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Blacks Climing Indus Valley Civilization

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Why all of sudden Indian's stomach aching for the claim of Indus civilization. This civilization belongs to people of Indus and that definitely not current day India. In Pakistan should have a claim on the name India not Bharatis

World respect India for its Cultures , religions , Ideologies , philosophies , Empires , Science etc .
All these represent modern day India .
Rigveda is not a scientific evidence and is widely believed to have been dated 500 BC. For simple reason that Indian script did not exist before that, it can not predate IVC which has an older script.

Dating of sand grains from dry bed of Saraswati was carried out in 2014 and compared to Yamuna river. Results indicate that Yamuna river stopped feeding it some 10,000 years ago this making it a seasonal river before IVC. Saraswati does not originate from high glacial mountains hence can not maintain year round flow. Only way to maintain year round flow is being fed from Yamuna river which changed course some 10,000 years ago making Saraswati seasonal during monsoon only. IVC settlements are found along Saraswati but no major city as big as Harrappa or Mohen Jo Daro. Big cities need year round flow to sustain.

Persian civilization had not appeared at the time of IVC. Persian civilization is contemporary to Greek civilization much later.

Without disrespecting a religious scripture, I have to say that ancient stories (which may well be untrue) get exaggerated over time especially when you attach religion to them. One can believe them in religious sense but they hold no weight in scientific context unless proven with hard evidence. There is no evidence of great armies at the time of IVC which was as the evidence suggests very peaceful civilization. They were more into trade, economy and welfare of citizens than warfare and religion. Very few weapons have been found at IVC sites and illustrations on IVC artifacts do not show any scenes of war or conflict. There is no violence, weaponry or religious rituals on IVC artifacts in sharp contrast to Hindu religious artifacts of early era.

Again science asks for proof. If anyone was in iron age then iron tools would be found dated to that period. Just like iron told were found at Mehr Garh site belonging to late Mehr Garh period but at the same site early periods only give you bronze tools. Evidence not our nationalism or religious bias is the way to deal with subject.

Obviously humans mix up. Evidence suggests that purest of IVC genes maybe with people of interior Sindh and central Punjab all along river Indus and its feeding rivers. Just three days back IVC site has been discovered at Dera Ismael Khan in KPK.

For truth please refer to works of universities and not biased websites and newspapers. History is just as is. And at the moment it tells us that human race spread out from Africa. It also tells us that when IVC was at its peak, India as it stands today was thickly forested and did not even had a script. None of the Vedas were there (how could they as written script was yet to be developed).

As far your claim of 20,000 years old cities under water cities, Indians the oldest civilization and origin of human race, I really can not answer to such claims. Nobody can. It is likely religious beliefs. Science has no space in it. By the way there is no such scientific evidence as you claimed. Coastline extended not receded and hence cities would not go under sea they would rather move away from coastline. IVC coastal towns and trading posts in Balochistan are much further away inland now. Please do not make outrageous claims.

Please learn to differentiate between a settlement, a town, a city state and a civilization. People who erected stone henge in England do not qualify as civilization. Earliest human city found outside Africa is Mehr Garh, Pakistan. For anything of this skill and complexity anywhere else, you need experts to let work there and use scientific techniques to ascertain anything. A masala news is for those who aren't open to truth.

Bhai jaan if you don't know something try to know it not keep humming the same retard info. Rig Veda has very long and very high details about Saraswati river banks which only proved recently with high quality satellite imaging. And it's proved with scientific facts that Saraswati river dried up during end of the ice age. 12000- 10000 bce. How can some know about dried up river banks after 10000 years?

See if you want to belive that world started in 1 AD or there was no Hindu civilization before that or before Abraham then so be it. But I must say try to explore with open mind. History and knowledge on our own civilization is more than just rhetoric if some moron publish some nonsense with I'll intent then it won't the truth. He might be wrong. All West tried to. Do is to change religion but who succeeded in changing the history? Non. Arabs and West did a good job but incomplete and can't be completed.
Bhai jaan if you don't know something try to know it not keep humming the same retard info. Rig Veda has very long and very high details about Saraswati river banks which only proved recently with high quality satellite imaging. And it's proved with scientific facts that Saraswati river dried up during end of the ice age. 12000- 10000 bce. How can some know about dried up river banks after 10000 years?

See if you want to belive that world started in 1 AD or there was no Hindu civilization before that or before Abraham then so be it. But I must say try to explore with open mind. History and knowledge on our own civilization is more than just rhetoric if some moron publish some nonsense with I'll intent then it won't the truth. He might be wrong. All West tried to. Do is to change religion but who succeeded in changing the history? Non. Arabs and West did a good job but incomplete and can't be completed.

1. Rigveda is not a scientific proof and has no value in scientific context

2. Saraswati did not dry up 10000 years back. It became seasonal around that time.

3. Saraswati may dry up but its river bed remains till today. No big deal to tell there was a river here.

4. Nobody said world started in 1 A.D. Neither westerns nor Arabs. We are not talking historians here. We are talking Science and Archeology.

5. There is no evidence of civilization in this region prior to Indus valley civilization. Hindu religion evolved well after IVC declined.

6. History of Pakistan region is older than India (save for IVC spill in adjacent Indian areas) and you are not coming to terms with the facts.

Nonsense. Likewise their idea that 'Sag-gig-ga' means 'black-headed', the term used by the Surmerians to describe themselves.

This is based on the incorrect idea that the sign 'gig' means the same as the Akkadian 'samu' which one translator they've used thought meant 'black', but it can also be read as 'red' and also as 'sky'.

We know that the Akkadians called the Sumerians, 'Sumeru' and not ''Sag-gig-ga'. So what does 'Sumeru' mean in Akkadian?

Su - red (same as Pashto soar and Farsi surkh)
Meru - land

So why would the Akkadians call them 'sumeru' if the correct translation of 'samu' is black? Even worse for our black african supremacist friends is the fact that the sumerians in their artwork depicted themselves as having blue eyes. Red hair and blue eyes...ever heard of the Tokharians? :lol: because we know the Tokharians were known in the region
This world is a mysterious place. First, whether IVC really originated in the indian subcontinent? My doubt is, The scripts found in IVC site at mohenjadaro matches with the scripts found in easter island(located in pacific ocean) which is 12000km far from Mohenjadaro. Does the land mass was really united as a single piece at one point of time?
You can see how it defines and dominates Pakistan. Not only that it unites all provinces.

I think it (river Indus) misses Balochistan. How would you explain that?
How would you explain that?
Geography.Although Zhob River, Gomal River on Balochistan drain into Indus River.


And here is map of the Indus Basin. It almost covers most of Pakistan, sliver of Afghanistan, China and India.
Of course India is wrapped in the warm embrace of Holy Mother Ganges with your neighbour Bangladesh also getting some attention.

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