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BREAKING: Manchester Arena blast - Several dead after explosion at concert

23 year old man arrested in connection with Manchester bombing
The Queen condemns the Manchester attack as an ‘act of barbarity’

This thread is the why I stay away from social media and the internet at times like this. All the trolls and morons come out to play.

One atrocity does not justify another, murder of innocents is plain wrong.

As a Shia Muslim have had people close to me, even children does that somehow justify me doing something to Sunni kids, of course not.

RIP to the poor victims.
Death to the killers, in this life,
And the next.
Disgusting. Asolutely f-king disgusting, honestly. I don't know if people know this but my dad is very ill. His kidneys have failed entirely and at his age (82) transplant is not a option. I went about 10:30 am in the morning to see him being taken for his thrice weekly dialysis treatment. Two men working from NHS were physically articulated him whilst he was sat in his wheelchair (my dad is a big man) outside to a waiting NHS van specially adapted to carry disabled people.

There was in addition a contract team of 5 men working outside - again working for NHS to build a ramp outside so that by next week the wheelchair can be pushed up a concrete laid ramp with appropriate gradient. I won't even go into the staff in the local NHS hospital that carry out the dialysis. Now please think about this. I am not kidding about this - I will post the pictures of the ramp beig built. All this is free and being paid for by the British state.

Now tell me why these f-ck fests would go out and blow children up? They had better not be some harami second or third generation migrant from Pakistan who think they were spawned by some Arab or Palestianian or Syrian. And feel the need to do this.

If indeed they are Syrian, Palestinian, Iraqi or even Afghan then maybe, just maybe on the limits of insanity this might carry some logic. But what if they are of Pakistani origin?

*NHS - National Health Service.
What do you mean? Britain will kill thousands of Muslim kids in other Muslim countries because of this attack?
What kind of logic is that? o_O
No, it's not about that. It's about the backlash and how Muslims are going to be treated in the West because of this and the past incident in the last 3 years.

Western by nature love generalization, they lump Muslim as one and will automatically think all Muslims are responsible for this. That is the problem.
hey had better not be some harami second or third generation migrant from Pakistan
I have an honest question to you.. lets say it was a Pakistani or maybe a Muslim who was disillusioned.. what is the best course of action to reduce the trust deficit that is caused between communities because of such acts? In Boston - one of the more liberal cities in US - the fight against right wing or conservatives gets a little weak everytime acts like these happen.. how do you suggest to get around it?
Absolutely disgusting.

Hoping it is not a british citizen that did it.
@Eagle clean the thread by filthy Indian( I'm taking about filthy one not all ) showing crocodile tears and bashing Islam.
I have an honest question to you.. lets say it was a Pakistani or maybe a Muslim who was disillusioned.. what is the best course of action to reduce the trust deficit that is caused between communities because of such acts? In Boston - one of the more liberal cities in US - the fight against right wing or conservatives gets a little weak everytime acts like these happen.. how do you suggest to get around it?
That question deserves a well thought out response. I will post a reply when I get time.
Condolences from Pakistan to the families effected in UK , very sad images.
And hopefully UK/British authorities will properly investigate the matter.

The bombing against children reminded us of similar Chaos by RAW sponsored Terrorist from Afghanistan attack in University/School children attack in Pakistan. The wounds from that Indian sponsored Terrors have not fully healed.

Weather it is Terrorism by RAW in Pakistanis schools by Proxy, or MOSAD in Palestinian regions or ISIS in UK or else where , it is the same idealogy unfortunately target the weak and innocent. Similarly the Human Rights violation in Kashmir or killing as well same story , students or teens by India. Or Khalistan deaths same idealogy

Plus most Muslims are already used to seeing Palestinians being killed on daily basis by Israeli forces.

Just speechless. Pathetic

We are on verge of a world where hopistal bombing = Ok game
We are verge of world where targeting children = Ok game
We are on verge of world where killing for political gain = Ok game

But this has been going on for good 30-40 years now. We as humans are just being desentisized from the death spiral

As long as it does not happens in our Neighbourhood we are cool , and fine and accepting to the death spiral

If I was in UK and taking my kids to concert or circus or music show , it could have happened to me any other muslim or any christian or any british or any Pakistani

Sadly and ... that is the new reality when there is a Global Chess game being played

Is there any emotion today ? ! ... nah .. just .... crappy feeling ...seems like SHIT is happening every where ... Syria / Turkey /Pakistan / France / UK / Canada / US

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LOL! You are not literate enough to take me on. Try again.

It doesn't do to question other people's literacy as a benchmark for debate, because for one, the internet is a big place where forum monikers such as NakedLunch are easily understood and assimilated, plus your behaviour is something Burroughs would never have condoned.

Condolences from Pakistan to the families effected in UK , very sad images.
And hopefully UK/British authorities will properly investigate the matter.

The bombing against children reminded us of similar Chaos by RAW sponsored Terrorist from Afghanistan attack in University/School children attack in Pakistan. The wounds from that Indian sponsored Terrors have not fully healed.

Weather it is Terrorism by RAW in Pakistanis schools by Proxy, or MOSAD in Palestinian regions or ISIS in UK or else where ,.....

Tell me something, do you guys have a common playbook?

In case of terrorist attack in the west (a) Blame Mossad/ RAW/ Alleged policies followed by the west (b) Set the ground for your own complaints (c) Try and dissipate blame.

Seriously, do you think anyone is fooled by this? How about squaring up and getting your civil society to discuss positive change?
It doesn't do to question other people's literacy as a benchmark for debate, because for one, the internet is a big place where forum monikers such as NakedLunch are easily understood and assimilated, plus your behaviour is something Burroughs would never have condoned.

In that case go and have a debate with a pigeon.

the rest of your post is an attempt at emotional triggering. It doesnt work on me.
:o: Seems like can't even talk about universal death occuring world wide with out the "YOU GUYS" and "US guys" debate ...@EyelessInGaza

:rolleyes: We do live in a heartless world

Please enlighten us with the "US GUYS" who are the US guys who are morally superior or YOU GUYS

I believe I was quite clear , death in UK/Turkey /Syria / Palestine / Pakistan / France/ US / Canada/Kashmir/ Khalistan , is a Universal pain and decay of social system in order to protect a few privledged

I see death and I will call it as I see it .... not sugar coat it

I may not know any children effected globally may it be Syria or Iraq or UK or Pakistan or Turkey or else where but as a Human I consider all these lives valueable in their own way and unless this consense develops in world , there won't be progress

I do value the lives of UK kids lost same as Pakistani kids or Turkish kids or any other place even Syria
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