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breaking news - US Embassy in Lebanon has been Torched

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Dont you love your country men. Are you not satisfied with drones? Why are you calling B2 and all hell of wepons to kill your brothers and sisters. We are from third world country, who are already batteling aginst hunger, poverty and you want war on top of this.

O smelly slumdog....... if you remember, just before sept. 11 you were sleeping on ****.
If you want to discuss our povert, i'm ever ready! just leave a hint.

I know that aircraft carriers cannot run on sand, my concern is what the aircraft and helicopters in those aircraft are doing?
Don't go so far in amusing your slumself, few days ago one of you were complaining about Pakistan's 'strategic weapons'.

In short bug-off.
Look up what caused 9/11, maybe you'll understand better the cause-and-effect.

Attack on Iraq and Afghanistan was already planned, and 9/11 was just a fake pretext.
I dont know what caused 9/11, but just giving example of the logic which you termed brainless. Someone killed few thosands in 9/11 and millions are paying price for that. I hope same thing does not happens after these incidents.
there are salfi groups in front of the US embassy in tunis
I dont know what caused 9/11, but just giving example of the logic which you termed brainless. Someone killed few thosands in 9/11 and millions are paying price for that. I hope same thing does not happens after these incidents.

and yet "Shivani Malhotra" is calling for exactly that, and that is as brainless as it gets.

Also a hint - "millions would have paid the price" regardless if 9/11 happened or not, or who did it. Attack on these countries was already being prepared.
O smelly slumdog....... if you remember, just before sept. 11 you were sleeping on ****.
If you want to discuss our povert, i'm ever ready! just leave a hint.

Don't go so far in amusing your slumself, few days ago one of you were complaining about Pakistan's 'strategic weapons'.

In short bug-off.

I am not discussing poverty here, i was replying to a poster who wanted to burn US embecy in Pakistan. Even if poverty is there or richness, why to call for a war with someone who has given hiroshima and nagashaki to human history. Any way its your country, your wish.
Indians are just teahing americans Lungi style dosa diplomacy instead of going round all guns blazing ending up in blaze themselves atlast.....................:D

Lungi style dosa wtf is tat!!!!:rofl:
and yet "Shivani Malhotra" is calling for exactly that, and that is as brainless as it gets.

Also a hint - "millions would have paid the price" regardless if 9/11 happened or not, or who did it. Attack on these countries was already being prepared.
Attacks might be preplanned, but 9/11 was the trigger. If 9/11 was planned than it gave perfect oppurtunity to them. It help them to justify there aggression. So my point is why again gave them another chance.
Lungi style dosa wtf is tat!!!!:rofl:
lungi is india's EX- home minister P.chiidambram


And his dosa diplomacy is dossier diplomacy...................:rofl:
Albania - Not filled with lunatic Islamists.
Turkey - Not filled with lunatic Islamists.
Jordan - Filled with lunatic Islamics but they dread US response.
Egypt - Filled by Lunatic Islamists. They already attacked the Israeli embassy and it has been fortified since.
Kazakhstan - Not filled with lunatic Islamists.
Uzbekistan - Not filled with lunatic Islamists.
Azerbaijan - Not filled with lunatic Islamists.

Now you know. You may thank me for the service.

Hey.. you can't use lunatic and Islamist in same sentence! Islamist means peaceful and you can't expect peace from lunatic.

If you meant militants groups, keen to be indetified as Islamic, than i'm sorry you are a vicitim of deception.
Militant groups like, Hizbullah and TTP are un-Islamic in their acts, roles and positions, it is one common evil who fund them, arm them and train them.

I hope you understand, once and for all and will refrain to identify Muslims with bunch of militants.

BTW...I'm glad to see, that you have visited so many Islamic states.
and yet "Shivani Malhotra" is calling for exactly that, and that is as brainless as it gets.

Also a hint - "millions would have paid the price" regardless if 9/11 happened or not, or who did it. Attack on these countries was already being prepared.
Thats why west deserve every bit of Al-aqida islamist love....
The bigger they are, the harder they fall. !!

There was a time, when almost every country either wanted to be like America or with America, but for the last couple of decades, America blinded by it's power decided to play the world policeman and in due process it's been ruining the Muslim world.
With Russia finding it's feet again as the other global power and China also emerging on the scene, the smaller nations have learnt the hard way and probably decided to stand up to American hypocrisy, suffice to say, what goes around, comes around. !!
Welcome to operation "Greater Isreal".........

This is all going towards the result which are going to be achieved by orchestrated revolutions in Arab countries.

Sooner or later all these act will be used by Isrealis to attack and capture Arab lands while claiming that they want to save themselves from these Arab .

Greater Isreal............ Have you heard they are kicking out all the non Jewish people from Isreal. Yep from now on Isreal is only for Jews no one else...........
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