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Breaking News - MiG29 damaged at hard landing at Carrier

That was too easy when you talk about zero error ,right?
But real situation is absolutely different.I dont think you can get it for now or future due to the opaquness of Chinese military.

I don't think I have to post links here of those discussions where Indians were trying to prove their superiority in operating ACCs, when some ppl said they STOBAR ACC is new to both IN & PLAN. PDF members already have read and discussed it they just need to refresh their memories.
Precisely, that is the mentality of IN. And that explains the differents between IN and PLAN. J-15 landing are aided by advance auto landing pilot system. I doubt IN Mig-29K even has that system installed.

Again :blah::blah::blah::blah::blah::blah::blah::blah::blah: with zero experience .
Our IN has 5 decades experience and you are comparing that experiance with less than 1 year floating casino experience.Fortunately Chinese military is not a dumb like you.Did you know accidents in USN due to this risk job?No dont tell us you have an auto pilot system advanced than USN.
Precisely, that is the mentality of IN. And that explains the differents between IN and PLAN. J-15 landing are aided by advance auto landing pilot system. I doubt IN Mig-29K even has that system installed.

No able to find fault with PLAN perfect landing and resort to smearing? Then why US is so free to report our HGV, ASAT and DF-41 ICBM test when we wanted to keep it a hush hush program?
Post some videos of j 15 landing on carrier.
Stop cheerleading,it was a Tyre burst.
And even USN crashes their jets while landing on carrier.what are you trying to prove ?

Typical Indian troller, a small Tyre burst can lead to major accident on ACCs, have you ever seen documentary about US ACCs?? and in my post I had said accident do happens in every part of the world.
Precisely, that is the mentality of IN. And that explains the differents between IN and PLAN. J-15 landing are aided by advance auto landing pilot system. I doubt IN Mig-29K even has that system installed.

No able to find fault with PLAN perfect landing and resort to smearing? Then why US is so free to report our HGV, ASAT and DF-41 ICBM test when we wanted to keep it a hush hush program?

Bro, the most of the spy sat belong to LEO and MEO, not from GTO, they have a orbital time, and they have only limited window time to keep track on Chinese mainland, they cant track your AC all the time, most probably they more interested in capabilities, they not interested in some simple accidents. That is common in AC operations.

You thinking the americans and Europeans deployed there whole assets against China, you giving too much importance to Chinese carrier ops. I think you are obsessed with CCTV news coverage.
I don't think I have to post links here of those discussions where Indians were trying to prove their superiority in operating ACCs, when some ppl said they STOBAR ACC is new to both IN & PLAN. PDF members already have read and discussed it they just need to refresh their memories.

Friend I know a lot about them .Because my relative was worked in INS Viraat .
He told me the problems faced by Naval pilots in India .
Typical Indian troller, a small Tyre burst can lead to major accident on ACCs, have you ever seen documentary about US ACCs?? and in my post I had said accident do happens in every part of the world.

In this case,tyre burst was caused by error in landing.

read the thread before posting crap,troll
Bro, the most of the spy sat belong to LEO and MEO, not from GEO, they have a orbital time, and they have only limited window time to keep track on Chinese mainland, they cant track your AC all the time, most probably they more interested in capabilities, they not interested in some simple accidents. That is common in AC operations.

You thinking the americans and Europeans deployed there whole assets against China, you giving too much importance to Chinese carrier ops. I think you are obsessed with CCTV news coverage.

Indeed, US is very interested in monitoring just our only carrier asset. They are very interested to know our progress and training. That is why we do it slow and do it safe to let them know the Chinese is able to operate a carrier well. I still remember some western analyst arrogantly proclaim it will take Chinese just 10 years just to master a perfect landing after CV-16 liaoning commission. After CCTV posted the landing of J-15 on CV-16 liaoning. The writer is so far never dare to post any article again. :lol:
Friend I know a lot about them .Because my relative was worked in INS Viraat .
He told me the problems faced by Naval pilots in India .

Friend it is always difficult to work on sea military or civilian, and my point was that IN is new to STOBAR ACCs as PLAN, and accidents do happen they can't be 100% avoided.
Indeed, US is very interested in monitoring just our only carrier asset. They are very interested to know our progress and training. That is why we do it slow and do it safe to let them know the Chinese is able to operate a carrier well. I still remember some western analyst arrogantly proclaim it will take Chinese just 10 years just to master a perfect landing after CV-16 liaoning commission. After CCTV posted the landing of J-15 on CV-16 liaoning. The writer is so far never dare to post any article again. :lol:

So, you thinking US can monitor your crew training and pilot capability from a sat, that how crew working on AC.

Is I am living on Mars?
What I don't like is childish behavior of some Indian posters, when PAF lost JF-17 they started to question the quality and what not, but no buddy here is questioning the quality of air craft as every sane person knows that how risky flying is, just one little wrong step can make accidents happen.

In this case,tyre burst was caused by error in landing.
read the thread before posting crap,troll

4000+ posts and you even don't understand what I have posted.
What I don't like is childish behavior of some Indian posters, when PAF lost JF-17 they started to question the quality and what not, but no buddy here is questioning the quality of air craft as every sane person knows that how risky flying is, just one little wrong step can make accidents happen.

An aircraft got stuck in one of the arrestor cables and burst its tyre.Hows that related to quality of Mig 29 K ?
I already explained very clearly that nothing is able to hide from USA satelite eyes. So much for of your lousy procedure that keep plague IN.

so u think US will publish every findings on PLAN AC??:lol: the accident on IN AC was a minor one... the aircraft will be back on service after a few days....

2 days before a f-18 crashed while landing on AC. those crashes are very common. why the PDF guys exaggerating these things??
An aircraft got stuck in one of the arrestor cables and burst its tyre.Hows that related to quality of Mig 29 K ?

I not questioning the quality of Mig-29s, I m questioning about the mentality of Indian posters when accidents happens to non Indian military service.

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