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At least four security personnel martyred, over 15 injured in Sibi blast: police

inallilahe wa inna ilahe rajiyoun

Just destroyed my day
Gasti ka bacha aik taraf mulk main political uncertainty pheali ha to dorsi taraf indian terrorist na terrorism. Dono opposition or indian terrorist hand in hand hain.
The quest to destabilize Pakistan has begun.
They’re running out of man now do their evil work and they resort to bombs, no surprise. The forces crippled their manpower but this will go on.
Allah bless our fallen.

At least four security personnel were martyred and over 15 injured in a blast near Thandi Sarak in district Sibi of Balochistan, police said.

A senior official of the Counter-Terrorism Department Sibi, Hafeez Rind, told Dawn.com that it appeared to be a suicide blast; however, the investigation was underway.

The blast occurred near an open area where the annual Sibi Mela was being held.

"The blast took place 30 minutes after President Arif Alvi attended the festival in Sibi," Rind said. He added that four security forces personnel lost their lives and 27 others were injured in the attack.

Coordinator Balochistan Health Department Dr Wasim Baig said at least 28 injured were brought to the Civil Hospital, while five of them were in critical condition.

Medical Superintendent Civil Hospital Dr Sarwar Hashmi told Dawn.com that most of the injured were security personnel, adding that five of the critically injured were moved to Quetta.

Meanwhile, Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo strongly condemned the blast and directed authorities to provide the best possible medical treatment to those injured in the blast.

Bizenjo said the blast was an attempt to sabotage the annual festival and overall peace in the province.

He vowed to thwart "all conspiracies against the province".

The chief minister directed the police to beef up security in Sibi and arrest those involved in the incident.

Last week, a suicide bomber had struck inside a Shia mosque in Peshawar's Kocha Risaldar area during Friday prayers, killing at least 56 worshippers and wounding 190 others.

Immediate operation killing more commanders and their men. Losses now total to over 100 BLA, BLF slaughtered. Open talk even in their own media chatter they can’t sustain this.
You must be upset……
through moral support not terrorism big difference ,and if you do have evidence why not call on UN?show us your evidence sanction India what is stopping you?

also i do post other threads be fair brother

we are the same i wish nothing but best for pakistan

What is a proscribed organisation?​

Under the Terrorism Act 2000, the Home Secretary may proscribe an organisation if they believe it is concerned in terrorism, and it is proportionate to do. For the purposes of the Act, this means that the organisation:

  • commits or participates in acts of terrorism
  • prepares for terrorism
  • promotes or encourages terrorism (including the unlawful glorification of terrorism)
  • is otherwise concerned in terrorism
F* the corrupt courts who are letting those terrorists go free! I pray they face the full wrath of Almighty's justice one day!

Inna Lilla hi wa inna ilahi rajeun!
ISIS-K is a RAW propped front for its bidding in Pakistan. Within days of the imambargah carnage, another high-profile attack has taken place. This is the perfect opportunity to up the ante in India proper when the entire world is busy with Ukraine to increase costs for the sponsors of such terror groups. However, under the "astute" leadership of Gen Bajwa, such honorable steps are a far cry. Do we get to have a no-trust motion against the senior co-emperor instead?
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