed to prove otherwise. Things are going alot more better than in the past. With areas being evacuated from civilians and letting the military do it's job. Tell me if you have got an even better option?

This is not to be taken as a sweeping statement but if we want reconciliation and truth to lead to national harmony; we have to be honest to ourselves

I wonder if you are suffering from short term memory loss. Forgetting the very events leading up to the launch of zarbeazb. The military respected the decision made by APC to give a shot to talks even though just recently a two star general had been killed in action. Did it work out? what's left there except to go after them?

If Americans and Afghan government in Kabul can come to the table with Afghan Taliban; what's wrong with Imran Khan's standpoint of a dialogue with TTP?

Americans have their country thousands of miles away. They are all set to pack their bags and go home. it's us who have to live here and deal with the mess, it's up to us to decide whether we have to keep a threat looming around, or we have to give our future generations a peaceful pakistan.

Again, this is not some utopian cry for dialogue at 'all' costs come what may. Imran Khan said so as well, it is conditional. Those splinter groups or factions amongst TTP itself that refuse to come to the dialogue, they have already chosen their fate as death and defeat by the brave Pakistani Armed Forces, for them there should be no quarter (but at the same time, there must not be cold blooded murder under the guise of 'military ops'). Then you claim emphatically that TTP is being supported by India; as much as I want to believe that and do to some extent, I have yet to see any hard evidence of it. Pakistan has not raised this issue at any international organization or forum to my knowledge thus far

We have done it. didn't we? didn't we try having negotiations before zarbeazb? didn't we invite all those who want to give up militancy? Now that things are being done exactly the way you're saying. Whats is all this bantering about?

What's wrong with IK's stance is that it's been tried time and again to have peace with TTP. As a dog goes back to its vomit, so does a fool repeat his mistake. Everytime we tried to have talks with TTP. They looked it as a new chance to re-organize themselves.

You know why? Cuz they are merceneries working on foreign agenda. Here is the word from horse's mouth

Now please go ahead and say "No No, TTPs are innocent.. this ajit kumar is setting them up as part of an international conspiracy against TTP" lol

Regarding the issue as per you not taken to international level.

India’s role in militancy: Pakistan shares ‘dossier’ with US - The Express Tribune

RAW involved in terrorist activities across Pakistan: foreign secretary - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

India sponsored terror attacks in Pakistan: Hagel

All these links speak volumes on how 'well-informed' and enlightened you're my friend.
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Imran Khan is wrong !!! Just Kill all the bastards and Clean our home ........ If needed 1 Goliii ... You know what I mean :P
And you still have nothing to say about the link or refute it. Everyone knows how Pakistan Army cleared Swat agency; brutal tactics (torture, extra judicial killings, etc) that go against Geneva Conventions signed by Pakistan.

The family Nawaz Sharif is engaged in politics. Neither of Imran Khan's sons are engaged in politics. Since your patwari mind forgot that important detail, I'll let it slide since patwaris have memory loss problems.

This thread isn't about people joining PTI and what not. If you want to whine and cry about that, you are most welcome to open a new thread to vent your hurt feelings.

Professional Soldiers SHOULD fight TTP thugs, but NOT by stooping to TTP level. Then there is no difference left between a professional soldier and a terrorist, if both behave the same. Your arguments are juvenile at best so I'll chalk it up to non-understanding of International Law, Geneva Conventions, etc. I didn't mention 'morality' at all, simply cited Geneva Conventions which are LAWS governing warfare. I know 'morality' is a lost trait among Pakistanis still living in Pakistan - 'morals' has been reduced to a show-off commodity only in Pakistan where you show others you pray 5 times a day, fast 30 days, etc all the while quietly stabbing your fellow Pakistani in the back by selling him counterfeit products, milaawat waalay food products, etc.

All that gibberish and yet not a single piece of evidence about India's backing of TTP or anyone else in Pakistan. I'll wait after your egoistic wet-dream is over so you can do some research and present some evidence to back up your empty claims instead of discharging frustrated drivel.

Whether the article is from 1971, 2010, or any other year, it only goes to show Pakistan Army hasn't learned to stop using torture, extra judicial killings, etc. Just because it happened in 2009/10 and its 2015 now, doesn't mean it was OK. Such silly arguments from someone branded as an 'analyst' by the powers that be here. What a joke! This guy actually thinks media has 'openly' covered Zarb-e-Azb and not what the ISPR markets to media outlets or I should perhaps say 'what ISPR spoon feeds' Pakistani media to show to gullible folks like @balixd so they can sleep peacefully at night humming to themselves, 'aaaal is well'...

All the gibberish? now how many of you PTI'ers demanded proof of 35 punctures, before going about and blaming NS for having a "rigged" election, but when it comes to India all of a sudden you demand evidence before anything else.
Besides that this thread is all about direction less IK and his party known as PTI and idiots who follow him, but feel free to indulge.

Patwari mind.... hahaha, sure the genius mind is only of IK and his supporters. For all your argument, all the hoo ha IK got nothing to show, its OK to criticize and insult NS and his whole family but when it comes to IK, he is too sacred.
ISPR spoon feeds Pakistanis, your getting absurd with each post but dont let logic or common sense stop you and your choo choo train of morality.
And you still have nothing to say about the link or refute it. Everyone knows how Pakistan Army cleared Swat agency; brutal tactics (torture, extra judicial killings, etc) that go against Geneva Conventions signed by Pakistan.

And everyone knows how you support a terrorist organization MQM, hence which is why you have the biased view against Rangers. Even though our very own urdu speakers, including myself have welcomed them In Karachi.

So there goes your stupidity in dustbin. Same goes for the army's operation in Waziristan. I am not sure how these paid NGO got access to sensitive areas as such, because from what i Know, those area are cordoned off

So i can only imagine the frustration faced by such paid NGO to maligns and undermine the operations. When the Whole nation is behind our boys and praying for their safe return, a lone wolf such as you, howling is not gonna make any difference. In fact it will only make you look like a lunatic, who is whining and crying ( with no offense or disrespect)

Apologies for hard words there, They were only used in an answer to make you explain
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And everyone knows how you support a terrorist organization MQM, hence which is why yu have this biased view against Rangers. Even though our very own urdu speaker, even my myself one them have welcomed them.

So there goes your stupidity in dustbin. Same goes for the army's operation in Waziristan. I am not sure how these paid NGO have access to sensitive areas as such, because from what i Know those area are cordoned off.

So i can only imagine the frustration faced by such paid NGO to maligns and undermine the operations. When the Whole nation is behind our boys and praying for their safe return a lone wolf such as you howling is not gonna make difference, In fact it will only make you look like a lunatic whining and crying ( with no offense or disrespect)

Apologies for hard words there, They were only used in an answer to make you explain
:hitwall: he is hard core PTI supporter an anti MQM don't relate this filth with MQM and don't bring even MQM in it.
There is no shred of doubt that TTP/BLA or any other terrorist groups in Pakistan are enemies of the state and are being used by foreign powers to de-stabilize Pakistan.

Any person who supports a dialogue with them is either not sincere with Pakistan or does not have a clue of what the actual picture is.

IK is stubborn, and probably because he was briefed this way regarding TTP way back, he still sticks to the same views.
This will damage his reputation.
I always knew the idiot Imran Khan would lead the country into chaos if he was ever elected and his 2 cent propositions were to become true. Trying to start a negotiating process with TTP was one of the most stupid and vote garnering stunt the PTI and Imran Khan did.

First, the PTI did not even condemn the TTP for doing the December 2014 massacre. They used this event as a exit solution for their dharna. Plain, simple, and effective. This shows what beghairats are in PTI.

I will never support negotiations with people who murder children. The APS massacre was one of the most disgusting acts of violence not only committed in Pakistan, but in the whole world. My blood boils whenever I hear or see anyone wanting to negotiate with the animals who did this heinous act. I have nothing short of curses and insults for those who want negotiations and treating TTP like humans. They need to be exterminated like vermin.

This is one of the reasons I will never support Imran Khan or PTI.

bakyoo nay tu pichlay 25 saal say mulk may doood ke nehrain bahade haina.... jab Jehlum , Gunjrawala jesay cities may b bacha bemaar hota haina tu maa baap Islamabad laykar atay hain ye hey performance aur kamaal.... security may 70% banda Punjab may mara hey...... batain ******** loo bas insay
I used to defend IK's stance on negotiations with TTP, but has long stopped doing so since APS attack. These butchers understand only one language, which is of guns.

The sooner IK realizes his mistake on this issue is better for not only him, but for his party and for this country.
Imran Khan .. first he is not and will never be a Politicians , this guy thinks the Politics is like Cricket game .. where short term Policies do the work ..
his support to TTP's is not hidden from anyone , and even today he support them and have soft corner for them ... if IK have win the election and become PM , his Govt and Establishment and Army will have a deadly clash over this Operation ..
Imran khan is just like a " Ziddi " kid who just cry to his mother for things , but mother just give him " topiyan " and later he sleep , his actions and policies proves it ..

Imran Khan try to play smart as he try to go against other political Parties , on the issues like Drone and Operation ..
later , sitting in container , doing nothing but watching some Mujra of women and finding a Girl for himself , he go back to Bani galla , but there is not even a single protest against the real issues like Load shedding , high prices , Patrol , etc ..
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