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Breaking: Afghan Mullahs declare Jihad against Pakistan .

A superpower spents over a trillion to beat some barefooted terrorists with rusty AKs and doesnot fulfill objectives. Then sure its a failure.

Who told you US lost?
Do you even know what their objectives were and were they achieved or not?
its just a popular myth for larger muslim population consumption.
They never intended to subjugate the local populace.Tell me one terror incident on the scale similar to 9/11 that happened after occupation of Afghanistan in mainland USA
I don't see relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan improving... ever.
Who told you US lost?
Do you even know what their objectives were and were they achieved or not?
its just a popular myth for larger muslim population consumption.
They never intended to subjugate the local populace.Tell me one terror incident on the scale similar to 9/11 that happened after occupation of Afghanistan.
My Packistani friend, 9/11 bombers had no links with Afghanistan. Osama wasn't hiding in Afghanistan.

They tried to subjugate but they failed miserably.

I don't see relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan improving... ever.
The only solution is merger of Afghanistan with Pakistan. Beneficial for both countries?
The only solution is merger of Afghanistan with Pakistan. Beneficial for both countries?
I agree here. It had been suggested by muslims of muslim league and Rehmat Ali. He wanted a union between Afghanistan and Pakistan... killing the pashtunistan problem and the durand line issue in one shot. I have witnessed the Afghan psyche and they consider pashtuns in Pakistan oppressed while claiming territory that is ours should go to them.

As a Lucknowi I haven't had much chance to get a sympathetic view of Afghan nationals but since I am trying to adopt pashtun ways I feel I should look at them and relations with them less cynically. They've been through a lot and I think it was a lost opportunity when we failed to merge them in the national fabric despite the fact that 3 million+ lived in our side of the border.

I think a union would be beneficial but it is unlikely to come about. It would however solve the pashtun nationalist problem with 50 million, possibly 60 million pashtuns in one country.
Signing a treaty with Afghanistan would be game over for Pakistan. I dunno

I heard from Pakistanis that NDS is controlled by Tajiks who want to derail Pak Afghan peace process. Also Hazaras since they are being targetted.

A superpower spents over a trillion to beat some barefooted terrorists with rusty AKs and doesnot fulfill objectives. Then sure its a failure.

@Capt.Popeye Is his assessment right?

No Military Pact with Afghanistan is likely, apart from training and providing some eqpt.

about the 3rd sentence: it would seem so.... the failure bit I mean. But what exactly was the American objective ? Need a clear answer to that question.
If it was to stabilise the area..... failure.
If it was to leave something on a "slow boil" to be dealt with interminably by frenemies.......

No it will be a liability on Pakistan.

Why ?
It would give the much dreamt-of "Strategic Depth".
My Pakistani friend, 9/11 bombers had no links with Afghanistan. Osama wasn't hiding in Afghanistan.

They tried to subjugate but they failed miserably.
Correct the spellings they are quite simple i dont know why you can't get them correctly.
If you believe in the made up Abbotabad drama then good luck to you
On point at the start of operation enduring freedom OBL was confirmed in Torra Bora mountain complex.
American were there to install a friendly government.Stop future attacks on mainland USA and control the region from a permanent bases inside centrally located Afghanistan.
Tell me which objective they haven't achieved?
Besides who would want anything to do with the hell hole they call Afghanistan.
No Military Pact with Afghanistan is likely, apart from training and providing some eqpt.
Why not? What if India-Iran detoriate and it gets closer to PAK. Is it due to non-alignment policy? Will India never sign a military pact with any country?

@haviZsultan Would Mohajirs and Altaf Bhai support this merger?
Why don't you take them ? Don't you need strategic depth ? If not what your consulates are doing there and that too in numbers ?

Do you know what "Strategic Depth" means ? :azn:
India has enough Strategic Depth. India just needs Pakistan as a buffer state, just as the British used Afghanistan as a buffer state in the past.

Why not? What if India-Iran detoriate and it gets closer to PAK. Is it due to non-alignment policy? Will India never sign a military pact with any country?

@haviZsultan Would Mohajirs and Altaf Bhai support this merger?

No need to sign any military pacts. Regardless of anything....... :)
Yeah when you guys actually control eastern Afghanistan then you can think abt your jihad but currently Afghanistan us horribly divided and its going to get even more divided with Isis coming..... Rather tackling their issues these mullahs are dreaming of 12th century conquests against the 6th largest and a very advanced military force that has experience in combatting war situations and counter insurgency.

Foolishness and delusions at its height. Their place is a hell hole due to decades and decades of war and they want another one before they can even set their home straight.

Afghanistan and Pakistan it seems will always have trouble but these freeloading Afghanis won't even think twice if we offer them homes in Pakistan and they will whine and bitch while taking everything we offer them.

The so called graveyard of superpowers is a barren wasteland of hell where life is hard and living up to 40 is a wonder and an achievement.

We should however look to solve the border of Afghanistan as its too dangerous with this suicide bombing maniacs can cross through.
Why not? What if India-Iran detoriate and it gets closer to PAK. Is it due to non-alignment policy? Will India never sign a military pact with any country?

@haviZsultan Would Mohajirs and Altaf Bhai support this merger?

Altaf is a terrorist and ethnic chauvinist. He will support Biharis or Kashmiris coming into Pakistan because it means potential MQM votes through the equation that more muhajirs will mean votes from MQM but he will never support pashtuns being unified in one land whom he views as an enemy. (I will say this can go both ways. I am a Lucknowi and my father mother both moved after 47, not the year of partition-but I hate the MQM even though it may be the only group that has a soft spot for migrants like us. I knew it was Pakistan that saved us, not MQM, hence my patriotism towards Pakistan not the MQM)

Personally I am extremely critical of muhajirs or even my relatives on the Karachi side-the ones who moved. Ethnic tensions and hostility towards other ethnic groups has been embedded in our genes as if muhajir supremacy not the Pakistani identity was the goal of Jinnah or our goal when we moved. What we have done is push Pakistan onto the backburner and become ethnic chauvinists viewing all other ethnic groups with suspicion if not utter hatred.

If you ask me if I respect those in Lucknow more or those in Pakistan I will say Lucknow. Even those (to some extant) who are not pro Pakistani in Lucknow understand the benefits of secularism, are not divided by ethnic chauvinism, and never display outright hatred for any sect, religious group or other group.

Coming back to your question the answer is simple. An ethnic chauvinist will only think what is best for his ethnic group. He is incapable of looking at the bigger picture or the benefit of the nation or religion as a means of being united and together pursuing the interests-interests of not just one ethnic group but all ethnic groups, ethnic groups that are supposed to be brothers. So no, Altaf sees 25% Pashtuns of Karachi as a threat. Anything that increases the number of Pashtuns in Pakistan will be a threat for him.

I can only pray that Altaf perishes or something... because he is an evil man and will not let Pakistan and Afghanistan unite. I would like to point out by the way that many people are both muhajirs and pashtuns. Yes they can be both. How?

Research the Rohillas... even I have some pashtun links. But we did not know pashto when we moved from lucknow and hence became muhajirs. Thats how close we are. Pashtuns Balochs Sindhis and Punjabis should all work to be one-as should the races that come in between.

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