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Breaking: IRGC seized a British tanker

CARACAS, July 21. /TASS/. Iran’s arguments on the situation around the British Stena Impero tanker look more convincing that those of the Gibraltar authorities and the United Kingdom when they detained a tanker with Iranian oil in the Strait of Gibraltar, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Sunday.
"Arguments cited by the Iranian side to explain its actions are much more convincing than vague references to the European Union’s sanction law that were used by the Gibraltar authorities with the United Kingdom’s backing at the moment of the arrest of a Panama-flagged tanker carrying Iranian oil," Ryabkov said.
"Iran’s arguments are much more right than those of Gibraltar and London who are indulging in piracy. Iran is taking care of the ecology in the Strait of Hormuz," he noted.

as expected England war ship HMS Montrose the escort Stena Impero oil tanker ran off and left the oil tanker to its own rather then come to its rescue

Video game generation coupled with low IQ recruits in the UK/US militaries meet the real men of the IRGC in the real world. As Mohsen said it ..time to shootdown another imaginary Iranian drone to recover from the shame..:cheesy:
The British tanker was on omani water when forced to divert.
And can you believe a British warship was closeby watching this British ship get forced into Iranian waters? Also, what were all the "military assets" Trump moved into the PErsian gulf doing while this British ship was being hustled by the IRGC? SMFH

i think aggressive posture against Americans is good but now irgc made a big mistake.it seized a ship of American Ally and now all allies will join British and Americans.

Nobody wants to join US, because they understand this is a US vs IRan beef, and weirdly enough, US seeking allies worries me, because that means the US isnt ready to take the full burden of the Iranian threat.

So Far No Takers for the US Anti-Iranian Naval Coalition
Nobody wants to put themselves under the control of US push for escalation
Empire Woes
Jason Ditz22 Jul 19 135 3

As tensions have continued to rise between the US and Iran, American officials continue to try to court allies to join a naval force to safeguard key shipping lanes off the coast of Iran. So far, they don’t have any takers.

The Trump Administration has been keen to have other nations pay for the defense of the Strait of Hormuz, and Trump has argued that the US shouldn’t have to cover the entire cost. US officials, however, are clear they will be in total control of this foreign fleet of ships they’re trying to recruit.

Some nations are okay with sending a few ships to escort their own tankers, but diplomats say that there is a lot of resistance to being seen as part of a US-formed fleet that would increase tensions even further.

“Nobody wants to be on that confrontational course and part of a US push against Iran,” an official was quoted by Reuters as saying. Pentagon officials argue that the goal is not to encourage a confrontation, though everyone else seems to notice this is the end-result of US efforts in the area, and doesn’t want to be involved.


the ship seized by British can return to Iran if they talk to British but this British tank seizure is a much bigger issue.seriously I am expecting armed assault of allies now.iran wanted war from a very long time.i think it's time for war.
Man, stop being such a dreamer. US + EU are showing they dont want soldiers dead. thats the only signal i am getting up until now. It might change, but so far, it hasnt. But im not surprised, The West chose the economic war route on Iran because military war wasnt palatable to them, but now that the economic war hasnt ground Iran to a halt, they actually have no real good moves left, and they are showing they obviously cannot maintain peace in the PG because its easier to destroy than to build and i those of you who thought IRGC navy and weapons in the PG were "fake weapons" that cant do anything, you're seeing how the west is reacting to it now. All Iran has to do is fire 1 rocket every week into the strait of hormuz, or even outside Arab waters and oil price will stay higher than normal.

IRGC seems to be showing it does have control in the Persian Gulf.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

In a war with the west your leadership will fall apart even without a invasion. Bombing Tehran for a few weeks will end leadership as we know it.
You have no evidence or deep realistic insight to make such an assertion so confidently and be correct at the same time. IN reality nobody knows what will happen, even US military doesnt actually know, they only know what their military plan is. US hasnt fought an adversary like Iran in a LONG time. thats facts. Iran hasnt prepared 30+ years for US only to melt in 1 month.

Not really

Muslim countries need to forge our own path

Not bow down to foreign powers who then impose a leadership made up of slaves upon a destroyed state

The arabs were dopes they made no weapon of quality to deter aggression against their states and were thus repeatedly humiliated
Today they are slaves

Iranians for all their restrictions have atleast forged ahead in making a variety of potent weapons

The U.S still has thousands of soldiers stuck in Afghanistan
Major U.S bases are well within Iranian reach
The Hormuz straits would be closed

Iran isnt some dickless arab country ergo whilst the U.K and U.S can bluster they know the consequences of war because iran can strike back
Accurate summary.

Who mentioned Arab countries m8? I am American by birth with mixed roots.

As I said before, most of your rant is false, and wishful thinking. Here you go...

Wishful thinking describes decision-making and the formation of beliefs based on what might be pleasing to imagine, rather than on evidence, rationality, or reality.
Actually his logic is based on accepting reality as is, not fantasy but you're the one doing wishful thinking tbh.

i know that but that was my 2 guess first they want it for escort as there are 30_40 UK tankers that need escort waiting for UK warship.
UK currently has told all British ships not to transit the strait of hormuz until further notice.

i never imagined Iran seizing 1 British vessel would end Britain's use of the SOH...Iran must be going "well that was easy"...

You should pray nothing happens. Obama was a pussy at acting compared to Trump. If the small boat capture had happened under his presidency I doubt you would have power to access this forum.
You think Obama was a pussy? you do realize he damaged the most Iranian nuclear centrifuges with STUXNET right? Also, Iran's opposition was its most potent under Obama and we shouldnt forget what problems they caused for the Iranian govt. Stop being so naive and simple.
CARACAS, July 21. /TASS/. Iran’s arguments on the situation around the British Stena Impero tanker look more convincing that those of the Gibraltar authorities and the United Kingdom when they detained a tanker with Iranian oil in the Strait of Gibraltar, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Sunday.
"Arguments cited by the Iranian side to explain its actions are much more convincing than vague references to the European Union’s sanction law that were used by the Gibraltar authorities with the United Kingdom’s backing at the moment of the arrest of a Panama-flagged tanker carrying Iranian oil," Ryabkov said.
"Iran’s arguments are much more right than those of Gibraltar and London who are indulging in piracy. Iran is taking care of the ecology in the Strait of Hormuz," he noted.

Well, we now know what side Russia is on....

as expected England war ship HMS Montrose the escort Stena Impero oil tanker ran off and left the oil tanker to its own rather then come to its rescue

Well, we now know what side Russia is on....


What most ppl fail to realize is that there 2 two small islands in the center of UAE and Iran, one is known as SIRRI Island and One is known as Abu Musa Island and both are administered by Iran which technically increases the territory of Iran even more, but the west will never tell us about this, and ppl dont want to see that as well.

Greater and Lesser Tunb Islands are also in Iranian territory. Lol, so the traffic moving through these islands are also inside Iranian territory and west is busy claiming it as international waters.

Something seriously wrong with us ppl.
What most ppl fail to realize is that there 2 two small islands in the center of UAE and Iran, one is known as SIRRI Island and One is known as Abu Musa Island and both are administered by Iran which technically increases the territory of Iran even more, but the west will never tell us about this, and ppl dont want to see that as well.

Greater and Lesser Tunb Islands are also in Iranian territory. Lol, so the traffic moving through these islands are also inside Iranian territory and west is busy claiming it as international waters.

Something seriously wrong with us ppl.
As far as you don't aquire nukes and ICBMS it will be international water , after aquiring these it will be Iranian water . It is clear and simple .
well well new information has came out from the tanker arrest

UK oil tanker was being escorted by UK warship and the warship took action to stop IRGC navy forces but could not succeed in its mission, 2 Royal Navy Helicopters took off too, in there effort to scare off IRGC navy special forces but failed to do so.

وی افزود: نفتکش انگلیسی بر خلاف قوانین و مقررات دریانوردی دستگاه موقعیت یاب خود را خاموش و به جای حرکت به سمت ورودی خلیج فارس در تنگه هرمز از مسیر خروجی در جنوب در حال ورود بود که پس از بی توجهی به هشدار‌ها و تذکرات یگان دریایی سپاه و حتی مقاومت و نیز دخالت ناوچه جنگی نیروی دریایی سلطنتی انگلستان و به پرواز در آوردن دو فروند بالگرد و تلاش برای بازداشتن تکاوران دریایی سپاه از اجرای مأموریت خود، با قاطعیت و سرعت عمل نیرو‌های خودی متوقف و جهت بررسی‌ها و اقدامات لازم قانونی به لنگرگاه ساحلی هدایت شد.


The British $hit themselves
As far as you don't aquire nukes and ICBMS it will be international water , after aquiring these it will be Iranian water . It is clear and simple .

No sir, it depends on the leadership as well, we had nukes when they came in, most ppl from around the world may not agree but we even had second strike capability, but they still came in, and I am not talking about India sir, I am talking about USA during the Osama event.

they came in and took someone's body with them, whether he was osama or not or whether they took someone or not still they violated the sovereignty of Pakistan. I do not care if there was any Osama or not, but they still managed to get in knowing that we have nukes and second strike capability and our leadership was numb.

We even allowed them our own airbases to bomb our very own people, okay they bombed terrorists but what about their kids? what about their women who died because of those bombs? was that a collateral damage? But the bigger question is, is collateral damage accepted in Islam? No sir, as far as I know, no sir you cannot knowingly kill or allow killing militarily if there is even a doubt of collateral damage. Someone please come up and correct me if I am wrong from the teachings of Quran and Ahlul-Bayt.

And that explains, nukes wont get you anywhere unless you've a strong leadership who means business, who cares for its people, who cares for its country's agenda... I am afraid that was missing during our case, I hope Iran has that leadership.
.. I am afraid that was missing during our case, I hope Iran has that leadership.
You are absolutely right. Leadership is a vital factor but not all . Cripled economy, dependency on them , let them to do whatever they wanted to do.
This is the point , Iranian leadership is not like that . Look at North Korea, Why they don't dare to do anything.
It is the responsibility of Iranian leadership to save their country and people. It is not necessary to use WMD , it is for deterrence. If they strike you with nukes what you will do? If you have the ability to a second strike they will not dare to do anything as you have a very good leadership.
I doubt, I think Abotabad operation was Co ordinated.
Lastly, Islam doesn't allow you to let your people unsafe and your country vulnerable to your enemies. So go for nukes , it will give you safety, dignity, honour and economic prosper.

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