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Breaking News: Khadim Rizvi charged with treason, terrorism: information minister

in this video UK parliament wanted to rationalize the funding on bright minded people like you, Salman Taseer, Asma Jhanghir who are open-minded and IK is the last hope to support this filthy secular system in Pakistan to protect their system. Your master wants him to hang as they did with Mumtaz Qadri, but you guys forgetting that core of this country is base on Islam .you hang one Mumtaz Qadri to protect this secular system then thousand more like him will be created.
Conspiracy theories as usual without any substance. The biggest donor to Pakistan these days is Islamic Saudi Arabia. If they have nothing against imprisonment of anti State Mullahs, why bother about UK?

It's true, justice system will only regain credibility when it is not seen as selective. InshaAllah this can be demonstrated these next 5 years.
Are you even serious? Justice system is made by humans and just like human nature, it has flaws. It's not possible to NAB every criminal, only those that are caught by the system, and tried for their crimes. If every criminal is cut loose because other criminals aren't caught yet, by this stupid "logic" you won't be able to catch anyone.
Conspiracy theories as usual without any substance. The biggest donor to Pakistan these days is Islamic Saudi Arabia. If they have nothing against imprisonment of anti State Mullahs, why bother about UK?

KSA scums out of Pakistan and Arab wannabes out for 40 years these Gulf Arab scums wrecked our country bought their sectarian crap here and yet we get those chummah bunch who would sell Pakistan to the Saudis
That's just typical Pakistani mentality. Everytime a rapist, a murderer, a corrupt crook is about to get due punishment for his crimes, he cries this is selective accountability. Justice system has lost credibility. :D
Pakistani justice system is as fair and impartial as any others institution though it still don't mean that we should be given free hand to people to do whatever they like
Pakistani justice system is as fair and impartial as any others institution though it still don't mean that we should be given free hand to people to do whatever they like
Every criminal in Pakistan when caught by the justice system says he is innocent. That the accountability is selective based on political revenge. Yet the system must run its course, or there won't be any judgment.
I have seen everyone crying from Bhutto to Musharraf to Nawaz Sharif. None of them are innocent.
Every criminal in Pakistan when caught by the justice system says he is innocent. That the accountability is selective based on political revenge. Yet the system must run its course, or there won't be any judgment.
I have seen everyone crying from Bhutto to Musharraf to Nawaz Sharif. None of them are innocent.
Judges have given controversial decisions in the past either because of political pressure or in era of military dictatorship that's why Judiciary have became controversial. There were treason cases against Musharraf but he got safe passage. Judiciary should be free and independent without any political influence and pressure which has not been true in case of Pakistan. Current Chief Justice of Pakistan has been in the news lately for visiting hospitals/ schools and keeping himself updated on the developmental speed of infrastructure projects rather than impartially and faithfully performing his duties in the constitutional domain.
Judges have given controversial decisions in the past either because of political pressure or in era of military dictatorship that's why Judiciary have became controversial. There were treason cases against Musharraf but he got safe passage. Judiciary should be free and independent without any political influence and pressure which has not been true in case of Pakistan. Current Chief Justice of Pakistan has been in the news lately for visiting hospitals/ schools and keeping himself updated on the developmental speed of infrastructure projects rather than impartially and faithfully performing his duties in the constitutional domain.
That's because every department of the country has been mismanaged by successive governments in the past. Therefore CJ is forced to take sou motos to teach corrupt, non functioning departments a lesson.
If it was that easy to give controversial judgments on establishments pressure, anti-army Nawaz Sharif would not have been alive today.
Just like other segments of society, Pakistani judges are corrupt too. It however doesn't mean they should start giving clean Chits to all criminals on trial just to "feel good".
Conspiracy theories as usual without any substance. The biggest donor to Pakistan these days is Islamic Saudi Arabia. If they have nothing against imprisonment of anti State Mullahs, why bother about UK?

Are you even serious? Justice system is made by humans and just like human nature, it has flaws. It's not possible to NAB every criminal, only those that are caught by the system, and tried for their crimes. If every criminal is cut loose because other criminals aren't caught yet, by this stupid "logic" you won't be able to catch anyone.

That's BS and you know it. If it were random we would understand and accept it, but the trends suggest otherwise. In our country there is a massive correlation between how wealthy and politically connected you are and how likely you are to evade the law.

The justice system itself is a joke. Look at the Asia Masih case. 9 years that poor woman suffered under the most flimsy evidence. A couple of months back the PHC set free 70 people convicted of terrorism by the anti terror military courts. In any other country this would be a national scandal, in Pakistan it was par for the course. There is zero confidence in the justice system. Let's just hope it improves - we need criminals behind bars.

I am not advocating cutting anyone loose, far from it. I want them all to go down, I don't care which order it happens in, but it should happen.
That's because every department of the country has been mismanaged by successive governments in the past. Therefore CJ is forced to take sou motos to teach corrupt, non functioning departments a lesson.
If it was that easy to give controversial judgments on establishments pressure, anti-army Nawaz Sharif would not have been alive today.
Just like other segments of society, Pakistani judges are corrupt too. It however doesn't mean they should start giving clean Chits to all criminals on trial just to "feel good".
Come on You know how chief Justice Iftikhar Choudhry was hero at one time and became zero at other time that's how judges become controversial and let not divert this topic to another direction so better stick to Mulla pen di ssiri
  • Every loser in elections considers he was cheated
  • every loser in population census considers his ethnic group was undercounted
  • And it goes on
IMO this victimhood mentality and lack of responsibility comes directly from our Islamic roots. I see the same pattern here in the West. Every time a Gora is in unfortunate situation, he blames himself. While Desis always blame someone else. No matter what they are never at fault. Explains the current mess.
This thread suddenly devolved into self-hate and pessimism.

Guys, please stay positive. Pakistan is going through a difficult time and it will take effort to rid these political and religious mafia groups from power.

Trust in PTI and Imran Khan.
though it makes me laugh how he took a youturn on a signed agreement..lol
Hey tough guy, where was your and others like your grandfathers "Mr Hang me more will be created" when the English came, roded all of them and then made them lick their boots under the Raj for 98 years??? Now that Pakistan is independent you guy's talk of "masters" and act tough.
I think you forgetting something here. The concept of the Two-Nation Theory on which Pakistan was founded, was largely based on Muslim nationalism.[1] Secularism in Pakistan went from being a matter of practice in law by the Government of Pakistan to a political movement.
Although Pakistan was founded as a separate state for Muslims in the Indian subcontinent in 1947, it remained a Dominion in the British Commonwealth and did not immediately become an Islamic state. Although the 1949 Objectives Resolution envisaged an official role for Islam as the state religion, the state retained the most of the laws that were inherited from the secular British legal code that had been enforced by the British Raj since the 19th century.in video, this is enough evidence that is what UK parliament funded to secure this law by the support of secular-minded peoples like you.

In 1956, the state adopted the name of the "Islamic Republic of Pakistan", declaring Islam as the official religion, but did not take any further measures to adopt Islamic laws. because you bright minded guys are always road blockers for this process.
When will gov arrest Ptm leadership? Who clearly involve in anti state activities.
Hope they will apply same policies on liberal anti state characters who are more lethals.
But problem is they call them son.some one can tell me why khadim rizvi didn't get status of son?
I just want to understand.
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