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Breaking: IRGC seized a British tanker

sorry but that is funny :lol:

a tanker came in Iran waters




well well new information has came out from the tanker arrest

UK oil tanker was being escorted by UK warship and the warship took action to stop IRGC navy forces but could not succeed in its mission, 2 Royal Navy Helicopters took off too, in there effort to scare off IRGC navy special forces but failed to do so.

وی افزود: نفتکش انگلیسی بر خلاف قوانین و مقررات دریانوردی دستگاه موقعیت یاب خود را خاموش و به جای حرکت به سمت ورودی خلیج فارس در تنگه هرمز از مسیر خروجی در جنوب در حال ورود بود که پس از بی توجهی به هشدار‌ها و تذکرات یگان دریایی سپاه و حتی مقاومت و نیز دخالت ناوچه جنگی نیروی دریایی سلطنتی انگلستان و به پرواز در آوردن دو فروند بالگرد و تلاش برای بازداشتن تکاوران دریایی سپاه از اجرای مأموریت خود، با قاطعیت و سرعت عمل نیرو‌های خودی متوقف و جهت بررسی‌ها و اقدامات لازم قانونی به لنگرگاه ساحلی هدایت شد.


How can one warship launch two helicopters?

MI6 probe fears Iranian intelligence used Russian spy tech to ambush British tanker
Concerns are growing that Russian GPS technology lead the vessel into dangerous waters in the Gulf.

How can one warship launch two helicopters?

MI6 probe fears Iranian intelligence used Russian spy tech to ambush British tanker
Concerns are growing that Russian GPS technology lead the vessel into dangerous waters in the Gulf.


they have 2 warships aren't they? maybe from there base, it did not say that they were from there warships or not and you can hear them Radio exchanges.

Iran tanker seizure: Radio exchanges reveal Iran-UK confrontation

The Saudi diaper heads got the message...:omghaha:
Saudi Arabia Lets Iranian Oil Tanker Go

IFP Editorial Staff
July 20, 2019 - 16:39

Saudi Arabia has finally released an Iranian oil tanker that had been stuck at the port city of Jeddah for more than 11 weeks.

Iranian oil tanker ‘Happiness 1’, belonging to the to the National Iranian Tanker Co (NITC), was forced to berth at the Saudi port of Jeddah on April 30 due to a technical failure.

The NITC said a technical problem in the oil tanker caused sea water to leak into the ship’s engine room and stall the engine when the vessel was heading towards the Suez Canal in the Red Sea.

All of the 26 crew on board the oil tanker survived the incident as the ship was taken to the nearest safe port, namely Saudi Arabia’s Jeddah.

However, the kingdom was refusing to let Happiness 1 leave Jeddah after the vessel’s technical problem was resolved. Saudi Arabia was even charging the NITC $200,000 a day for the additional costs of maintenance.

Sources have reported that the oil tanker has been released on Saturday and is returning home with the entire crew.
No they are still in the detail phase and want to give credit to Russians ....

Their arrogance has no limits
yes you are right...it follows the familiar pattern that if Iran did something good or build something awesome (our AD KH 3 that downed global hawk) then it must be copy of a russian, chineas or even north koreans...Iranian brains just do not work and those Iranians who do bulk of the research discoveries in their western universities are not really Iranians but ALIENs..lol..

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