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Breaking News: Khadim Rizvi charged with treason, terrorism: information minister

Well thats not ignorance
As far NDTV please watch this video
Hamein bhe ap apne Rafale pay seer kar waien gi????
This Aranab guy will cause himself ,,,some brain disease , also his guest and viewers too.... How his guest tolerate and participate his program ... it seems his guest are his listener and he impose his punchline to his guest .
On the surface this is a good move but questions remain.

  1. Will the state have the will to see it through?
  2. Legally did Khadim Rizvi commit treason?
  3. How can these protests by terrorism and those of political parties civil disobedience?
  4. Will we see similar action against PTM, BLA, Mullah Diesel, political parties who speak against the state, anti state liberals (including Shireen Mazaris daughter and others who accuse the state of forced disappearances)?

In Pakistan treason case are filed only against those who have no support from cia and west that is why ptm is free to move here and many liberals like asma jahngir who openly gave such statements against institutions are called as leader by cjp and jibran nasir also made wrong false accusitions against army many times but no such cases are filed against him and he is free to move govt should treat all in equal manner

Good point about double standards. Unless everyone is held to the same standard this will breed hatred.

This government is very immature and will face the shitstorm they bring upon themselves. Don't say I told you so, but I told you so.

That remains to be seen. Nobody came out when he was arrested and generally the barelvi community are split over this character. Unfortunately our barelvi clerics have a bad habit of overlooking each others flaws, it's partly why we have so many dodgy pir. So you never know they might band together but it's unlikely.

I agree Khadim Rizvi right hand man Afzal Qadri should be punished for calling to kill the generals and chief justice and i strongly disagree with Khadim Rizvi on swearing at state institutes. But how is he a terrorist? Is he responsible for the suicide bombings? Is he responsible for attacks on army headquarters and camps? Is he responsible for suicide attacks at Masjids? Did he say our soldiers are not martyrs? Has he been reading the salah prayers of the terrorists?

He has never done something like that, he has genuine support from the Pakistani public and this is what irritate the secular elite. Nobody agrees with his swearing but we cannot deny that their is international pressure on Pakistan to release Asiya and to remove the blasphemy laws. Also to give full freedom to Qadianis so that they can expand in Pakistan with the help of the western elite. This is exactly what was happening back in the 1960s until state action was taken. Qadianis in the army, judiciary. They got the higher positions with the backing of the western powers.

With the opening of cinemas, film industry expansion, music tv channels. This will lead to promoting of clubs, sex, drugs. Also homosexuality. Skirts wearing women. Tomorrow you will see women protesting to wear skirts, or people protesting for same sex marriage.

Just look at India. Before they made normal bollywood movies, but slowing the actress started to strip. From a house wife ended up a hooker. From full clothing to nothing. From traditional marriage to homosexuality. This will never end until you legalise everything that is legalised in the western world, and you leave your religion Islam.

Pakistan is a Muslim country and any laws that are against Quran and sunnah should be abolished. We should promote Islam that is peace loving but that doesn't mean promote western culture. We should give rights to minorities but that doesn't mean we give rights to those who want to destroy our religion Islam.

I agree about two points:
  1. I can't recall if Khadim Rizvi committed treason, but the accusation of terrorism is a joke.
  2. There is far too much western influence in the upper echelons of our society. Our awam is Conservative Muslims and our leaders generally Kanjar. While this disparity continues the lack of trust will always be expoilted.

You had the Turkish flag flying. And it already does happen in Pakistan. Far worse happens. You think I fcukin give toss if a b*tch wears mini skirt. As long as my wife does not, my daughter does not, my mum does not I am cool. And I live in UK. I don;t need the government to do that. Is this reflection on you that your worried about your family that they might end up wearing mini-skirts???

To me far worse then mini skirts is murders, bombing, prostitution, child sexual abuse on industrial scale that goes on in Pakistan. But your worried about mini-skirts.

Wonderfully put.
Legally did Khadim Rizvi commit treason?
Well, he is senior leader of TLP. His associate Qadri in a TLP gathering, in his presence is on record to have implored soldiers to mutiny against their army high command - this is primia facie sedition as his did not distance himself from such speach and neither did he dismiss Qadri. Furthermore TLP implored judges to be murdered - this is prima facie inciting murder. On both counts it is matter for the courts. Certainy one would expect long prison sentences. I don't think terrorism charges apply. There was large scale destruction but again Rizvi could say he never told his supporters to that.

And as regards PTM have they asked for anybodies murder? Have they asked soldiers to mutiny? If they have then they need to face similiar charges. One has to differantiate between dissent and treason.
I mean Pakistan would turn into Somalia with Rizvi and his types if they were let loose.

For many inbred followers of Rizvi Somalia is a great example to follow. Religious obsession is crazy but allowing scum bags to hijack religion and use it for political power is even crazier. Pakistan has way too much freedom when it comes to Mullah, they are allowed to bring the state to its knees, block highways, call for murder of Generals and people. This Rizvi would have been dispatched within day one if Pakistan was actually ruled by a proper functioning government. Good luck to Pm Imran Khan, he has inherited a country full of people below the IQ of 60 with religious obsession so bad that it makes Arabs cringe.
For many inbred followers of Rizvi Somalia is a great example to follow. Religious obsession is crazy but allowing scum bags to hijack religion and use it for political power is even crazier. Pakistan has way too much freedom when it comes to Mullah, they are allowed to bring the state to its knees, block highways, call for murder of Generals and people. This Rizvi would have been dispatched within day one if Pakistan was actually ruled by a proper functioning government. Good luck to Pm Imran Khan, he has inherited a country full of people below the IQ of 60 with religious obsession so bad that it makes Arabs cringe.
I know what you mean mate. This line you said is spot on "Religious obsession is crazy but allowing scum bags to hijack religion and use it for political power is even crazier."

country full of people below the IQ of 60 with religious obsession so bad that it makes Arabs cringe.
I honestly don't blame the people. They are actually victims of 7 decades of neglect and wrong policies by the rulers. Our rulers have deliberately used religion and created this "religious obession" so they could keep their elite status and enjoy the privilages of power.

When the British left in 1947 the most important plocy decision besides defence should have been to go for universal literacy with two generations or 40 years. By 1990 Pakistan should have had 99% literacy. Other poor countries like China or Vietnam did it. Why not Pakistan. The reason was the elite did not bother. Then they used religion as a antidote to socialist movements. The on purpose helped the mullah to infect the poor as it deflected from what they were doing. Only problem is today the problem has got so big it is ready to even bite the elite.

And Rizvi is the teeth. Finally the 'establishment' has woken up!

Religious obsession is crazy
This can happen anywhere but it mostly afflicts few people or even maybe just one nutter. Good example is David Koresh in USA and the Waco Seige leading to 82 killed



scum bags to hijack religion and use it for political power is even crazier.
This is even more dangerous because 100,000s can be infected and threaten the very existence of a state. In TLP and other radical mullahs Pakistan faces extreme danger.
I honestly don't blame the people. They are actually victims of 7 decades of neglect and wrong policies by the rulers. Our rulers have deliberately used religion and created this "religious obession" so they could keep their elite status and enjoy the privilages of power.

When the British left in 1947 the most important plocy decision besides defence should have been to go for universal literacy with two generations or 40 years. By 1990 Pakistan should have had 99% literacy. Other poor countries like China or Vietnam did it. Why not Pakistan. The reason was the elite did not bother. Then they used religion as a antidote to socialist movements. The on purpose helped the mullah to infect the poor as it deflected from what they were doing. Only problem is today the problem has got so big it is ready to even bite the elite.

And Rizvi is the teeth. Finally the 'establishment' has woken up!

I think It's too late for peaceful changes in our society, I don't see a peaceful ending to current sectarian/religious tensions in Pakistan. There are only two outcomes and there is no middle ground. Either the religious extremists win and utterly cause destruction in Pakistan and turn us into full failed state with a nominal government sitting in Islamabad while rest of country falls, leading to outside powers to come and take advantage of our weakness and kill even more of us, other better outcome is if the progressive elements in our Establishment decide enough is enough and decide to perform a painful surgery on Pakistani society which may result in deaths of many religious extremists with in our society but it will definitely be like pressing the restart button.
I think It's too late for peaceful changes in our society, I don't see a peaceful ending to current sectarian/religious tensions in Pakistan. There are only two outcomes and there is no middle ground. Either the religious extremists win and utterly cause destruction in Pakistan and turn us into full failed state with a nominal government sitting in Islamabad while rest of country falls, leading to outside powers to come and take advantage of our weakness and kill even more of us, other better outcome is if the progressive elements in our Establishment decide enough is enough and decide to perform a painful surgery on Pakistani society which may result in deaths of many religious extremists with in our society but it will definitely be like pressing the restart button.
What a great post. We have Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia as steller examples. Dozens of misfit groups all claiming to represent 'real Islam' would descend on the country from across the Muslim world and begin to try and set up their idea of 'calipha'. They would of course enter a already contested space where dozens of more desi 'real Muslim' groups like TLP, TTP would be fighting to set up their version of a ideal "calipha". Then you would have groups sprouting that would have ethnic understones like BLA, MQM, Sindudesh Front, PTM etc In amongst this exploding, burning vortex outside powers would swoop in to exploit or gain advantage like India, Saudia Arabia, Iran, Russia, China, USA etc.

Millions would die. Pakistan babies would become target of bombs and missiles and our cities would look like Allepo, Syria. This is the hell these people want to unleash on Pakistan. In front of us we have Syria as a great example. I was a a avid fan of Top Gear with Jeremy Clarkson. Few years ago they did a show where they got air dropped in Iraq and drove all the way across Syria, Jordan to Israel. Their favourite city? Damascus. They loved it. Look at it today?
It's very simple. Often these individuals have either -

  • failed to achieve anything in their adopted western societies and live in 'ghettos'
  • have at some point been made b*tch of by some racist white westerner
  • so they internalize all this hatred and express it through mullah support and or hated for secular west
  • often west and white will be interchangeable in their lexicon
  • overlooking that many Muslims are white
  • mixing racism with religion
And classic example of such of this is my personal b*tch @lastofthepatriots

Well thats why Multiculturalism has been a failure eh just another ploy to get cheap labor and votes for certain political parties in the west

For many inbred followers of Rizvi Somalia is a great example to follow. Religious obsession is crazy but allowing scum bags to hijack religion and use it for political power is even crazier. Pakistan has way too much freedom when it comes to Mullah, they are allowed to bring the state to its knees, block highways, call for murder of Generals and people. This Rizvi would have been dispatched within day one if Pakistan was actually ruled by a proper functioning government. Good luck to Pm Imran Khan, he has inherited a country full of people below the IQ of 60 with religious obsession so bad that it makes Arabs cringe.

Somalia is slowly being made Turkey's bitch they got a base there now
Well done Pakistan these people are not above the law they have too much influence and only use it negatively. Violence against minorities must not be tolerated they are a part of Pakistan and attack on them is an attack on Pakistan . He should be executed since he loves the death penalty so much.
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