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breaking news - US Embassy in Lebanon has been Torched

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Can someone post a link for this? seems fake.

This is typical Middle Eastern logic, 1 person does something so they blame the entire population of the country that 1 person is from.

It's only in Middle Eastern countries where mobs of savages gather together and storm foreign embassies for retarded reasons.

While the rest of the world modernizes, specifically Asia, the Middle East will be left behind to live in the 1300's
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3399813 said:
US consulate a.k.a fortress in karachi needs to be torched

land mafia these americans




:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: only poor people in the north will suffer from more drone strikes and you will continue to rant at your end. grow up
My heart cries.... What is happening to this planet Earth.... Golden age about to start (21st december 2012).... i wish people stop killing each other and thats goes for world.... Respect humanity.... Live and Let Live....
My heart cries.... What is happening to this planet Earth.... Golden age about to start (21st december 2012).... i wish people stop killing each other and thats goes for world.... Respect humanity.... Live and Let Live....

do u think the aliens are playing mid games with us and making us fight each other?
Its a big hoax Imran dada ji................:)

do u think the aliens are playing mid games with us and making us fight each other?
may be...
Allah knows the best...................

US Embassy in Lebanon has been Torched & Badly Burned
8:43:00 PM Posted by QAYTAS


Dada ji its tehran protest pic on dannish cartoon issue.

Protesters Besiege Danish Embassy In Tehran

Another big hoax being started here like myanmar thread.....

Mods please close this thread its a big hoax............

Seems Imran dadaji got excited by seeing this web page and posted this thread..............

@united yes its the Greys and Reptilians playing games with us.... the Arcturians and Federation of Light already warned humans that Other Evil aliens playing with us.... They want hell on Earth.... ENLIL will return on Earth in golden age.... I gotta bad feeling.... Something will happen to world.... World war III on the cards.... We are 4th generation civilization.... The 3 generations ended by nuclear world war.... Its our time now.... 5th generation civilization will take our place.... Majority of 4th generation will die sudden while few will die out gradually....
NICE, this is what they deserve for what they had done to the Chinese embassy in Belgrade
I though Lebnon was liberal. I just went There and clubbed in a Famous Club ( Its called beriuting ;-) )
None of the media outlets that I read have reported on this. I honestly don't believe this, and would expect US embassies in Lebanon to be very well-guarded. Let's not forget that it was in Lebanon that a US embassy suffered its first attack in history.
Fake news. But the way Hilary Clinton bull dozing all over the world, it's a matter of time. My advice is shut all embassies in hostile nations and bring all troops home. Boy, ain't Obama glad she's retiring after this year.
this thread is more of a personal comments thread than a discussion thread
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