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Breaking News: Khadim Rizvi charged with treason, terrorism: information minister

I just read this. warmrd the cockles of my heart. What did they say about Prime Minister Imran Khan backing from in front of Rizvi. Ahhh he gets the last laugh.

"revealed that a total of 2,899 people were taken into protective custody from across Punjab while 139 persons from Sindh and 126 from Islamabad were also taken into custody. If convicted by courts, the suspects could be sentenced to life in prison under sedition and terrorism charges, he said."


Thank you Prime Minister !

@T-123456 Finally the baskets are being sorted out.
I welcome this news but the Government must carefully handle this case. TLP comes wity large followership across the country due to both polical and spritual reasons and if only 0.005% people gone nuts in protest of this decision it might lead to doom of this government. Frankly speaking TLP belongs to one of the most popular sects in Pakistan and taking action against them requires a lot of courage and determination. It is not easy to swallow them and the backlash is almost guaranteed

Now is the time to start counter protests and groups to contain these goons, they are only so dangerous because they come out in numbers;

if more people or equal number of people came out in support of the government then it would really put these idiots in their place and neutralise whatever street power/influence they think they have.
Awesome news. Set an example. Set a precedence.

Pakistan clerics in blasphemy case to face treason charges

By Associated Press

December 1 at 9:21 AM

ISLAMABAD — A Pakistani minister says the detained Islamic clerics who disrupted daily life with rallies across Pakistan following the acquittal of a Christian woman in a blasphemy case will face treason and terrorism charges.

Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry said on Saturday that Tehreek-e-Labbaik party chief Khadim Hussain Rizvi and two other leaders have been booked under treason and terrorism charges.

They were initially arrested under pre-emptive laws last week.

Chaudhry said police arrested Rizvi’s and more than 3000 of his supporters who held violent rallies following the Oct. 31 acquittal of Asia Bibi by the Supreme Court.

Bibi had been on death row since 2010 on charges of insulting Islam’s Prophet Muhammad.

Rizvi and other clerics are accused of inciting supporters and making incendiary remarks against the judiciary and military chief.

What a great post. We have Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia as steller examples. Dozens of misfit groups all claiming to represent 'real Islam' would descend on the country from across the Muslim world and begin to try and set up their idea of 'calipha'. They would of course enter a already contested space where dozens of more desi 'real Muslim' groups like TLP, TTP would be fighting to set up their version of a ideal "calipha". Then you would have groups sprouting that would have ethnic understones like BLA, MQM, Sindudesh Front, PTM etc In amongst this exploding, burning vortex outside powers would swoop in to exploit or gain advantage like India, Saudia Arabia, Iran, Russia, China, USA etc.

These(fanatic morons) people need to come to their sense no Ummah brothers would come to help you rather they would turn your country into their sectarian battleground.

Millions would die. Pakistan babies would become target of bombs and missiles and our cities would look like Allepo, Syria. This is the hell these people want to unleash on Pakistan. In front of us we have Syria as a great example. I was a a avid fan of Top Gear with Jeremy Clarkson. Few years ago they did a show where they got air dropped in Iraq and drove all the way across Syria, Jordan to Israel. Their favourite city? Damascus. They loved it. Look at it today?

I remember watching that Top gear episode and I thought Syria looked like a decent country, there was no mass poverty or hunger like you see in many poor countries. Look at their people now, I've come across many Syrian refugees here in UK. Most of them turn out to be educated and looked like they were living a comfortable lives, now their wondering around the world being humiliated in Europe or being exploited by their own so called Muslim brothers. And these are Arabs who you would think the fellow Arabs would look after, imagine how would Pakistanis be treated?
Well, he is senior leader of TLP. His associate Qadri in a TLP gathering, in his presence is on record to have implored soldiers to mutiny against their army high command - this is primia facie sedition as his did not distance himself from such speach and neither did he dismiss Qadri. Furthermore TLP implored judges to be murdered - this is prima facie inciting murder. On both counts it is matter for the courts. Certainy one would expect long prison sentences. I don't think terrorism charges apply. There was large scale destruction but again Rizvi could say he never told his supporters to that.

And as regards PTM have they asked for anybodies murder? Have they asked soldiers to mutiny? If they have then they need to face similiar charges. One has to differantiate between dissent and treason.

Altaf Hussain called for a seperate state, nothing happened to him. His associates have been free despite they all sitting around the speakerphone listening to his poison.

PTM and thier Liberal cheerleaders have been stoking ethnic tensions and accusing the state of kidnapping people. They've been making anti Pakistan statements.

I'm no supporter of Khadim Rizvi but until the state acts against the other traitors, they won't have credibility.
Altaf Hussain called for a seperate state, nothing happened to him. His associates have been free despite they all sitting around the speakerphone listening to his poison.
I agree. They need sorting out. Altaf and his goons in my estimation worse then even TLP. They have murder, extortion, working on the agenda of Indian RAW on ther list but we should be happy TLP are being dealt with. We can only hope Atlaf and co will at some stage also face music but I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon. They have too much strength in Karachi. I don't think the state has the will or means at this point to go ahead against them.
I remember watching that Top gear episode and I thought Syria looked like a decent country, there was no mass poverty or hunger like you see in many poor countries. Look at their people now, I've come across many Syrian refugees here in UK. Most of them turn out to be educated and looked like they were living a comfortable lives, now their wondering around the world being humiliated in Europe or being exploited by their own so called Muslim brothers. And these are Arabs who you would think the fellow Arabs would look after, imagine how would Pakistanis be treated?[/QUOTE]

Syria was a decent nation until Pakistanis biggest favourite leader Erdogan aka the Georgian Scum Watermellon Seller and his NATO goons decided to screw it up such a shame Syria was destroyed and no one of those sectarian scum will care about us if hell lose comes out we will be dying and they be acting like war lords
I agree. They need sorting out. Altaf and his goons in my estimation worse then even TLP. They have murder, extortion, working on the agenda of Indian RAW on ther list but we should be happy TLP are being dealt with. We can only hope Atlaf and co will at some stage also face music but I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon. They have too much strength in Karachi. I don't think the state has the will or means at this point to go ahead against them.

Anti-Pakistan elements be it so called Islamic or not need to dealt with no action means giving a inch to these scums
I agree. They need sorting out. Altaf and his goons in my estimation worse then even TLP. They have murder, extortion, working on the agenda of Indian RAW on ther list but we should be happy TLP are being dealt with. We can only hope Atlaf and co will at some stage also face music but I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon. They have too much strength in Karachi. I don't think the state has the will or means at this point to go ahead against them.

I'm glad they started somewhere. We can't go on like this. Set a few examples, enforce the line - nobody will cross it.
I'm no supporter of Khadim Rizvi but until the state acts against the other traitors, they won't have credibility
That's just typical Pakistani mentality. Everytime a rapist, a murderer, a corrupt crook is about to get due punishment for his crimes, he cries this is selective accountability. Justice system has lost credibility. :D
What popularity? After Khadim Rizvi arrest, rest of Barelvi leadership jumped the sinking ship. There was no revolt or uprising against the state for sending thousands of TLP activists to jail.
It's Mullahs that started the incitement and rebellion against state. A provocation must be responded or it gets worse with time.
How you make Pakistanis happy? When IK made deal with Mullahs, you guys were crying where is writ of state, he is puppet PM? Now he took action against Mullahs, and you guys say it is immature decision. HOW DO YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF WITH THIS HYPOCRISY?
in this video UK parliament wanted to rationalize the funding on bright minded people like you, Salman Taseer, Asma Jhanghir who are open-minded and IK is the last hope to support this filthy secular system in Pakistan to protect their system. Your master wants him to hang as they did with Mumtaz Qadri, but you guys forgetting that core of this country is base on Islam .you hang one Mumtaz Qadri to protect this secular system then thousand more like him will be created.
That's just typical Pakistani mentality. Everytime a rapist, a murderer, a corrupt crook is about to get due punishment for his crimes, he cries this is selective accountability. Justice system has lost credibility. :D

It's true, justice system will only regain credibility when it is not seen as selective. InshaAllah this can be demonstrated these next 5 years.
ut you guys forgetting that core of this country is base on Islam .you hang one Mumtaz Qadri to protect this secular system then thousand more like him will be created.
Hey tough guy, where was your and others like your grandfathers "Mr Hang me more will be created" when the English came, roded all of them and then made them lick their boots under the Raj for 98 years??? Now that Pakistan is independent you guy's talk of "masters" and act tough.
That's just typical Pakistani mentality. Everytime a rapist, a murderer, a corrupt crook is about to get due punishment for his crimes, he cries this is selective accountability. Justice system has lost credibility. :D

Hey tough guy, where was your and others like your grandfathers "Mr Hang me more will be created" when the English came, roded all of them and then made them lick their boots under the Raj for 98 years??? Now that Pakistan is independent you guy's talk of "masters" and act tough.

Thats Okay Daddy Erdogan will unite Turkiye and Pakistan and we will be SUPAPOWA AND SHIETTT-Wahhabi logic guy sitting some Gulf Arab country

Now that Pakistan is independent you guy's talk of "masters" and act tough.[/QUOTE]

They want Arabs to run Pakistan YAH HABBI YAH HABBIBI
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