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Blast reported in a mosque in Peshawar - 56 dead and 196 injured. This is developing story.

At least 30 dead, dozens injured in Peshawar imambargah explosion​

Injured being shifted to medical facilities

At least 30 people were killed and dozens were injured in Peshawar on Friday after an explosion in an imambargah situated near the Qissa Khwani Bazaar area.

Speaking to the media, CCPO Peshawar informed that according to initial reports, two attackers tried to enter the mosque. The police officers present on duty were fired at, which resulted in the death of one cop, while the other was seriously injured.

The blast inside the mosque occurred following the firing incident, he added.

He maintained that according to initial information, scores of people have reportedly been injured. “Senior police officials have reached the site,” the CCPO assured the media.
Rescue services confirmed the number of injured and medical aid is being provided and the injured are being shifted to nearby medical facilities.

Soon after the blast, a large contingent of law enforcement officials reached the site and cordoned off the area. The bomb disposal squad also started its initial investigation.

Source: https://www.dawn.com/news/1678238/a...50-injured-in-peshawar-mosque-blast-officials

A blast on Friday inside a mosque shook Peshawar's Kocha Risaldar, with hospital officials saying at least 30 bodies were brought to the Lady Reading Hospital.

At least 50 people have been reported injured.

Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Peshawar Ijaz Ahsan confirmed one police official was martyred while Asim Khan, media manager of Lady Reading, said 30 bodies had been brought to the hospital so far.

The CCPO said that according to initial reports, two attackers tried to enter a mosque in the city's Qissa Khwani Bazaar and fired at the policemen standing guard. As a result, one policeman was martyred while the other was critically injured, the CCPO said. Following the attack, a blast took place in the mosque.

Police official Waheed Khan told AP that the explosion occurred as worshippers had collected in the Kocha Risaldar mosque for Friday prayers.

No one immediately claimed responsibility for the blast.

A witness Shayan Haider had been preparing to enter the mosque when a powerful explosion threw him to the street.

"I opened my eyes and there was dust and bodies everywhere," he said.

Evidence has been collected from the site, according to a tweet by the Peshawar CCPO account, adding it was too early to say anything about the nature of the blast.

t the Lady Reading Hospital Emergency department, there was chaos as doctors struggled to move the many wounded into operating theatres. The hospital has been put on red alert and more medical personnel have been called to LRH, the spokesperson added.

The area has a number of markets and is usually packed around the time of Friday prayers, said locals.
There is already a thread running
Why did you need to start a new one.
Terrible. Terrorism is the sureshot way of not getting what you want. It has been proven worldwide.

Blast occurred during Friday prayer. Shia mosque as per some media channels. Happens when Australia playing in Pakistan.

5 reported killed. Dead count to increase further. As per initial reports, it was a suicide attack.
All we have to do is to bore a small hole in the head of following person:

Or I will say, RIP ISI.
There is already a thread running
Why did you need to start a new one.

Because this moron is on a fake news spreading spree and sensationalize every thing.

First OIC meeting will be cancelled , then 23 rd March parade will be cancelled, then IK will be fired ……, he is making a complete mockery of forum rules by posting his personal wet dreams as facts .
IS usually attack mosques that are either deobandi or shia related.
The same people who try to preach Islam and say they want to implement sharia by force etc etc are the same ones who promote suicide bombing in mosques. These filths have nothing to do with islam. Rip to everyone who has passed away.
They are saying it's way too sophisticated to be the work of TTP- I think it's ISIS-K

"A news report in this paper quoted security sources saying it was caused by a sophisticated time bomb that “does not bear the signature of usual suspects like the TTP” and that it could be the work of a new and well-trained group. They further said the large crater left behind in the marble floor indicates the use of a military grade explosive or TNT."

This time around though, there is some speculation that Sheikh Haqqani may have been the actual target

The theory is bolstered by the fact that the cleric survived a previous attempt to assassinate him in August 2016, when he was injured in a gun attack suspected to have been carried out by elements of the militant Islamic State group. In a video message he posted after the recent blast, Sheikh Haqqani has indicated that he believes this was yet another attempt on his life by the IS.
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