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Blast reported in a mosque in Peshawar - 56 dead and 196 injured. This is developing story.

Security of this country is in the hand of donkeys. It really is.

I am done moaning and complaining about the enemy nations when the fat bellies sitting in GHQ are aloof to what needs to be done.

What is the foking plan? What are we doing to protect our citizens against this sub conventional warfare? Where is the bloody deterrence against this type of war!!?? Where is our response?
Why blame India as a lot of members here seem to be doing ?

not like there aren't snakes in your midst, and you know full well there are.

what a terrible tragedy but, RIP
Even if one ask a toddler here Pak that who was behind this.... His only answer will be India.... Enf is enf ....The martyrs will be avenged.... Prepare for the Bloody war now !!!!!!!!
Some of them deliberately make fun of it. Scaring a cricket team. Don't you see?

They are happy about this, after all bunch of Shias died.

Nobody is making fun. It is your sectarian mind that sees and says so

And since you are too worried about terrorism inside Pakistan, ask your government to stop giving refuge to BLF terrorists
The cricket team is the least of our concern right now to hell with it, the amount of human loss and images coming out from the scene is grotesque to say the least.
No cricket team is and should be our most concern since this is done to finish the series.
So you confess that some elements inside Pakistan leave Shias open to terrorists because of some fake fictions about Iranian support for BLF or other retarded groups that are not even worth of talking about for their small number supported by RAW.

Thanks for proving my point, no one can escape from judgement, don't forget it.

Hey retard. Stop putting words in my mouth

Your filthy regime supports terrorists world over including Pakistan. That is what I said

Ask your government to stop harboring terrorists
On Fridays , a blast in any Afghan mosque is happening and this time it happened in Peshawar deliberately. Work of ISIS is written all over the place.
So you confess that some elements inside Pakistan leave Shias open to terrorists because of some fake fictions about Iranian support for BLF or other retarded groups that are not even worth of talking about for their small number supported by RAW.

Thanks for proving my point, no one can escape from judgement, don't forget it.
Shia are more safe in Pakistan then any where else
They are not being as a war toy like you used them as a part of Zanabiyoun Brigade or other proxies
Using such a precious Name for your maleficent actives....Do you have shame left ?
Tit for tat response is need of time , just level the hindutva land of shit with dozens of blasts , wana see burning hindutva extremists morons on the streets of new dehli bombai Kolkata
Some of them deliberately make fun of it. Scaring a cricket team. Don't you see?

They are happy about this, after all bunch of Shias died.
No one is happy about it and no one leaves Shias to terrorists in Pakistan. It was a sophisticated attack which police failed to stop.

And fake fiction? When has Iran taken an action against BLF? It is clear now that they are based in Iran.
May Allah grant the victims a higher place in the after life
Pakistani authorities need to get to bottom of this. Not just mitti pao investigations. The actual investigations

And should tell us who is behind this attack. Was it TTP? Was it IS? and whether they had foreign support then who provided that support? Afghans, Indian etc etc. Relations should be scaled down to the country who is involved in this attack

Seal the Afghan border and start search ops, if this war takes on a sectarian turn Pakistan might descend into chaos.

This must also serve as a reminder for a few sectarian members here to not accuse Pakistani shias of being Iranian agents. Our grievances are very real and if the state loses our loyalty who knows where things will go. We show restraint because we are lawful citizens, otherwise God forbid.

If someone would be working for Iranian agencies then that would be pointed out. Yes whole community shouldn't be blamed for it

Same for anyone working for Saudi agencies or CIA or RAW or anyone else

Don't use this tragedy to push forward an agenda
Inna lillah e wa inna alehe rajiun!!

Our enemy doesn't rest! Unfortunately our leadership does rest and snooze. Infact hybernate parhaps. We need all new chiefs, promoted on merit.
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