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Blast reported in a mosque in Peshawar - 56 dead and 196 injured. This is developing story.

The mosque attack is definitely a reaction to the Australian team visiting Pakistan after 18 years. Little do the Aussies know, that the history of Pakistan from 18 years ago has started to haunt Pakistan all over again.

I don't understand the reason behind forcing foreign teams to play in Pakistan when:

1) We have failed to secure our Western borders, and the barbed wire fence has proven to be less useful than Ukrainian borders.
2) Foreign intelligence agencies can still fund and organize criminal/terrorist activities in western areas of Pakistan.
3) We have daily gun battles with Afghanistan because they don't like where the border is.
4) BLA still continues to easily operate from Europe, Iran and India to slaughter the ill-equipped and helpless security forces in Balochistan.

Has the arrival of the Australian team helped Pakistan improve its Ease of Doing Business Index? Will it help the West forget what we did to that poor Sri Lankan in Sialkot? Will they forget that we can't provide safety to religious minorities?

I understand the fact that foreign powers will gain a lot by inciting sectarian/ethnic violence in Pakistan, but showing the world that we can provide protection to 11 cricketers while ordinary people are slaughtered is beyond my comprehension. We should pause international cricket for another era while we can work on the basics of international border management and internal security.

I don't care if the world thinks we are nerds with whom no one wants to play cricket with. I just can't handle the second hand embarrassment that international cricket always brings us. Just leave it alone for a while, FFS.
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The mosque attack is definitely a reaction to the Australian team visiting Pakistan after 18 years. Little do the Aussies know, that the history of Pakistan from 18 years ago has started to haunt Pakistan all over again.

I don't understand the reason behind forcing foreign teams to play in Pakistan when:

1) We have failed to secure our Western borders, and the barbed wire fence has proven to be less useful than Ukrainian borders.
2) Foreign intelligence agencies can still fund and organize criminal/terrorist activities in western areas of Pakistan.
3) We have daily gun battles with Afghanistan because they don't like where the border is.
4) BLA still continues to easily operate from Europe, Iran and India to slaughter the ill-equipped and helpless security forces in Balochistan.

Has the arrival of the Australian team helped Pakistan improve its Ease of Doing Business Index? Will it help the West forget what we did to that poor Sri Lankan in Sialkot? Will they forget that we can't provide safety to religious minorities?

I understand the fact that foreign powers will gain a lot by inciting sectarian/ethnic violence in Pakistan, but showing the world that we can provide protection to 11 cricketers while ordinary people are slaughtered is beyond my comprehension. We should pause international cricket for another era while we can work on the basics of international border management and internal security.

I don't care if the world thinks we are nerds with whom no one wants to play cricket with. I just can't handle the second hand embarrassment that international cricket always brings us. Just leave it alone for a while, FFS.

Peshawar is a backwater hillbilly town compared to the main cities full of Afghans and their strange habits. The show must go on.
Are you really questioning this?
Its blatantly obvious.
it is but we are led by cowards!

i understand war is no joke but losing lives like this has to end!

we are getting nothing out of this defensive/cowardly posture!
Seeing the casualty numbers either mosque was overcrowded or blast intensity was really big
These Afghans would never dare to do this in Iran. Pakistan is a soft target as always.
First Quetta and now Peshawar

This isn't TTP as said before. This is deliberately done to scare Australian cricket team

Pakistan should immediately stop crowd from the ground in the Australian series
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