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Lebanon blasts near Iran's embassy in Beirut

Bombing embassies is straight out of the Iranian handbook.

They are suffering what they have been doing to others for decades. They are the experts in bombing embassies and interfering in countries in the region.
that's why you are happy about this bombing?
stupid and fanatic attitude. bastard.
that's why you are happy about this bombing?
stupid and fanatic attitude. bastard.

You are the last person to tell people that " they are bastards". As you wish death upon people.

I pray everyday my Kurdish Iranic brothers will divide torkey one piece at a time until there is nothing of a country called Torkey left existing. I hope pkk kills all tork soldiers and women and there children until all torks are dead they will all burn in hell for there mistreatment of Kurds for hundreds of years like that kamal atatirk.

I love Kurdistan & IRAN

It's clear who is the bastard. I hate double faced, honorless people like you.
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague also denounced the attack, saying: "The UK is strongly committed to supporting stability in Lebanon and seeing those responsible for this attack brought to justice."

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati called the attack "a cowardly terrorist act", Lebanese state news agency NNA reported.

Thank you so much UK Hague and the "Iranian colony of Lebanon" of openly admitting to condemn the attack showing that they supported the "Iranian controlled HezboShaitan" intervention in Syria. The Western re-rapprochement toward Iran had already showed that the West never cared about Syria because simply the biggest exporting terrorist state of Iran is a "babba" to Assad, no difference and now no condemnation toward Hezboshaitan then never said a word on Iraq's intervention, the very same "Iranian colony of Iraq" who sends their second biggest "Iranian controlled Iraqi militias" to aid Assad yet the international community who repeatedly attack Turkey allowing access to the heroes who wants to help the Syrians against the puppets of Iran? The "Iranian controlled Hezboshaitan" started all of this in the beginning.

No doubt, what do you expect? The "Iranian colony of Lebanon" is already on there second civil war because Al-Qalamoun battle had already began days ago so good riddance, the worshippers of Nassrallshaitan will suffer to the core in South Lebanon when they see conflict spillover.

Lebanese officials and Western diplomats worry that Lebanon won’t be left unscathed in a prolonged battle for Al-Qalamoun. “This isn’t going to be a two-week battle like Qusair,” says a British military adviser to the Lebanese army. “The region is mountainous and the offensive will extend into the spring and there’ll be more chance of violent spillover into Lebanon.”

Hezbollah Prepares for Syria Showdown in al-Qalamoun

Al-Qalamoun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Syria fighting in Qalamoun triggers new exodus of refugees to Lebanon - The Washington Post
Thank you so much UK Hague and the "Iranian colony of Lebanon" of openly admitting to condemn the attack showing that they supported the "Iranian controlled HezboShaitan" intervention in Syria. The Western re-rapprochement toward Iran had already showed that the West supported Assad because simply Iran is a "babba" to Assad, no difference and now no condemnation toward Hezboshaitan then never said a word on Iraq's intervention, the very same "Iranian colony of Iraq" who sends their second biggest "Iranian controlled Iraqi militias" to aid Assad yet the international community repeatedly attack Turkey allowing access to the heroes who wants to help the Syrians against the puppets of Iran? The "Iranian controlled Hezboshaitan" started all of this in the beginning.

No doubt, what do you expect? The "Iranian colony of Lebanon" is already on its second civil war because Al-Qalamoun battle had already began days ago so good riddance, the worshippers of Nassrallshaitan will suffer to the core in South Lebanon when they see conflict spillover.

Hezbollah Prepares for Syria Showdown in al-Qalamoun

Al-Qalamoun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Syria fighting in Qalamoun triggers new exodus of refugees to Lebanon - The Washington Post

Why is all the western media claiming they are an Al Qaeda affiliated group? They aren't.
Why is all the western media claiming they are an Al Qaeda affiliated group? They aren't.
The word "Al Qaeda affiliated" mentioned by the West is an excuse not to send weapons to FSA and to distance away from the conflict for an obvious reason. I think the Lebanese in Tripoli was behind this embassy attack, not sure akh but check this out. Tripoli celebration for the Beirut bombing :haha:

For the salafists anti-arabs sect, everybody resisting Israel are not muslims but animals who deserve to be beheaded and thrown in a well, or die in a car bomb attack

Shias and sunnis are muslims. Wahabits and salafists are the dogs of JEW USA invading all arabs countries except Israel

Hamas and Hezbollah don't behead contrary to Al Qaeda who dirty the name of Allah for the JEWS
Most British soldiers killed in Iraq, were killed by Shia death squads armed and directed by the most prolific terrorist state on earth - Iran.

It was Iranian road side bombs that killed British soldiers and we'll never forget your terrorism.

Thats hardly terrorism. I guess when its a state actor that kills hundreds of thousands civilians via a professional army that makes it ok, but when it is the other side that is resisting occupation of their country and killing foreign soldiers, makes them terrorists.
Your racist Euro-centric world view is getting really boring.

And best that not you forget it. We like to be a thumb in your eye, until you get things through your thick skull. The region is decolonizing (regardless of how you feel about it) which you retards are too intransigent to come to terms with it.
The word "Al Qaeda affiliated" mentioned by the West is an excuse not to send weapons to FSA and to distance away from the conflict for an obvious reason. I think the Lebanese in Tripoli was behind this attack, not sure akh but check this out. Tripoli celebration for the Beirut bombing :haha:


I think it's a lot more then that. Anybody that opposes the US-Israeli-European hegemony in the Middle East is lumped under this category. This includes Iranians too. Israel is trying to make them appear as 'twelver' Shias who want chaos so their Imam could come. This is to undermine all these groups and their causes. Not only groups but nations as well. This is just like the days of communism.

And where is this? I doubt anybody is celebrating and nothing should be funny about it it's a serious matter as serious as violence committed by regime in Syria.
cant imagine future of middle east. will it go same way in future?
we would have gone mad about the future of the ME if not for the prophet's SAW ahadits about it (more than 30 ahadits), it is clear to us that this war is only the beginning, a preparation for what's to come, wich is a khilafah, and a world war between mulims led by Al Mahdi and Romans north of Syria.
And where is this? I doubt anybody is celebrating and nothing should be funny about it it's a serious matter as serious as violence committed by regime in Syria.

Are you serious? The same people who intervened Syria, hunt to kill and the very same worshippers of Nassrallat in the South cheering for it yet you say not funny? Wake up Hazzy! Yes, they are happy. I'm seeing those 'excited' tweets from the Lebanese, their Facebook pages and the mujaheddin. Simply because they hate Hezboshaitan. Read my #25 again and see where the blame goes to and where the chaos will head to.
Are you serious? The same people who intervened Syria, hunt to kill and the very same worshippers of Nassrallat in the South cheering for it yet you say not funny? Wake up Hazzy! Yes, they are happy. I'm seeing those 'excited' tweets from the Lebanese, their Facebook pages and the mujaheddin. Simply because they hate Hezboshaitan. Read my #25 again and see where the blame goes to and where the chaos will head to.

If you mean it in the sense of being 'proud', that's more understandable. As for it being funny, I don't find it funny when Israeli soldiers are killed in retaliation for killing Palestinians. I'm rather 'proud' justice was served.

Remember all our souls will be taken by God and it's a serious matter and something rather scary, we can't rely on our opinions to save us, God willing we will be protected by God and his angels.
we would have gone mad about the future of the ME if not for the prophet's SAW ahadits about it (more than 30 ahadits), it is clear to us that this war is only the beginning, a preparation for what's to come, wich is a khilafah, and a world war between mulims led by Al Mahdi and Romans north of Syria.
who you.are refring as.roman of north syria and what will be the outcome of war if its already predicted?

But bo
we would have gone mad about the future of the ME if not for the prophet's SAW ahadits about it (more than 30 ahadits), it is clear to us that this war is only the beginning, a preparation for what's to come, wich is a khilafah, and a world war between mulims led by Al Mahdi and Romans north of Syria.
The word "Al Qaeda affiliated" mentioned by the West is an excuse not to send weapons to FSA and to distance away from the conflict for an obvious reason. I think the Lebanese in Tripoli was behind this embassy attack, not sure akh but check this out. Tripoli celebration for the Beirut bombing :haha:


Terrorists kill civilians, and their terrorist supporters celebrate, are you surprised?
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