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Breaking: Afghan Mullahs declare Jihad against Pakistan .

Since I don't know much about all these things, could you please tell me how you see it going in near future ?
I don't know. I am no expert ot fortune teller.

But after US withdraws things are going to change. Afghans are going to be on offensive. Interesting thing is that Afghans hate Pakistanis more than the same Americans who did more damage to it.

It's all about race imo. Proud Afghans are never going to take orders from Punjabis across the border
Afghan taliban declare Jihad against Gov , Isis declares Jihad against Afghan taliban , Afghan taliban declare jihad against ISIS , Haqqani Network declares jihad against gov , TTP declares Jihad against pakistan ,Mangal Bagh declares jihad Lasker-i-Islam , afghan clerics declare jihad against Pakistan , Junaid Jamshed declares Jihad against Women . So many Jihads so little time .
sad but funny the way you put it
Dude you are really out of step if you believe your mullah's word about Pakistani Pashtun supporting you in your jihad against so called Punjabi evil generals.You will be decimated,period.This is not "lawaris" Pakistan of medieval times please try to come into modern era it would be better for your health.
Bhai I am not an Afghan. I am a fan of history. Like they say history repeats itself. In medieval time too Afghanistan was unstable and poor with loads of infighting. North-western India(Pakistan) was prosperous and rich. Yet they inflicted humiliating defeats.

You cannot intimidate or rule someone who doesn't fear death. They have bore brunt of invading armies since eternity. They have been both perpetrators and victims of unimaginable savagery which no one from the sub-continent faced. They are most hardened human beings on the face of Planet earth.

This is the reality.

Now call me Hinduwadi or Afghan false flagger. Doesn't matter.
I don't know. I am no expert ot fortune teller.

But after US withdraws things are going to change. Afghans are going to be on offensive. Interesting thing is that Afghans hate Pakistanis more than the same Americans who did more damage to it.

It's all about race imo. Proud Afghans are never going to take orders from Punjabis across the border
afghan govt is mainly based on northern alliance and pushtoon majority are very limited so govt are anti Pakistani and I am pashtoon but I consider myself Pakistani 1st and then pashtoon and believe me if they so called afghan daughter seller try any thing stupid then we pashtoon of Pakistan will be in front to chop their gay asses. we want peace but with dignity buz kash kom cant even take back their homeland from invades Pakistan is whole new story.
Read the news again they have declared jihad against ISI and army which they think is dominated by Punjabis. Their hatred is only towards Pakistani Punjabi. It's obvious.

Punjabis always have been humiliated by the Afghans that's just undeniable history.
Yes and that is exactly what makes no sense to me. ISI is punjabi dominated is the biggest mis conception. As far as I know, Lots of Pathans, pashtuns and northern people are employed by the ISI. I guess more of them then the Punjabis....

I don't know. I am no expert ot fortune teller.

But after US withdraws things are going to change. Afghans are going to be on offensive. Interesting thing is that Afghans hate Pakistanis more than the same Americans who did more damage to it.

It's all about race imo. Proud Afghans are never going to take orders from Punjabis across the border
After afghan border there is something called a Pathan nation before any punjabi thing comes up....
You rat shit RSS gooni. It's the Punjabis of Pakistan that have been keeping you cockroaches of over a billion in check since 47' and before.

Pakistan is for Muslims, and Kashmiris want to be a part of Pakistan. Not part of your idol worshipping half and half deen-e-illahi crap. Afghans and Pashtuns hate all of you Indians regardless of religion, it is only Punjabis that want to keep the deen alive. Maybe you need to take a tour of Karachi?

The Pashtuns berate you half-breeds so much so that we find it disturbing. But you will remain a dot head doing pujaa to a rock. So be it.
he is a Indian Muslim mate
Punjabi Musalamaan lol? Bhai yeh jhooti akhaad jaake mohajir bhaiyye ko dikha. No Punjabi ruler ever ruled Punjab. Only Punjabis who have to little to brag about are Sikhs maybe. But when they were humilaited by the Afghans.What's the achievement of Punjabi Musalamaan? Only dominating Pakistan since they are a majority there. You resort to racism as usual when you are confronted with reality.
By Afghans who ruled sub-continent i am sure you mean Pushtuns, as i can't remember Tajik or Uzbeks coming to these lands. Have you checked lately how many pushtuns actually live on the afghan side and how many on the Pakistani side. Just a hint more Pushtuns live on the Pakistani side. And have you ever asked a Pakistani Pushtun what will be their reaction if Afghans try to invade Pakistan? Please do ask if you get an opportunity that will clear a lot of your doubts. Thanks.
pro american statement of american taut nothing more and nothing less..................

Afghan clerics declare Jihad against Pakistan amid growing violence

Outraged with a series of deadly attacks in capital Kabul the Afghan religious clerics declared Jihad against Pakistan by gathering in the scene of truck bombing in Shah Shaheed area where at least 15 people were killed and near 400 others were wounded last week.
The religious clerics condemned the deadly attack and blamed certain elements in Pakistan for being involved behind the attacks.
A member of the religious clerics council Mawlavi Ahmad Gul called on all parties involved in the ongoing violence and war in the country to let the Afghan people live in peace.
He said the Afghan people are Muslims and insisted that Jihad is eligible against Pakistan’s military intelligence – Inter Service Intelligence and Punjabi military, insisting the country’s army and intelligence is directly involved in the ongoing violence and savagery in Afghanistan.
This comes as the National Directorate of Security (NDS) said Wednesday that specific elements within the Pakistani army was behind the deadly attacks in capital Kabul, apparently gesturing towards the country’s military intelligence – Inter Services Intelligence (ISI).
NDS spokesman Haseeb Sediqi told reporters that the attacks were carried out by the elements of the Pakistani army with the help of their mercenaries – Haqqani terrorist network.
The former Afghan President Hamid Karzai called on United States and the West not to support Pakistan’s military intelligence – Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), blaming it for sponsoring terrorism in Afghanistan.
Speaking among the gathering of Afghans youths to celebrate the International Youth Day, the former Afghan President said politicians and military leaders of the United States, United Kingdom and other countries admitted in the past that Pakistan’s military intelligence is the founder and sponsor of terrorism.
Karzai further added that the US and Western leaders must stop supporting the sponsors of terrorism if they agree with the fact that ISI is supporting terrorism in the region.
A prominent Afghan military official Gen. Abdul Raziq has said the Taliban group is plotting and coordinating attacks in Afghanistan with direct support of Pakistan.
He was speaking to reporters following the capture of Nawzad district from the Taliban militants in southern Helmand province.
Gen. Raziq is the provincial police chief of southern Kandahar province and leads the fight against the Taliban militants in the neighboring Helmand province.
He said Punjabi militants and mercenaries of Pakistan are fighting in southern Afghanistan and the reason behind prolonged violence in Helmand is due to low number of the security forces deployed by the security institutions.

Afghan clerics declare Jihad against Pakistan amid growing violence - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency

BH***RWWAAA :sniper::sniper:
Bhai I am not an Afghan. I am a fan of history. Like they say history repeats itself. In medieval time too Afghanistan was unstable and poor with loads of infighting. North-western India(Pakistan) was prosperous and rich. Yet they inflicted humiliating defeats.

You cannot intimidate or rule someone who doesn't fear death. They have bore brunt of invading armies since eternity. They have been both perpetrators and victims of unimaginable savagery which no one from the sub-continent faced. They are most hardened human beings on the face of Planet earth.

This is the reality.

Now call me Hinduwadi or Afghan false flagger. Doesn't matter.
You really live in medieval times.This is the era of modern warfare fought with information and complete domination of battlefield.Those who dont move with the technology are buried under tonnes of dirt now.If you really believe your rag tag afghan militia will give any type of tough time to one of the best armies in the world you live in a fools paradise.

Afghans were not unstable and poor like you claim they were one of the top civilizations of the era you are talking about and as a result were able to defeat people of this region.Besides most of those coming from Khyber pass to conquer india weren't even afghanis they came there too as invaders and settled there so please deflate your over inflated ego.

And about the so called grave yard of empires ,this is only what afghans are good at i.e gorilla warfare and rest assured Pakistan will never attack Afghanistan and if you afghan try to invade Pakistan on your medieval horses it would be the most spectacular massacre world would have ever seen.
Looks like Raw is winning at moment.....they were against ISI n NDS Mou....they were unhappy with ghani being pro pakistani......they were unhappy on the growing cooperation between Pakistan n Afghanistan.......they wanted to spoil pak afghan relation....the only way for them was to increase terrorism and blaime Pakistan to create bitterness......2015 january to june......ISI in afghanistan was on top n raw was recovering from shock.......From JUNE TO AUG.....raw makes a comeback.........specially after mullah umar death .....tables are turned..........hope we got a counter strategy
i think they are fools with such type of comeback it may cause trouble to them.............
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I don't know. I am no expert ot fortune teller.

But after US withdraws things are going to change. Afghans are going to be on offensive. Interesting thing is that Afghans hate Pakistanis more than the same Americans who did more damage to it.

It's all about race imo. Proud Afghans are never going to take orders from Punjabis across the border

Maybe I hate to be saying this (lol)..... but you are correct. The Mullas calling for Jihad may be a loony lot; but the Afghans have not and will not cotton to the idea of being ruled over by anybody. They will never buy into the "Ummah" argument to ever accept that. An Afghan is clear about one thing; come to them as a friend, they will embrace you. Go to them as a master (even with Nukes or F-16s) ..... they will kick up merry Hell for you. And will not even mind going to (and through) Hell to do that. The Tribe and its Pride over-rides everything.......life, death or even religion.
You rat shit RSS gooni. It's the Punjabis of Pakistan that have been keeping you cockroaches of over a billion in check since 47' and before.

Pakistan is for Muslims, and Kashmiris want to be a part of Pakistan. Not part of your idol worshipping half and half deen-e-illahi crap. Afghans and Pashtuns hate all of you Indians regardless of religion, it is only Punjabis that want to keep the deen alive. Maybe you need to take a tour of Karachi?

The Pashtuns berate you half-breeds so much so that we find it disturbing. But you will remain a dot head doing pujaa to a rock. So be it.

My pashtun friends literally humiliate and insult your bollywood khans and any indian with the last name of khan. Try to reflect on that.
He is muslim, but then why he is trying to insult punjabis?

lewanay hain ye bharti.
Bhai tu jitni gaali dena hai de de. You are a Pakistani that too a punjabi on Pakisatni defence forum.

You took the easy way out. Muslims like me are fighting RSS so keep your delusion intact if that makes you feel better.

Afghans are racist and hate Indians I agree. But dont you think they hate Punjabis more due to their rivalry? And since maybe Indians don't share a border with them.

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