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Blast reported in a mosque in Peshawar - 56 dead and 196 injured. This is developing story.

On Fridays , a blast in any Afghan mosque is happening and this time it happened in Peshawar deliberately. Work of ISIS is written all over the place.

I told you, this is typical Afghan behavior. They think they have a cultural influence over KPK. Close the Taliban school in Peshawar and start de-linking from Afg culture.

When there is a politically motivated attack in Afg, they think they that to reproduce in KPK. Send the refugees back, send the Afghans back. Close the border and decouple from their culture. Their politics is not your politics. Their people are not your people.
I don't think this was a suicide blast but there are foreign elements behind it and it was planted explosion
@Irfan Baloch bhai were our namazis also shoving their shia identity, did they fail to rise above their faith and were rightfully punished for that. Did they also disappoint Quaid-e-Azam, who if alive would have embraced martyrdom among their saff.
Oh common Pakistan is the safest place for the shias dont be retard or be a part of proxies.Pakistan does not use them as there proxies and let them kill for nth dont make a fool out of yourself and you should have drowned with shame !
Those who get involved in shady activities are prosecuted by law, this process is above sectarian lines. People like you subtly blame the Shias, you imply that we are naive idiots getting fooled by Iran, completely ignoring the fact that our own lives are on the line and have been for a long time. The blood of my brothers is above any agenda pushing. We don't even need your condolences. Stick to your line and keep blaming us. They were martyred for being majoosi rafdi irani and not for being Pakistanis. InshaAllah that's how I will die too on the streets of my home Pakistan.

Yeah whatever man

Still if someone would work for Iranians then that would be pointed out. Period
We will tell you who the fk is calm just give us some fkin time and You'll see what the fk we will do with you
There is no mercy at all this time !!!!!

Pak brother mine. You need to calm down. One can understand your accuse when Indian Consulates were there in Afghanistan but now we even don't have a presence there. If you look at the stats after the fall of Kabul you will realize that the attacks are on the higher side.

Condolences to the bereaved family and May Almighty bless the departed souls. This is a sad and unfortunate incident.
Until agencies don't do reciprocal attack(s) in countries sponsoring it; this is not going to stop. Let them suffer from the pain they inflicted on us.
May this violence end.. May humans realise the beauty of life.
It really amazes me to think about the psychology of a suicide bomber...most people get carried away with society infused thoughts... My country, my religion, my language, my race, my sect etc etc...
I for one would never die for anything... I see things from a bird eye view... Even I see events of my life by separating from myself... As a mere spectator.
the more you are influenced by societal norms and thoughts the more you become threat to yourself and the society (as in this case).
I hope our Govt and establishment now pay some heed to their real responsibilities.
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