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Breaking News: Khadim Rizvi charged with treason, terrorism: information minister

You had the Turkish flag flying. And it already does happen in Pakistan. Far worse happens. You think I fcukin give toss if a b*tch wears mini skirt. As long as my wife does not, my daughter does not, my mum does not I am cool. And I live in UK. I don;t need the government to do that. Is this reflection on you that your worried about your family that they might end up wearing mini-skirts???

To me far worse then mini skirts is murders, bombing, prostitution, child sexual abuse on industrial scale that goes on in Pakistan. But your worried about mini-skirts.
Oh and fag*gots. When in Pakistan they are right now bumming each other in every city. Boys can be hired for bumming for few rupees.
I don't know what is she saying in thia song
But she has a beautiful voice
Well in 28feb 2015 when she got married.
This was a horrible moment for me
I first see him in indian Idol junior 2013..
Do youn see that show..

Sometimes I watch it. The actress in the song is a Sindhi girl.
This Norwegian guy goading the religious segment of Pakistani society to start protesting is quite obviously more dangerous and cancerous than Rizvi is.
Really? I said I was expecting mass protests from Pakistani public after mass arrests of TLP leaders and activists. Since there was none, meaning he wasn't so popular as some claimed here.
I absolutely agree but I think it was time for "high noon at the OK Corall". Appeasement over the years has not worked. It was time to stand and if a gutsy PM, a COAS who means business, both on same page could not do it the Pakistani state was doomed. This will restore confidence in the state. Foreign governments [Chinese] and investors will have been looking at this. This will reassure them that Pakistan is a functioning state and worth investing in.

Leaving asides anything - don't bother with USA, Europe, West do you think Chinese would work with a pakistan wherre likes of Rizvi were allowe to go rampant? I mean Pakistan would turn into Somalia with Rizvi and his types if they were let loose.
Pakistani politics is game of bluff, who say the word and stay strong is the winner. Its all game of confidence and impulsive judgement.
The only reason Muslims are given special treatment in the West is because West believes firmly in the principles of secularism. What they don't know is that Muslims in general hate any notion of secularism. They are only tolerating it as long they are a minority in West. As soon they get majority, they will start the process of Islamization in West.
The western world claims we are a multi religious and Multi cultural society. The role model for the world. Then why are they promoting secularism to Muslim children, promoting same sex marriage as this is against our religion. It weren't the Muslims who killed the Jewish people and kicked them out of Europe. So much of rights and freedom.

Speaking of Pakistan. We should give full rights to religious minority and let them practice their religion freely but those who claim to be Muslims and say wait but we don't believe in Prophets or believe in same sex marriage. They should declare themselves as non Muslims and live their life.
Hey I can always give you a good fcuk up your tight a*ss with my wringky nob you c*ck sucker. Just have some butter or vaseline handy coz it will hurt b*tch boy.

You old ****, I can have 2 of my cousins in the UK **** your life within 48 hours if you really want to go there. Just tell me your location.
What do you expect them to do? Start a rebellion lol. They have a right to protest and hold gatherings. Imran khan pti went against the government of PMLN. Even asked people to stop paying bills. Attacked PTV.

I agree Khadim Rizvi need to calm down and play real politics but accusing him of being a terrorist is hypocrisy.
IK never called for rebellion against state. There is a difference.

The western world claims we are a multi religious and Multi cultural society. The role model for the world. Then why are they promoting secularism to Muslim children, promoting same sex marriage as this is against our religion. It weren't the Muslims who killed the Jewish people and kicked them out of Europe. So much of rights and freedom.

Speaking of Pakistan. We should give full rights to religious minority and let them practice their religion freely but those who claim to be Muslims and say wait but we don't believe in Prophets or believe in same sex marriage. They should declare themselves as non Muslims and live their life.
Why should state interfere with what its Citizens believe in? How is it even relevant? In West secular state gives freedom of religion, speech and expression to all its Citizens. This is something Islamic state can never give to all its Citizens without discrimination. That's why West is successful while Muslim states are not.
Hey I can always give you a good fcuk up your tight a*ss with my wringky nob you c*ck sucker. Just have some butter or vaseline handy coz it will hurt b*tch boy.

@Slav Defence @waz @WebMaster @Oscar Sorry guys but this slime trail left by a turd began this. You guys need to disinfect.

Why are you crying like a bitch old man? A few weeks ago, you said you put me on your ignore list. The other day, i see you mentioning me once again, even though I never quote or even mention you. It's okay to have your cuck like opinions, but maybe you should stick to keeping my name out of your mouth like you had proposed to.
@lastofthepatriots what you are saying about TLP is what people used to say about TTP back then. TTP is finished and TLP is about to be finished (as a legal party by SC too in coming days). PTM is the way out too.

TLP is a tiny minority and we've seen their so called power on 25th November when the state was fully ready to take them on. This snake may raise its head again but it will be crushed fully next time. Mullah gangsterism days are over.
Pakistan clerics in blasphemy case to face treason charges

By Associated Press

December 1 at 9:21 AM

ISLAMABAD — A Pakistani minister says the detained Islamic clerics who disrupted daily life with rallies across Pakistan following the acquittal of a Christian woman in a blasphemy case will face treason and terrorism charges.

Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry said on Saturday that Tehreek-e-Labbaik party chief Khadim Hussain Rizvi and two other leaders have been booked under treason and terrorism charges.

They were initially arrested under pre-emptive laws last week.

Chaudhry said police arrested Rizvi’s and more than 3000 of his supporters who held violent rallies following the Oct. 31 acquittal of Asia Bibi by the Supreme Court.

Bibi had been on death row since 2010 on charges of insulting Islam’s Prophet Muhammad.

Rizvi and other clerics are accused of inciting supporters and making incendiary remarks against the judiciary and military chief.

Very good(if true).
@lastofthepatriots what you are saying about TLP is what people used to say about TTP back then. TTP is finished and TLP is about to be finished (as a legal party by SC too in coming days). PTM is the way out too.

TLP is a tiny minority and we've seen their so called power on 25th November when the state was fully ready to take them on. This snake may raise its head again but it will be crushed fully next time. Mullah gangsterism days are over.

I actually have a very detailed opinion on this that I would like to write at a later time. It may not sit well with PTI boys or army enthusiasts either, but I typically avoid discussing Pakistani internal politics here due to peering eyes of outsiders.
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