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Breaking: Afghan Mullahs declare Jihad against Pakistan .

You cannot intimidate or rule someone who doesn't fear death. They have bore brunt of invading armies since eternity. They have been both perpetrators and victims of unimaginable savagery which no one from the sub-continent faced. They are most hardened human beings on the face of Planet earth

You can intimidate someone who does not fear death by

1. Mass murdering their tribe

2. Killing their Children

3. Raping their women.

I may sound crass,insensitive, and heartless but these are only proven methods to intimidate people who do not fear death.

And regarding bearing burnt of invading Armies, invading armies of yesteryears never had the capability to completely annihilate whole ethnic groups. Today, armies may not be in genociding business due to moral reasons, but that does not take anything away from the fact that they are more than capable of annihilating whole ethnicity of stone age Pashtun.

Do you really think that Soviets or America were not capable enough to send every Pashtun to their seventy-two virgins, if they wanted to? I am not even talking about Nukes. A single B-52 could wipe out whole town killing every inhabitant of that town,and a fully loaded squadron would be enough to wipe out a whole district using conventional bombs. Have you not seem live leak videos in which Apache AH-64Es hunted down terrorists using night vision? Now imaging how easy it would be to give this treatment to whole population when you do not have to care about pesky formalities like limiting collateral damage.

Only way Pakistani Army could lose to Pashtuns is if inferiority complex of Pakistani army ,which emanates from Pakistanis considering Afghans as purer muslim than them, gets better of it thus making it lose at psychological level, or if Pashtuns attack during Indo-Pak war.
You really live in medieval times.This is the era of modern warfare fought with information and complete domination of battlefield.Those who dont move with the technology are buried under tonnes of dirt now.If you really believe your rag tag afghan militia will give any type of tough time to one of the best armies in the world you live in a fools paradise.

Afghans were not unstable and poor like you claim they were one of the top civilizations of the era you are talking about and as a result were able to defeat people of this region.Besides most of those coming from Khyber pass to conquer india weren't even afghanis they came there too as invaders and settled there so please deflate your over inflated ego.

And about the so called grave yard of empires ,this is only what afghans are good at i.e gorilla warfare and rest assured Pakistan will never attack Afghanistan and if you afghan try to invade Pakistan on your medieval horses it would be the most spectacular massacre world would have ever seen.
Gandhara(Afghanistan) was a rich state in ancient times. But in medieval times it wasn't. What if India decides to help modernize Afghan army and give them military aid? Then what.

Most of Afghans lived off plundering neighboring prosperous Punjab.
Maybe I hate to be saying this (lol)..... but you are correct. The Mullas calling for Jihad may be a loony lot; but the Afghans have not and will not cotton to the idea of being ruled over by anybody. They will never buy into the "Ummah" argument to ever accept that. An Afghan is clear about one thing; come to them as a friend, they will embrace you. Go to them as a master (even with Nukes or F-16s) ..... they will kick up merry Hell for you. And will not even mind going to (and through) Hell to do that. The Tribe and its Pride over-rides everything.......life, death or even religion.

What a brilliant assessment...

You must have Bharat Verma's soul infused into your body.

But let me drop some facts.

*Afghans are dirt poor and not capable of doing anything.

*Their second country is Pakistan.

*Their kin live in Pakistan.

*There are more Pashtuns in Pakistan than Afghanistan. Hell, there are more Pashtuns in Karachi than Kabul and Peshawar combined.

*Even if you pump your billions of dollars worth of call center sweat, blood, and tears, they will remain off of our radar.

So you can continue to stick your thumb up your *** and wish the worst for Pakistan. It honestly, makes no difference.
1. Mass murdering their tribe

2. Killing their Children

3. Raping their women.
Didn't work on them inferior midgets across Indian eastern border. Doubt it will work on Afghans of all the people just saying. No offence intended ofc :P
Gandhara(Afghanistan) was a rich state in ancient times. But in medieval times it wasn't. What if India decides to help modernize Afghan army and give them military aid? Then what.

Most of Afghans lived off plundering neighboring prosperous Punjab.

Gandhara was in Pakistan and centered around current city of Peshawar. People think it was around Kandhar because both are homonyms. The mahajanpada in Afghanistan was Kambhojha.
Didn't work on them inferior midgets across Indian eastern border. Doubt it will work on Afghans of all the people just saying. No offence intended ofc :P

Bangladesh's population in 1971 was 67.63 million while Pakistani population was 60.84 million and Pakistan never bothered to maintain strong army in Bangladesh so they did not have enough firepower to annihilate Bangladeshis.Also never forget that India saved collective arse of Bangladeshis.

In comparison to this, there are just 12 million Afghan Pashtuns and 29 million Pakistani Pashtuns against 182 million Pakistania of which 101 million are Punjabis. Add to that superior military capability of Pakistanis and a shared border; it is certain that Pakistanis could annihilate Pashtuns, if it want to do so.
Gandhara(Afghanistan) was a rich state in ancient times. But in medieval times it wasn't. What if India decides to help modernize Afghan army and give them military aid? Then what.

Most of Afghans lived off plundering neighboring prosperous Punjab.
Well good luck making something out of that hell hole.It will turn even India into a broke nation if they try to bring Afghan to a level where they pose us any kind of threat.
Bangladesh's population in 1971 was 67.63 million while Pakistani population was 60.84 million and Pakistan never bothered to maintain strong army in Bangladesh so they did not have enough firepower to annihilate Bangladeshis.Also never forget that India saved collective arse of Bangladeshis.

In comparison to this, there are just 12 million Afghan Pashtuns and 29 million Pakistani Pashtuns against 182 million Pakistania of which 101 million are Punjabis. Add to that superior military capability of Pakistanis and a shared border; it is certain that Pakistanis could annihilate Pashtuns, if it want to do so.
Afghanistan is going to sign defense treaties with India in near future most likely. It will get closer to Iran. Pakistan annihilating them is out of question. If US invasion of Afghanistan proved to be a failure how will be the pakistani one be successful? BTW even the Afghani Tajiks,Uzbeks,and Hazaras have no love for Pakistan

Bhai are you a Punjabi btw? I can sense your love of your brothers across the border.

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