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BREAKING: Manchester Arena blast - Several dead after explosion at concert

is attack on civilian something totally new in about centuries or milliniums that you are soo much surprised? People (civilians) are killed everyday in mass in syria and iraq...Sympathies only for western people the superior goddish race

I unfortunately hate to say this, but we do see a double standard when an attack occurs in some Western country as opposed to some other place. Much of this has to do with the way the media portrays these attacks. It always has a certain political angle to it.

I remember the day Pakistan lost its children in a heinous attack plotted across the border. The response from certain media outlets in the West was abhorrent.

The more important question should be whether this attack is going to serve as a turning point now. IS has already claimed the attack. The real question is whether the British public still has the appetite for joining US wars abroad. The IS link cannot be ignored just like that. I believe that the British public is going to demand a review of its policies.
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Honestly speaking for once i agree with Trump when he says that Arabs should fight their own wars , USA , UK and British forces must not get involved in any other war.. because this is what ISIS and AQ want from day 1 , they want these western countries to bomb them and when few civilians die because of those strikes they use it for propaganda to recruit more Fighters , this is a never ending cycle which will keep killing innocent civilians on both sides ..the best way for i see for UK is to crack down those youths who are already under watch on Mi-6 lists , round them up , look at their social networks and investigate them .

Its almost useless to say anything that will comfort those who lost their loved one's , right now they are angry and they will blame Islam and Muslims for it but eventually and in the end until we all work together this War will never end .
Honestly speaking for once i agree with Trump when he says that Arabs should fight their own wars , USA , UK and British forces must not get involved in any other war.. because this is what ISIS and AQ want from day 1 , they want these western countries to bomb them and when few civilians die because of those strikes they use it for propaganda to recruit more Fighters , this is a never ending cycle which will keep killing innocent civilians on both sides ..the best way for i see for UK is to crack down those youths who are already under watch on Mi-6 lists , round them up , look at their social networks and investigate them .

Its almost useless to say anything that will comfort those who lost their loved one's , right now they are angry and they will blame Islam and Muslims for it but eventually and in the end until we all work together this War will never end .

You still trying an exit strategy? It wont work. I'm onto you starlord. You and Areesh and War and Peace. Your mistake was associating with Mikey. That was your blunder. I know what you are. Prove me wrong. Go on.
Amazing, sitting in India and ignoring all the children that hindus murder every single day. Does your hypocrisy have no limits?
yet more deflection ?

I don't blame you for being so aggressively defensive.

honestly, I kind of get how you must be feeling on this forum, this tragic thread being swarmed by Indians, your sworn enemies, and with many taking potshots at Islam, some subtle, others not so subtle at all.

That, and given the underlying context of it all, the jihad attack that killed 22 kids, and what it might mean for you as a British Pakistani muslim going forward.

but in all your (understandable) aggressive defence and dealing with enemy trolls, you are almost coming across as a pro jihad/pro ISIS guy, almost.

but despite your fiery anti India/Hindu rhetoric here on this forum, I know you hate what happened.

take a chill pill, take some time off the forum, nobody here (afaict anyway), and certainly me, want anything bad to happen in terms of a violent backlash or anything of the sort aimed at the Pakistani/Muslim community in the UK.

This is your fight as much (or more) than it is the native/white conservative/right wingers' in the UK.

Some ISIS loving salafist cunt killed a bunch of girls/kids and destroyed those families forever, not your fault at all but you do need to be active and speak out against it and be vigilant and counsel those around you who you see falling into the trap of radical wahabi extremism.

These literalists are the problem. I don't understand what they're even doing in kuffar lands. It must be hell for those guys being a small minority in the west where haram and shirk and all sorts of other infidel crap is the norm. These people must leave the UK and move to saudi arabia or something, only place where they will be happy where music concerts and freedom for women and concerts etc all banned and punishable offences.

The normal everyday muslim people in the UK will be much better off without the hate preachers and enthusiastic ISIS supporters.

In the words of the great DJT, you guys should drive them out from your communities and places of worship.

peace out.
yet more deflection ?

I don't blame you for being so aggressively defensive.

honestly, I kind of get how you must be feeling on this forum, this tragic thread being swarmed by Indians, your sworn enemies, and with many taking potshots at Islam, some subtle, others not so subtle at all.

That, and given the underlying context of it all, the jihad attack that killed 22 kids, and what it might mean for you as a British Pakistani muslim going forward.

but in all your (understandable) aggressive defence and dealing with enemy trolls, you are almost coming across as a pro jihad/pro ISIS guy, almost.

but despite your fiery anti India/Hindu rhetoric here on this forum, I know you hate what happened.

take a chill pill, take some time off the forum, nobody here (afaict anyway), and certainly me, want anything bad to happen in terms of a violent backlash or anything of the sort aimed at the Pakistani/Muslim community in the UK.

This is your fight as much (or more) than it is the native/white conservative/right wingers' in the UK.

Some ISIS loving salafist cunt killed a bunch of girls/kids and destroyed those families forever, not your fault at all but you do need to be active and speak out against it and be vigilant and counsel those around you who you see falling into the trap of radical wahabi extremism.

These literalists are the problem. I don't understand what they're even doing in kuffar lands. It must be hell for those guys being a small minority in the west where haram and shirk and all sorts of other infidel crap is the norm. These people must leave the UK and move to saudi arabia or something, only place where they will be happy and music concerts and freedom for women and concerts etc all banned and punishable offences.

The normal everyday muslim people in the UK will be much better off without the hate preachers and enthusiastic ISIS supporters.

In the words of the great DJT, you guys should drive them out from your communities and places of worship.

peace out.

Such a long essay for me, I am flattered. Can you please provide a gist in one sentence of no more than thirty words what that horse manure was all about as I cant be bothered to read such long tracts coming from Hindutavi fascists. Thank you. Just one sentence will do.
Amazing, sitting in the UK and blaming the rest of the word for completely unrelated stuff when one of your own killed 22 kids last night in the country that hosts you.

Have some shame.

One of your own? Where did you pull that one from?

It is despicable that Indians are turning this topic into a Pakistan bashing contest. The attack occurred in Manchester and we have some Indian cockroaches making references to Pakistan. Thankfully the mods are banning a few Indian haters.
Suspected bomber identified as 22-year-old Salman Abedi

Born in Manchester in 1994 the second youngest of four children her parents were Libyan refugees who came to the UK to escape the Gaddafi regime.

His mother, Samia Tabbal, 50, and father, Ramadan Abedi, a security officer, were both born in Libya but appear to have emigrated to London before moving to the Fallowfield area of south Manchester where they have lived for at least ten years.

He grew up in the Whalley Range area, just yards from the local girl's high school, which hit the headlines in 2015 when twins and grade A pupils, Zahra and Salma Halane, who were both aspiring medical students, left their homes and moved to Isil controlled Syria.

They then had Hashem Abedi, now 20, and daughter Jomana, 18. Jomana, who has two Facebook profiles, attended Whalley Range High School before apparently working at Didsbury Mosque in 2013.

Suspected bomber identified as 22-year-old Salman Abedi

Born in Manchester in 1994 the second youngest of four children her parents were Libyan refugees who came to the UK to escape the Gaddafi regime.

His mother, Samia Tabbal, 50, and father, Ramadan Abedi, a security officer, were both born in Libya but appear to have emigrated to London before moving to the Fallowfield area of south Manchester where they have lived for at least ten years.

He grew up in the Whalley Range area, just yards from the local girl's high school, which hit the headlines in 2015 when twins and grade A pupils, Zahra and Salma Halane, who were both aspiring medical students, left their homes and moved to Isil controlled Syria.

They then had Hashem Abedi, now 20, and daughter Jomana, 18. Jomana, who has two Facebook profiles, attended Whalley Range High School before apparently working at Didsbury Mosque in 2013.


I was just skimming through this thread. How some Indians and their nasty counterparts were praying the culprit should be a Pakistani. This already exposes the mindset of these gutter folks. Too bad they didn't get their wish.
I knew there was something off with Starlord, Areesh and war and Peace. That Starlord thought he was being clever. he gave the lot of them up because he went to mikey.
I was just skimming through this thread. How some Indians and their nasty counterparts were praying the culprit should be a Pakistani. This already exposes the mindset of these gutter folks. Too bad they didn't get their wish.

That Starlord, Areesh and war and Peace. None of them are who they say they are. I have been watching them for weeks. It all unravelled in this thread. That Mikey drew out Starlord. They thought no-one was watching.
Two different people, one wearing skin tight jeans, the other wearing slim cut jeans. It doesn't take a genius to notice the different type of blue jeans let alone body shape.
One is barefeet. The other has shoes.
Just read the people who have been replying to me. That will tell you everything. And watch starlord with mikey. Then go back and watch starlord, areesh and mikey.
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