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Breaking: IRGC seized a British tanker

this incident will go down in history in my opinion...

for centuries the royal navy has been the pride of Britain. and ruler of the seas. never has any nation challenged this notion... even as early as 82 they bullied argentina around..

they have even almost gone to war with US over insulting their naval honor. in the trent affair the US Navy removed 2 confederate diplomats off a british flagged vessel. before they were forced to release them under intense british pressure.

Today marked the start of an era where the whole world saw tangibly how impotent the british and their once invincible royal navy are. complete humiliation.

the union jack flag once made ships untouchable. now ships might ditch it because it brings danger to them (even additional humiliation for the brits). I wonder if IRGC took the union flag as a trophy?

you seem to forget its not the first time iran does it lol

what about the royal marines that got captured in the past by Iran ? some of them even admitted they cried themselves to sleep.

Iran captured Royal Commandos and Royal Marines 11 and 12 years ago. (in the Persian Gulf)




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as humiliating as that was... the brits could have passed this off as a surprise attack on a boat.... they could still save face somewhat.

this was a little different. there was no surprise. Iran publicly said it will retaliate against a british flagged ship. britian was fully aware of this, in full alert and sent their navy to protect their naval assets.

in spite of this, Iran still captured 2 of their ships, and broadcast it for the entire world to see.

this really demonstrated the impotence of the royal navy..... they knew a naval threat was there, and could do nothing to stop it. you have to go back alooooooong time to find a similar humiliating incident for the UK
IRGC released Radio conversation with England F-236 frigate during seizure of it's under escort tanker:
"Do not put your life in danger...You are ordered to not interfere in my operation"
فیلم توقیف نفتکش عنگلیس توسط سپاه پاسداران - آپارات

IRGC: we sized England Tanker the same way they seized our tanker, yet the difference was that England Tanker was being escorted by their warships.
Come on ,why write with wrong alphabete ?
A person who can answer with action won't do that ,leave that for the countries who can't answer piracy in the appropriate manner .
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Come on ,why write with wrong alphabete ?
A person who can answer with action won't do that ,leave that for the countries who can't answer piracy in the appropriate manner .
It was necessary to boost this signal to make sure they wont receive wrong signal from traitors like Zarif.
There wont be any more negotiation on our interests.
It was necessary to boost this signal to make sure they wont receive wrong signal from traitors like Zarif.
There wont be any more negotiation on our interests.
Wonder if he is traitor why others won't deal with him accordingly .
And changing the alphabet won't send any meaningful message.
Wonder if he is traitor why others won't deal with him accordingly .
Who dealt with Bani-Sadr? Parliament; But today an English list is dominating our Parliament, they openly sell the country in exchange of money!
از پول دادن به نماینده‌ها تا استیضاح وزیر؛ روایت فساد در مجلس شورا...
انصراف نمایندگان از استیضاح در ازای گرفتن آپارتمان - قدس آنلاین | پایگاه خبری - تحلیلی

And changing the alphabet won't send any meaningful message.
Message was so loud and meaningful that everyone from Saudi Arabia to Europe and even Brazil noticed it. maybe you are deaf and blind.

افسران نیروی دریایی سپاه برای تدریس به وزارت خارجه می‌روند؟! - مشرق نیوز
to me Imam Khomeini dealt with Bani sadr and parliament only acted after he finished his career
Message was so loud and meaningful that everyone from Saudi Arabia to Europe and even Brazil noticed it. maybe you are deaf and blind.

افسران نیروی دریایی سپاه برای تدریس به وزارت خارجه می‌روند؟! - مشرق نیوز

the message was not sent with changing alphabet. the message was sent by people who actually sent something meaningful . if they wanted to sent the message by changing alphabet then we would have been the laughing stock of the world .
about the drone which is mentioned in your article ,well USA previously hit several of Iranian drones in Syria , did we go to war over them , did we attack them for it ?
to me Imam Khomeini dealt with Bani sadr and parliament only acted after he finished his career
Don't fabricate the history, actually Imam Khomeini deliberately didn't do it, eve though Bani-Sadr's treason was already documented.

the message was not sent with changing alphabet. the message was sent by people who actually sent something meaningful . if they wanted to sent the message by changing alphabet then we would have been the laughing stock of the world .
about the drone which is mentioned in your article ,well USA previously hit several of Iranian drones in Syria , did we go to war over them , did we attack them for it ?
That drone was operating for Syrians and they were already in the war, but if you wanna know, when Israelis attack on T4 led to death of Iranian troops, we retaliated by raining missiles on their heads.
That drone was operating for Syrians and they were already in the war, but if you wanna know, when Israelis attack on T4 led to death of Iranian troops, we retaliated by raining missiles on their heads.
are you comparing death of troop with shot down a robot ?

Don't fabricate the history, actually Imam Khomeini deliberately didn't do it, eve though Bani-Sadr's treason was already documented.
بنی صدر در ۱۴ اسفند ۱۳۵۹ در دانشگاه تهران سخنرانی کرد و از وجود شکنجه در زندان‌های ایران خبر داد. این سخنرانی باعث جنجال‌های زیادی در فضای سیاسی ایران شد.[۴۳] او در ماه‌های آغازین سال ۱۳۶۰ دیگر از حمایت خمینی برخوردار نبود. در اوایل خرداد ماه، خمینی بدون نام بردن از بنی صدر، او را تقبیح کرد و شخصی خواند که خویش را بالاتر از قانون می‌بیند و به مصوبات مجلس بی اعتنا است. چند روز بعد روزنامه انقلاب اسلامی توقیف شد و خمینی بنی‌صدر را از سمت فرماندهی کل قوا برکنار کرد.[۴۴] هم‌زمان نیروهای حزب‌اللهی به خیابان‌ها آمده و خواستار اعدام بنی صدر شدند. بنی صدر از آنجا که به تنهایی توان مقابله با مخالفانش را نداشت و پیشتر هیچگاه به ایجاد یک حزب اقدام نکرده و با هیچ حزبی نیز ائتلاف ننموده بود، با سازمان مجاهدین خلق که سازمانی منتقد حکومت وقت و دارای تشکیلاتی سازمان یافته و مسلح بود، متحد شد.[۴۱] مجاهدین خلق نیز در پی تعارضات شدید با حکومت، از بنی‌صدر حمایت کرده
If it was not for that speech the parliament would have done nothing

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