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20 Clever Inventions You Probably Didn’t Know Were Made By Indians

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It was you who started trolling here nothing to Contribute to thread So you Strategically Come here for Trolling Don't Bluff

Where did i troll? I just saw you cracking nonsense jokes & highlight it so that viewers can entertain themselves from your post.
oh pleeeeeez... it was only "united" by british.. :lol:

not everything or everybody in the world is hindu... n certainly not IVC or the mexicans.. :lol:
Oh really ,,, read the Ashoke and mayuran dynasty lands..... might be in Muslims country they don't told proper history.

MahaRaja (super king) was always present AKA (PM) and divided into smaller kings ( States) .....
Where did i troll? I just saw you cracking nonsense jokes & highlight it so that viewers can entertain themselves from your post.
what was a joke i turn the facts term Arya varta or bharat varsha was already explained in old Sanskrit Transcripts
Āryāvarta[pronunciation?] (Sanskrit: आर्यावर्त, "abode of the Aryans") is a name for North India in classical Sanskrit literature.[1] The Manu Smriti (2.22) gives the name to "the tract between the Himalaya and the Vindhya ranges, from the eastern(Bay of Bengal) to the Western Sea(Arabian Sea)".

The Vasistha Dharma Sutra I.8-9 and 12-13 locates Āryāvarta to the east of the disappearance of the Sarasvatiin the desert, to the west of Kalakavana, to the north of the mountains of Pariyatra and Vindhya and to the south of the Himalaya. Baudhayana Dharmasutra (BDS) gives similar definitions and declares that Āryāvarta is the land that lies west of Kalakavana, east of Adarsana, south of the Himalayas and north of the Vindhyas, but in BDS Āryāvarta is confined to the Ganges - Yamuna doab, and BDS Patañjali'sMahābhāṣya[citation needed] defines Āryāvarta like the Vasistha Dharma Sutra.

Some sutras recommend expiatory acts for those who have crossed the boundaries of Āryāvarta. Baudhayana Shrauta Sutra recommends this for those who have crossed the boundaries of Āryāvarta and ventured into far away places.[citation needed]

The Gurjar Pratihar king in the tenth century was entitled as Maharajadhiraja of Aryavarta.[2]

Āryāvarta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well since egypt came into existence from then , the hindu religion exist ..... might be muslims came very late... thats why they missed everything and don't know history.

See if Muslim history can tell you how old Hindu Vedas are and how old Egyptians are;) .......... you get the answer for your knowledge .....Not your fault... muslims nowadays cann't even construct decent building and bridges forget about any inventions .

Egyptians choosing religion of light/peace...nothing to do with their history...history remains the same.

Pakistanis(Sindhis) choosing religion of light/peace...nothing to do with their history...it stays the same.
Oh really ,,, read the Ashoke and mayuran dynasty lands..... might be in Muslims country they don't told proper history.

MahaRaja (super king) was always present AKA (PM) and divided into smaller kings ( States) .....

And the mauryan empire didnt last long.. did it... ? even mughals didnt control the whole sub continent.. heck not even half of Pak... n "States" they did paid tribute to them...
It doesn't matter for me from which religion the guy belong who invented this things as long as he is a Indian
Trolling tune shuru ki thi Thread contribute to kar yaar You are a Elite Member

Looking at your negative ratings 4 times higher than positive ratings, it is not hard to conclude who is a troll.
You guys should read about Indus Valley first there is no sign about Islam religion in that. But you'll find many things about and related Hinduism. IVC is in Pakistan now doesn't mean that IVC belong to Muslims.
Looking at your negative ratings 4 times higher than positive ratings, it is not hard to conclude who is a troll.
Its on PDF where you find Underage Analyst Most of theme didn't Even Know what Analysis actually Means But there are Some good Members Like @Oscar @WebMaster who are Admirable that makes me Attach to Pdf
Lothal near the Pak border wasnt a "city" but a port... even so its almost unimportant when compared to 3 cities of IVC all of which are in Pakistan..... looking at the so called "archelogical remains" :
View attachment 33318

How much near. :dirol::dirol: BTW most of the indus valley sites are on the dried banks of Ghaggar-hakra river in Haryana and South Punjab(Bahawalpur.). :eek::eek:
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