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Breaking: IRGC seized a British tanker

Why are you involving religious personalities or religion in this?

because religious personalities taught us how to live, and plus as I said in my last post; Iranian revolution came under the flag of school of Ahlul-Bayt.

And making it as though, the embelem of piousness, the Irani leaders, who has done no harm to the world by using proxies is all well and good and following the examples of our elders.
I've never said they are perfect or they never committed sins or whatever you're implying - I said, let me quote again for your eyes only:

"If they do not live up to the ethics and theology and jurisprudence of Ahlul-Bayt then they are no different then Daesh or Kingdom of Saudis and others etc." because Iranian revolution came under the name of Islam and Ahlul-Bayt so they have to live up to it otherwise they're done.

We Pakistanis have to go no further, then when our youth was radicalized and taken to fight into Syria or India was allowed to attack Pakistan through chahbahr or even iranian own attempts to raise people like uzair baloch to destabilise karachi in short Pakistan.

Your deeds, good or bad, will repay you in kind my friend.

You belong to a specific class of people only found in Pakistan, that try to be more loyal to Iran, then our own country Pakistan. That is shame. People like you are found everywhere in Pakistan giving examples of iranian grandeur and stuff while half of those things are lies.

I can understand your frustration, or should I say you're more loyal to west than your very own kin? Naah I shouldn't say that. sorry I take my words back. Btw stop judging people, thats not your job, or is it?

All they can do is stop west make them another Syria or Iraq and for that all their army has to do is not show these stupid gimmicks to feed public ego..

by begging them? or letting them aka west use their air bases like we did against our very own people? or by letting them get their hands on Iranian oil (Which is Iranian property) like the arabs did so then Iran becomes another American colony like Pakistan (pearl harbor) and arabs and then they dictate what is good or bad for Iranian people? like they dictate us the great Pakistanis, the only muslim country with nuclear power?

for that all their army has to do is not show these stupid gimmicks to feed public ego..

Btw do you know anything about geology? there are no international waters in Strait of Hormuz my friend. Either the Strait of Hormuz belongs to Iran or Oman. So if you're by any chance in Iranian waters, you have to follow the Iranian law and if you're in Omanian waters then you have to follow Oman's law. Its as simple as that. there is no such thing as international waters there. You have to follow the laws of the lands, isn't it written in International law? If you're flying inside any country without their permission, you'll get hit and if you're sailing inside any country's waters without their permission, you'll get hit or captured, is it that hard to understand?

The job of a good leader is to save its people from distrustion of war.

No sir, the job of a good leader is to protect his/her people and not let them starve.
Tit for tat. Now the Brexiteers will be tested.

It is one thing to seize a ship and resort to rhetoric. It is a whole different ball game when the other side pays you back in the same coin.
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well well new information has came out from the tanker arrest

UK oil tanker was being escorted by UK warship and the warship took action to stop IRGC navy forces but could not succeed in its mission, 2 Royal Navy Helicopters took off too, in there effort to scare off IRGC navy special forces but failed to do so.

وی افزود: نفتکش انگلیسی بر خلاف قوانین و مقررات دریانوردی دستگاه موقعیت یاب خود را خاموش و به جای حرکت به سمت ورودی خلیج فارس در تنگه هرمز از مسیر خروجی در جنوب در حال ورود بود که پس از بی توجهی به هشدار‌ها و تذکرات یگان دریایی سپاه و حتی مقاومت و نیز دخالت ناوچه جنگی نیروی دریایی سلطنتی انگلستان و به پرواز در آوردن دو فروند بالگرد و تلاش برای بازداشتن تکاوران دریایی سپاه از اجرای مأموریت خود، با قاطعیت و سرعت عمل نیرو‌های خودی متوقف و جهت بررسی‌ها و اقدامات لازم قانونی به لنگرگاه ساحلی هدایت شد.

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Iranians are confident there will be no war that is why they are resorting to Tit for Tat tactics against the Brits. In case of any war there is no need for Iran to shoot any missiles. If they simply threaten to retaliate by using missiles then No oil Tankers will dare enter the Persian Gulf. I can't imagine how high oil prices will Jump. So how long do you think the world economy will cope with such high oil prices?

Any act of war against Iran will not only create world war III but it will create a massive recession that I doubt the world has ever seen. If Iran goes down it'll take down the whole world with it. The US and EU know this very well.
Iranians are confident there will be no war that is why they are resorting to Tit for Tat tactics against the Brits. In case of any war there is no need for Iran to shoot any missiles. If they simply threaten to retaliate by using missiles then No oil Tankers will dare enter the Persian Gulf. I can't imagine how high oil prices will Jump. So how long do you think the world economy will cope with such high oil prices?

Any act of war against Iran will not only create world war III but it will create a massive recession that I doubt the world has ever seen. If Iran goes down it'll take down the whole world with it. The US and EU know this very well.
too much . . if world decided to eliminate iran it will take a week to cripple iran .

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