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Blasts in Islamabad university

logic - no need to get to his level, that's what he wants.

it's actually quite sad, that this is how we human beings like to treat one another. Not as bad as the taliban of course...
We are not kneeling down but yes we are weeping, cant u see all things around us, have they left hany palce in Pakistan which is not been targeted...
What kind of Fucktards are these ppl, How the hell they think that these bloody actions will save their arse

we seriously need to think about about Fuking these ppl to death

I cant bear more of this, every where i see Blood, is Pakistani Blood so cheap that it can flow like Sh!t on every street
after every massacre we say make Noise & then wait for another massacre to happen :-|
Why the hell are we "addicted to chaos"

God Bless Pakistan :pakistan:
I hope Pakistanis wont loose Hope coz more of these attacks will come, these Idiots are desperate & they will do anything to Induce terror in hearts & minds of ppl & stop the PA in SWA
We will Inshallah win this Battle of Survival :pakistan:

don't worry inshallah we will blow these motherfuckers to hell:pakistan:
these fuckin madrassahs should be shut down i'm so sick of them theres more than enough of them in the country so many funded by bloody saudis who still back the taliban while pakistan pays the price in blood and the blame either they should be monitered and follow an acceptable curriculum which doesn't indoctrinate them with violence or any pro-taliban/extreme ideology or be forced to close.Stupid pak government really needs to crack down hard on them they've ignored it for far too long and now looks whats happening.
We are at WAR and we will have to take these sort of attacks in a stride and life must go on.

I know its easier said than done when if a near and dear one has been harmed but we have to show these BASTARDS that

our EEMAN is stonger than theirs
our WILL is stronger than theirs

and come what may we will crush them lilke the maggots and worms that they are.
how can these ppl who fight in the name of islam kill students of an islamic university..i would understand if they had targeted a nonislamic university (although it would still be wrong) but a learning center of islam? either these ppl are not muslims or they are getting reallly really desperate
how can these ppl who fight in the name of islam kill students of an islamic university..i would understand if they had targeted a nonislamic university (although it would still be wrong) but a learning center of islam? either these ppl are not muslims or they are getting reallly really desperate

this clearly shows who is behind.
This is our war - it is a battle for our way of life as envisioned by the great Jinnah.

The Pakistani Nation versus Salafi Taliban and their pathetic cheerleaders who would love to set up their own Salafi Emirate in our country - the battle lines are drawn.

Great post!

We must recognize that the ideology behind these Taliban Fascists, is the ideology of Wahabism/Salafism (AKA Ahle-Hadith)!

We must inhibit Saudi influence in our country, and work hard to promote true Islamic values, instead of Saudi backed Wahabi/Salafi destruction!

The Wahabis/Salafis are the modern day Kharjis!

Their ideology traces its root to NAJD, and a man named Abd-Al-WAHAB!

What the holy Prophet (S) says about Najd:

The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said,

"O Allah bestow your blessings on our Shaam. O Allah bestow your blessings on our Yemen." The people said, "O Messenger of Allah, and our Najd." I think the third time the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, "There (in Najd) will occur earthquakes, trials and tribulations, and from their appears the Horn of Satan."

Reported in al-Bukhaaree [Book of Trials, Chpt. 'The afflictions will come from the East' 9/166 no. 214 Eng. Trans]
The evil in our midst

Depressingly, though perhaps not unsurprisingly given the beliefs of militant extremists, an educational institution has been targeted by two suicide bombers in Islamabad. That the institution happened to be the International Islamic University may be doubly shocking to some. But the dastardly attack against innocent students on Tuesday is indicative of the fact that the fight for the future of Pakistan does not just pit the ‘godless’ against the ‘true believers’; it is actually a war by a radical minority in society that is bent on imposing its millenarian ideals on the rest of the population, including those trying to educate themselves about Islam in a modern environment. Since the middle years of the Musharraf era, the Islamic University has seen a number of changes in its administration and outlook that have put the university in the ‘moderate’ camp of Islam, a change that, to the militants, amounts to heresy, or even apostasy. And it is now well known that anyone who holds even a slight difference in interpretation of Islam with the militants is a ‘legitimate’ target.

The motive for the bombing of the IIU is not known yet, but two things are known. One, Tuesday’s attack is another in a wave of suicide bombings and fidayeen attacks since the state indicated its intention to enter the ground zero of militancy in South Waziristan. Two, while the IIU has not issued a statement in support of Operation Rah-i-Njiat, it is known that the government and the security establishment have reached out to the media, civil society and other civilian institutions for support. Perhaps, then, the militants have decided to demonstrate their anger at the lack of support for their ‘cause’ among the public.

The wickedness of Tuesday’s attack, however, raises fresh fears for the public. Security officials have in recent weeks repeatedly warned of the possibility of attacks against civilian targets, including educational institutions. Until Tuesday, there was no way to independently assess how real that threat was. Now we know that the war is widening. Many schools in the country were closed at the start of the week in apprehension of violence in the cities and towns. After Tuesday, more schools will close temporarily. But here is the terrifying reality: schools, colleges and universities are soft targets and securing them against the threat of suicide bombers is all but impossible, especially in the short term. The country is not sinking, but we are slipping towards the very ugliest terrain of urban militant violence. And at this time of great danger, we must also ask: what else will shake leaders such as Nawaz Sharif, who are still on the fence, to take a firm stand against militants and support the effort to subdue them?

DAWN.COM | Metropolitan | The evil in our midst
Desperadoes attack university in Islamabad

ISLAMABAD: Three girls were among six people killed on Tuesday in twin suicide attacks inside the International Islamic University, Islamabad. Two blocks were severely damaged.

This is the first time that militants have targeted women and a prestigious Islamic educational institution.

The blasts took place in quick succession in segregated blocks for girls and boys in the university’s campus in the capital’s H-10 sector.

A bomber barged into the women-only facility despite fierce resistance put up by a local worker, blowing himself up at the entrance of the girls’ cafeteria.

The other bomber detonated his explosives-laden jacket on the first floor of the Imam Abu Hanifa block.

A string of attacks have rocked Peshawar, Swat, Rawalpindi, Lahore, and Islamabad since Oct 5, killing more than 250 people. The bombings have made October one of the bloodiest months since the beginning of the terrorist attacks.

No one has so far claimed responsibility for the strikes.

The incident took place amid reports about threats to educational institutions, some of which decided to close their facilities for a few days.

However, officials of the Islamic University said they were not aware of any direct threat.

‘We were hearing that some schools were being closed down, but we never received any specific threat,’ an outraged Prof Parveen Tariq Agha, the in-charge of the women’s wing, told Dawn.

She rejected suggestion of a security lapse and said the university’s premises were properly secured. But, she said, no one could have guessed that a suicide bomber would target girls in this manner. Other teachers were equally outraged.

‘This is a cowardly act,’ another faculty member said. ‘Those who target students, particularly women, cannot even be considered human beings,’ she said.

The new campus of the International Islamic university is spread over several acres and houses over 17,000 students, including 6,000 women.

There are 2,000 foreign students from 45 countries, but mostly from China and African countries.

Sources said that security and intelligence agencies had information that terrorists would strike a university on Tuesday.

The police said one of the attackers, who was carrying five to seven kilograms of explosives, blew himself outside the office of the chairman of the Sharia Department, killing two people and creating a hole in the office wall and cracking adjacent walls.

Eyewitnesses said that shards of glass and body parts lay scattered in the corridor. Nearby rooms, including a conference room and classes, were damaged by the blast.

The other suicide bomber, they said, struck the girl’s cafeteria after 3pm. Pellets mixed with the explosives also damaged a large area, perforating roofs and walls.

Investigators said they had found skin attached to a forehead and an ear, which they believed were of one of the attackers.

The other attacker, wearing a vest containing five to eight kilograms of explosives, had disguised himself as a woman and was wearing a colourful shawl. He was intercepted by a worker identified as Pervez Masih when he tried to enter the girls’ cafeteria.

It is believed had Mr Masih not stopped the suicide bomber, the death toll would have been higher because about 50 students were having lunch at that time. :pakistan:

A leg believed to be that of the suicide bomber was found in the cafeteria. There was some confusion about the gender of the suicide bomber.

Some students said they had spotted a ‘woman’ acting suspiciously near the cafeteria, but there was no official confirmation.

Shortly after the blast, the area was cordoned off as teams of police, intelligence agencies, bomb disposal squad, civil defence, and doctors arrived at the scene.

Rescue workers said they had removed 37 injured people to nearby hospitals, where two of the injured woman students died. Their colleagues identified them only as Hina and Seher.

A 21-year-old suspect, sporting a light beard and wearing white shalwar kamiz, was arrested from the cafeteria while filming the devastation under the nose of the security personnel.

The man, believed to be an accomplice of the suicide bombers, told police that he lived in a nearby slum. But he had no answer when asked why he was making the video.

Another suspect, said to be in his 20s, was also arrested near the Imam Abu Hanifa Block. He is said to be a resident of Sargodha.

The police said that both of them had failed to come up with convincing explanations about their presence at the scene.

Three other suspects were picked up from a slum in I-11 sector.

Investigators said that the chairman of the Imam Abu Hanifa Block was the attackers’ prime target because he was ‘known for his liberal views’, but he was not present in his office at that time.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik faced humiliation for the second time in a week when students compelled him to leave the campus with a hail of stones.

The minister was accompanied by senior officials of the interior ministry and local administration.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Desperadoes attack university in Islamabad
May Allah grant paradise to all innocent souls that left us and may their innocent blood be the catalyst that accelerates the demise of TTP scum...in this manner they shall forever be remembered as the martyrs of our nation who gave us something precious and everlasting, our honour and our unity.

More and more are we the members of the forum hearing about a loved one or even ourselves facing the atrocities of these TTP monsters...i guess the war has reached its climax...May Allah grant us the spirit to withstand this assault on our right to live and may he grant us victory against this fitna and all its perpetrators...may it be the TTP or their mouthpieces in our society...

It is our duty as the educated segment of our society to make those around us aware of the threat and to reject this terror campaign as having any single legitimate cause...

What pains me most is when some people are condemning the bombings but double minded about the bombers and not calling a spade a spade...and this is all despite the open acknowledgments of the TTP of perpetrating such act...

The burning question in my mind is this...

What if the TTP had not become so arrogant that they did not openly boast about their atrocities and blamed others?
What if they had remained clever and blamed everything on others and offered their lovely help to rid us of the terrorism being carried out against us?

We are such fools that even now many do not trust our own institutions and even Army when it says that Waziristan operation is for Pakistan and against terrorists...we do not trust everyone as readily as a half wit who stands up and says that everything is an illusion and a grand conspiracy...

Is that the answer?
Is that the solution?
To see an evil like TTP and condemn the militants and terrorists abusing Islam is avoided by many of us but majority are always in agreement when somebody mentions a hidden hand, is that good sense?

I am not saying that there is no one behind these bastards, i cannot guarantee that...I am just saying that killing these bastards is absolutely just and has to be the first part of eliminating this fitna...
When this is obvious then why do many still tend to go down the conspiracy route and forget that in all scenarios the first ones to be destroyed have to be TTP...

I just hope that the sacrifices of our fellow countrymen amount to at least this much that an overwhelming majority of Pakistanis unite in the action against the overt perpetrators and not just condemn the bombing as a tragic natural phenomenon.

May Allah guide us all and protect us all and rid us of these monsters who certainly deserve the fires of hell and nothing less.

All this terrorism has damaged the Islam and Muslims and the fact is that most of these terrorists are Muslims who are proud of their work as an act for Allah and this is how they brainwash the suicide bombers who are just teenagers...

Their true objective is unfathomable...but then i doubt whether an act such as terrorism really has any comprehendable and sane objective except something entirely retarded and nefarious which only a twisted mind can appreciate...we are looking for a valid and just reason on behalf of a body of men who are willing to kill innocents in cold blood and openly proclaim it the way of Islam and Allah...is that not an impossible thing?

Trying to understand the TTP mind and explore the validity of their cause is a waste of effort...all efforts must be spent to eliminate them and their likes so that the blood of innocents again has value in our beloved motherland.
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Chinese students wait for transportation at the Islamic University in Islamabad, as some of them head back to China after quitting their studies in Pakistan, Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2009. Educational institutions were shut in Pakistan on Wednesday after suspected militants bombed a university close to the capital, sowing fear across the country as the army presses on with a major anti-Taliban offensive.
(AP Photo/Alexandre Meneghini)

Chinese students prepare to enter a vehicle while others look on at the Islamic University in Islamabad, as they head back to China after quitting their studies in Pakistan, Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2009. Educational institutions were shut in Pakistan on Wednesday after suspected militants bombed a university close to the capital, sowing fear across the country as the army presses on with a major anti-Taliban offensive.
(AP Photo/Alexandre Meneghini)


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