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Breaking News: Khadim Rizvi charged with treason, terrorism: information minister

These questions are answered by French historian Christophe Jaffrelot in his book "A History of Pakistan and its origins".

Jaffrelot cites British-Pakistani history Prof Samuel Martin Burke rejecting the notion that the Two-Nation Theory died in 1971 with Pakistan's split into Pakistan and Bangladesh. Burke says that the two-nation theory was even more strongly asserted in that the Awami League rebels had struggled for their own country, Bangladesh, and not to join India. In so doing, they had put into practice the theory behind the original resolution to form Pakistan, which envisaged two Muslim states at the two extremities of the subcontinent.

I 100% agree with you.

Also let’s not forget that separation from Bangladesh made us more Islamic (and less close to Hindu India,) firmer in our Turko-Persian identity, and more comfortable with our ethnic heritage like IVC, Taxila, etc.

There were many important benefits for Pakistan and its identity after 1971. We are now able to set our destiny, no longer constrained by anyone, and we have become economically and politically independent.
booked or protective custody? Protection from whom? Whole nation needs protection from this freak

These freaks form the backbone of our asymmetric force. Like or not we need such people to instill fear in the hearts of our enemies. Desperate times call for desperate measures
Right now these leeches instill fear of Islam in the hearts of an EVERYDAY MUSLIM...where anyone with a beard is called molvi as an insult not as a compliment!

Unavoidable collateral damage. But rest assured they are very controllable commodities.
You had the Turkish flag flying. And it already does happen in Pakistan. Far worse happens. You think I fcukin give toss if a b*tch wears mini skirt. As long as my wife does not, my daughter does not, my mum does not I am cool. And I live in UK. I don;t need the government to do that. Is this reflection on you that your worried about your family that they might end up wearing mini-skirts???

To me far worse then mini skirts is murders, bombing, prostitution, child sexual abuse on industrial scale that goes on in Pakistan. But your worried about mini-skirts.
Alhamdulillah my family wear religious clothings but I don't see why would you bring a man's family in to the talk. Find it disgusting. This is becoming a common talk on PDF. Using vulgar language and then bringing people family in to the discussion.

Admins please take notice

Skirt comment was made because fawad chaudhry was making mention regarding the music channels he wants to open up. When he says I want to promote sexual abuses then I'll oppose that too. Abuses happen in the western world and in the Muslim world but everybody apposes them.

The molvis did not start world war 1 and world war 2 which killed millions. The molvis didn't start the wars for oil and certainly the Bangladeshi war wasn't started by molvis. I find it childish people are blaming molvis for all illness whilst the secular ruling powers caused more destruction than anything else.

The state should not discriminate.
However I would say those people who cause problem for the state should be dealt with according to the law and this should apply to all politicians too. People call Zardari an agent, Nawaz Sharif an Indian RAW asset but 1 was our President and other 3 X prime minister.
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Some questions to think about:
Would you guys like to see Pakistan as a secular state?
Do you consider Qadianis as Muslims?
Do you think mocking Prophets of Allah swt is freedom of speech?

I think in order to sort out this blasphemy issue Pakistan government should make special police force and courts to sort this out on fast track. This way you won't have an innocent lady in jail for 9 years.
There is sakun in Pakistan ever since this cockroach is in jail. Keep him there.
Ask folks from North Punjab shit ton of folks just poof vanished damn police came in extra prepared they no longer have the capacity to do protests
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