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Breaking: IRGC seized a British tanker

Russia, just like everyone else looks after its own interests.
Russia wants Arab money.

They also see how advanced and powerful Iran has become, so they see the benefits of being allied to Iran. Its purley self interest, not because they love Iran.
Russia, just like everyone else looks after its own interests.
Russia wants Arab money.

They also see how advanced and powerful Iran has become, so they see the benefits of being allied to Iran. Its purley self interest, not because they love Iran.

people sometimes forget about realpolitik and see things in simplistic human views. example: Iran and Russia have the same enemy (us dominated world order) and that makes them de facto allies and everything they do must be friendly to each other...

but geopolitics is a a lot more complex then that. with sometimes overlapping interests. Putin makes geopolitical decisions that benefit Russia. He has no loyalty, friendship, or emotional attachment to anybody.

so even though iran and Russia have many similar interests, Russia is not stupid. they see Iran as a long term competitor in the region, and will not foolishly strengthen iran to a point of becoming a rival.

for them Iran is a useful country to use against the west. And you cant blame him for this, as hes looking out for Russia. thankfully Iranian leadership are masters of geopolitics themselves and fully understand this and act out accordingly.

for Iran the best long term solution is actually to play the west against Russia/china to its own benefit. and not make itself a sacrificial lamb to take down (an admittingly) corrupt and oppressive American dominated order.

that's why the nuclear deal and accompanying ties to western firms was important. it was right at that time that Russia quickly fulfilled its stalled order and delivered the s-300s..... coincidence?
This situation actually reminds me of the Chaldaran war with the Ottomans.
Shah Ismail was told that because the enemy has a much greater force and have guns, the Iranian side should attack at night time and take the enemy by surprise and they wouldn´t be able to use their cannons....
Then one of shah Ismail´s advisors convinced him that this wouldnt be the manly thing to do, and he should just face the enemy in tbe morning....... at which time the cannons cut them all to peices and half of Iran was occupied by invadors.....

The moral of this story is that on the international level, no one else undrstands manleyness...they all undrestand self interests.
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