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Blacks Riot And Loot In Ferguson Missouri And Other Cities In The U.S.

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@Desert Fox it is not all blacks, just the African Americans. They have been here the longest after the whites and should at least be moderately successful but instead they are the most pitiful people in all of America. These are people content to live in public housing and food stamps, the same people who do not even display shame when they roll up to key foods in BMWs before pulling out ebt cards. Lincoln gave them freedom but they have never left their slave mentality. On the other hand blacks from the Caribbeans, from Africa, and from parts of South America (like Panama) fresh of the boat are just as hard working as others because they realize, again like others how much of an opportunity they have in this country.

I have seen one Pakistani family live in public housing before but for them it was majboori and they worked hard to rectify this for their pride if nothing else, today the same family is living in their own home and their father did nothing but drive a yellow cab. That is because Pakistanis, Indian, and many other Asians have self respect and want to better ourselves.

he did..the moment he tried to put his hands on a armed cop... and ofc the matter is being investigated...but black thugs are defiantly not making it easier by looting and rioting.

Only an idiot with a death wish would put their hands on a cop, most people here are probably not familiar because they do not live in the states but cops are taught to never shoot unless they feel their lives are in danger and taught that once they do shoot they must shoot to kill.
These people are prone to self destruction. They are devoid of logic and only act according to the most basic of emotions lust, anger, joy, and fear. The media will seek to paint the criminal killed as innocent as they did with trayvon martin, that seems to be the intention of the hour. Will looting bring back this guy? Will rioting? Will destroying stores? Then why do they do that?
if he was surrendering , than i think shooting is not justified ..
but if he was shot during a conflict than i have no objection .. but the posters i have seen in peoples during protest shows that he was back up and get shot on point blank

and i am against racism , doesn't matter if anyone do...
I'm sure he didn't unload all his bullets on that guy in front of several witnesses because he had nothing better to do that night. The second he pulls the trigger he knows his career would be over if found in the wrong.

It is pointless to speculate until all the facts are known and the final investigative report is released.
I'm sure he didn't unload all his bullets on that guy in front of several witnesses because he had nothing better to do that night. The second he pulls the trigger he knows his career would be over if found in the wrong.
Is there any info. about any dash cam video since all cop cars have them now a days. And what are your thoughts about the problem, that media made this into a race issue, without getting all the details and painted the cop into a killer.
Whatever he did, the cop shouldn't have killed an unarmed guy, doesn't matter if he was black or white or green.
And people shouldn't have rioted and looted. But they did. People do bad stuff everywhere, even in the US of A.

I find it more interesting that the National Guard had to be deployed and that the police units are so heavily armed. What scared them so much? The riots must have been really serious.
Did anyone ever tell desert foxie that hes considered a black as well? Glad he thinks so higly of himself.

Lol. Its hilarious when shit brown people are racist against tar black people. Like theres any difference.
Did anyone ever tell desert foxie that hes considered a black as well? Glad he thinks so higly of himself.

Lol. Its hilarious when shit brown people are racist against tar black people. Like theres any difference.

I was so expecting that from you. :rofl:
Blacks Rioting In China! Seriously! What Did The Chinese Do?

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They are not Chinese citizens. It is almost impossible for foreigners to get Chinese citizenship, the foreigners you see in China are there on temporary work visas.

So if some of them behave badly, we can throw them out of the country.

Whereas the people rioting in the USA are full American citizens.
Is there any info. about any dash cam video since all cop cars have them now a days. And what are your thoughts about the problem, that media made this into a race issue, without getting all the details and painted the cop into a killer.

Ferguson MO crime rates and statistics - NeighborhoodScout

"With a crime rate of 56 per one thousand residents, Ferguson has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all size"

Michael Brown rushed officer, radio caller says - CNN.com

"According to the account on St. Louis radio station KFTK, phoned in by a woman who identified herself as "Josie," the altercation on August 9 began after Officer Darren Wilson rolled down his window to tell Brown and a friend to stop walking in the street.

When Wilson tried to get out of his cruiser, Brown first tried to push the officer back into the car, then punched him in the face and grabbed for his gun before breaking free after the gun went off once, the caller said.

Wilson pursued Brown and his friend, ordering them to freeze, according to the account. When they turned around, Brown began taunting Wilson, saying he would not arrest them, then ran at the officer at full speed, the caller said.

Wilson then began shooting. The final shot was to Brown's forehead, and the teenager fell two or three feet in front of Wilson, said the caller, who identified herself as the officer's friend."
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I'm still waiting to see whether stating the obvious is racist or not?
So a criminal got shot by the police and 500+ Blacks (more than 90% of whom didn't even know the guy who was shot) riot crazy robbing, looting, and plundering local businesses

Here in the surveillance video below, "Big Mike Brown" who's shooting lead to the riots is
caught stealing from a store and chokes a indian clerk:

And here below Blacks rioting, looting, and destroying businesses in their own neighborhoods
(is it any wonder why people avoid opening businesses in their neighborhoods?)

@dexter @Akheilos @RFS_Br @WebMaster @Jungibaaz @Aeronaut @Fulcrum15 @Chak Bamu @Manticore @Oscar @Desert Fox @DESERT FIGHTER @Barakah @Zarvan @HunterKiller@Slav Defence @waz @RAMPAGE @Developereo @Patriots @@American Pakistani @hasnain0099 @TeesraIndiotHunter @@Multani @kobiraaz @AUz @KingMamba @Pakistani shaheens @pehgaam e mohabbat @Jf Thunder @T-Rex @Indus Falcon @Informant @hussain0216 @rockstar08 @Arsalan @Riea @sense @Ceylal @qamar1990 @Hazzy997 @Syrian Lion @1000 @Malik Alashter @Indus Falcon @monitor @TheFlyingPretzel @MrShabi2010 @omega supremme @Mahmoud_EGY @hasnain0099 @Pakistanisage @Aslan @Abu Zolfiqar @@sur @Hasbara Buster @@majesticpankaj @RaptorRX707 @Flying Eagle @Adnan Butt @Timur @JEskandari @haman10 @raptor22 @Serpentine @SOHEIL @ResurgentIran @New @S00R3NA @IR1907 @kollang @iranigirl2 @anHuman @rahi2357 @Shah9 @Al Bhatti @JUBA @slapshot @Devil Soul @HRK @Peaceful Civilian @Irfan Baloch @Fukuoka @Leviza @Major Sam @revojam @Victory @Leader @invinciblesgunner @Tihamah @The SC @Skorpian @Stealth @imran169 @war khan @smarthief @Frogman @Bubblegum Crisis @ozzy22 @Mudassar Jalil @islamrules @Umair Nawaz @fawwaxs @ZYXW @Shahrukh Saleem Qureshi @UKBengali @Sinan @xenon54 @Kaan @al-Hasani @p(-)0ENiX @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend @Arabian Knight @flamer84 @LeveragedBuyout @boomslang @Hasan_Ishtiaq
I have noticed few things yes there is some racism in USA police but this is also true that black people in USA are more involved in crimes and with that this issue is many time used as an excuse to get away from crimes so tomrrow if Black Officer shoots a white guy even that can trigger voilence
Is there any info. about any dash cam video since all cop cars have them now a days.

I wondered the same thing, it would clarify allot of the story, the direction of the police coming to intercept the vehicle, did the police vehicle go in reverse to block the guys, of whether there was a fight in the police vehicle or shots fired in the car.

Your use of the word "black" purports racism. Is their skin tone really black? Their skin pigmentation appears choloclate brown in colour to me.
A six year police veteran should know better when to shoot a kid SIX TIMES [ two times in the head ]. And shame on the Missouri Police Department for playing dirty propaganda.
It was excessive. He could have tasered the kid. But even that can kill. Why not use a tranquiliser?

Not all Police in America are equipped with teasers. Some have opposed the teasers as endangering the lives of citizens.

Your use of the word "black" purports racism. Is their skin tone really black? Their skin pigmentation appears choloclate brown in colour to me.
A six year police veteran should know better when to shoot a kid SIX TIMES [ two times in the head ]. And shame on the Missouri Police Department for playing dirty propaganda.
It was excessive. He could have tasered the kid. But even that can kill. Why not use a tranquiliser?
"white" kids don't steal? Yeh right. How come most of them are pot addicts by now?

Crime is irrelevant of skin color, race, ethnicity. Crime is universal.

@Peter C a common sense American on this forum? :victory1:
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