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BREAKING- Russian Fighter Jet Shot Down in Syria: Reports

And what Russia did when Turkey deliberately downed a Russian jet?

They bombed the Turkmen with such ferocity that they were screaming Genocide. Most of those areas are depopulated now and a shadow of themselves because the intense Russian bombing destroyed most of the infrastructure.
One of our saying...
"If you gonna die... at least take the bastard with you..."

They are dying one by one...hours after hours... Woman and kids... So in the End they are dead... So taking as much bastards with you is always good...
Even if they didnt shoot down the jet they would still have to die whether they were rebels or common civilians.
Even if they didnt shoot down they would still have to die whether they were rebels or common civilians.
So taking with you a bastard is always good... He's dead , one less pilot and at least those mourning their dead could have some sort of "justice" coming out of it.
They bombed the Turkmen with such ferocity that they were screaming Genocide. Most of those areas are depopulated now and a shadow of themselves because the intense Russian bombing destroyed most of the infrastructure.
U think russians action was justified? Kilimg turkmen as a revenge against turkey dowing a jet violating turkish airspace?
We will slaughter every existing Israeli, poor or rich lol
Israel has nukes; they will take you down with them.

And what Russia did when Turkey deliberately downed a Russian jet?
Economical sanctions did the trick it seems.

They are dying one by one...hours after hours... Woman and kids... So in the End they are dead... So taking as much bastards with you is always good...
I hope you apply the same logic whenever the 'rebels' kill innocent civilians themselves.

In Chechnya - over 100,000 "terrorists"
In Chechnya's case they were actual terrorists. The de facto dicatorship government completely neglected their own citizens, paving the way for terrorists to take over. A emirate got declared by the terrorists, was Russia supposed to just sit there? It's just like the situation in Gaza, where Hamas also used people as meatshields against Israel.
Warcrimes did indeed happen, not defending the Russians at all here, sadly they happen in almost every war and it are the poor civilians who have to pay, be it Syria, Chenchnya, afghanistan, Iraq or Libya.

I pointed out to you who is responsible for destruction of Syria and how Syrian Civil War started.
I agree with you here that Assad is responsible, however with him leaving, it wouldn't guarantee that Syria would be better of at all, Lybia is an example. Even Egypt was unstable when Muslim brotherhood took over, luckily their removal didn't cause a civil war.
I hope you apply the same logic whenever the 'rebels' kill innocent civilians themselves.


YOu have the indecency to compare rebel doing and Assad one... 400K death from Assad/RU and Few hunderds/a thousand from Rebel side... in those 7 years...

In the End, innocent are the same...both should be kept away...
But there is a difference btw


Hope you get it.

Russia will have its revenge!
for? Who is bombing who in the end? and n which country? Wasn't China against meddling in foreign affairs? or is it just for China...
Maybe Tibetans need to take revenge... Sound a good idea...
I wasn't talking about current rulers that are also orthodox Chirstians, majority of RUssian senate members and it's government are orthodox Christians.
LOL Communist KGB Christians.

And in Afghanistan, Pakistani Mujahids along with Afghani Muslims fought for freedom of Soviet occupation. I salute to their martyrs, next case is USA as it seems
And in same time u exterminate Syrians for sake of inbred atheist dictator.
Russia has to live with this fact that Israel is our common enemy.

I know enmity on Israel has economic consequences but once and forever, we have to finish this cancer. And we will not wait for Russian help, they can fight for their own revenge. Fight for avenging millions of orthodox deaths during rule of Zionist (Jewish) Bolsheviks. Let's fight for revenge :D
Israel is China's enemy too! They have done too much evil since the WW2. No need to sympathize with them anymore.
Saudi/Israeli/US backed 'rebels' doing good work for them.
They bombed the Turkmen with such ferocity that they were screaming Genocide. Most of those areas are depopulated now and a shadow of themselves because the intense Russian bombing destroyed most of the infrastructure.
Turkmen, but not Turks/Turkey.

Economical sanctions did the trick it seems.
It is a weak response for downed jet...

'Collateral damage' my @ss

There are many reports of 'rebels' enslaving, raping and murdering innocent civilians.
- There are credible reports of your moderate rebels using child soldiers as early in 2012, even heavily biased sources against Assad say as such
- one of such a source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-17532966
- At least 62 cases as of 2016: https://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/70/836&Lang=E&Area=UNDOC

Also ethnic cleansing: https://web.archive.org/web/2013012...rg/aree/news/newsdet.php?idnews=31228&lan=eng

On more source to confirm:

There many more reliable sources confirming many horrific acts by your 'rebels'.

In the end I agree that Assad is to blame creating the opportunity for setting these monsters loose, if there's such a thing as hell, they will be burning along with Assad.

How do you have the indecency to excuse the 'rebels' like that?

It is a weak response for downed jet...
Perhaps, but in the end of the day it was also the smartest one; Erdogan was pressured to apologise and actually agreed to all Russians demands (paying a 'fine' to the affected families, apoligies and the like).
'Collateral damage' my @ss

There are many reports of 'rebels' enslaving, raping and murdering innocent civilians.
- There are credible reports of your moderate rebels using child soldiers as early in 2012, even heavily biased sources against Assad say as such
- one of such a source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-17532966
- At least 62 cases as of 2016: https://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/70/836&Lang=E&Area=UNDOC

Also ethnic cleansing: https://web.archive.org/web/2013012...rg/aree/news/newsdet.php?idnews=31228&lan=eng

On more source to confirm:

There many more reliable sources confirming many horrific acts by your 'rebels'.

In the end I agree that Assad is to blame creating the opportunity for setting these monsters loose, if there's such a thing as hell, they will be burning along with Assad.

How do you have the indecency to excuse the 'rebels' like that?

Perhaps, but in the end of the day it was also the smartest one; Erdogan was pressured to apologise and actually agreed to all Russians demands (paying a 'fine' to the affected families, apoligies and the like).

You need a good sleep. Have fun
YOur opinion is Cancerous..;Enjoy it till you can... ;)
Perhaps, but in the end of the day it was also the smartest one; Erdogan was pressured to apologise and actually agreed to all Russians demands (paying a 'fine' to the affected families, apoligies and the like).
Perhaps, but if it suits him he would order to bring down another Russian jet without loosing a heartbeat.
After that he can issue another apology.
You need a good sleep. Have fun
Ah, I see you are woke! 'A few hunderd/thousand' people killed obvioulsy isn't enough enough! (I am pretty sure it is more than just 'a few hunderd') Sorry didn't know that! Guess I do need a good sleep over it! :sarcastic:

YOur opinion is Cancerous..
Nice argument. There's a difference between having an opinion and actually showing proof.

Enjoy it till you can... ;)
Are you actually threatening to kill me...?

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