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Bin Laden Case Doctor Jailed For Militant Link, Not For Treason

Had he been tried for treason, it would have been under the constitution, not FCR, and not in khyber agency court.

This doctor also had a criminal case against him for doing illegal operations on patients.

This thing ain't gonna die down soon.

This all sounds like made up charges to me.

Pakistan want this guy in jail without having the wrath of USA so they are announcing these nonsensical charges against this doctor.

Do they really think that USA is that stupid?
post reported........

Lets gets a few things right here............. it is you and some other members claiming, CLAIMING that he was tried for helping the CIA. The detailed report out shows that was not the case. Now either prove your point or please go away as your CLAIMS/FANTASIES are nothing but your own wet dreams.........

You have not bothered to answer any of the points I raised in my post, yet decided to call the Pakistani legal system, dodgy..... please explain that dodgy and provide evidence of it otherwise once again, go away and get your facts right.

This is the second thread now where you have just been abusive, once before where you opened a thread, now deleted about Gandhi and now here.......

you are obviously headstrong and arrogant and love to whinge about anything that goes against what you think, or your country...

heres a link from al jazeera.. im sure you have read it.. i think ill post the whole thing in here

A Pakistani doctor who helped the US find Osama bin Laden was imprisoned for aiding fighters and not for links to the CIA, as Pakistani officials had said, according to a court document.

Last week, a court in the Khyber tribal region near the Afghan border jailed Shakil Afridi for 33 years.

At the time, Pakistani officials told Western and domestic media the decision was based on treason charges for aiding the CIA in its hunt for the al-Qaeda chief.

"When the verdict came out on May 23, it said he was being charged for treason because of his involvement with the CIA," Al Jazeera's Kamal Hyder, reporting from Islamabad, said.

However, the judgement document made available to the media on Wednesday states that Afridi was jailed because of his close ties to the banned group Lashkar-e-Islam.

"Americans lashed out at Pakistan, but when the ruling came out today, it made no mention of the CIA," Hyder said.

"People are asking all sorts of questions - whether the Americans overreacted, or the Pakistanis overreacted."

The government may have wanted to show a largely anti-US public that Pakistan will not tolerate any co-operation with the US spy agency, especially at a time of troubled relations with Washington.

look the simple fact is, and every unbiased person would agree... governments dont just release statements saying one thing, and then recant week(s) later, and it is not like the official DIDNT know the EXACT charges, or what he was found GUILTY of that day when he released the statement!!.... the fact is, as is highlights , EVEN AFTER THEY DELIVERED THE VERDICT THE PAKISTANI OFFICIAL SAID IT WAS FOR HIS HELPING THE CIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can u understand my english?? ...only now, world opinion against them is very high, they look like crap and corrupt in the eyes of the entire world. So now they release a statement saying it was for aiding lashkar??? yeh right.. only a fool would believe they could make a mistake in saying what he is charged for in the lead up to the case being heard, and then for it to be confirmed AFTER the court hearing and verdict was delivered... only for a week later for them to give another excuse as to what he was guilty of lol
This all sounds like made up charges to me.

Pakistan want this guy in jail without having the wrath of USA so they are announcing these nonsensical charges against this doctor.

Do they really think that USA is that stupid?

Actually his lawyer s couple of days ago in a conference, said that they are waiting for the written order, to know that for what crime he was sentenced for, treason or illegal surgery.

The lawyer himself said that he had the illegal surgery charge on him quite sims time before this OBL fiasco.

BTW, the KPK government has asked the federal government to shift afridi to another prison outside KPK, because Taliban might go for revenge.
you are obviously headstrong and arrogant and love to whinge about anything that goes against what you think, or your country...

heres a link from al jazeera.. im sure you have read it.. i think ill post the whole thing in here

A Pakistani doctor who helped the US find Osama bin Laden was imprisoned for aiding fighters and not for links to the CIA, as Pakistani officials had said, according to a court document.

Last week, a court in the Khyber tribal region near the Afghan border jailed Shakil Afridi for 33 years.

At the time, Pakistani officials told Western and domestic media the decision was based on treason charges for aiding the CIA in its hunt for the al-Qaeda chief.

"When the verdict came out on May 23, it said he was being charged for treason because of his involvement with the CIA," Al Jazeera's Kamal Hyder, reporting from Islamabad, said.

However, the judgement document made available to the media on Wednesday states that Afridi was jailed because of his close ties to the banned group Lashkar-e-Islam.

"Americans lashed out at Pakistan, but when the ruling came out today, it made no mention of the CIA," Hyder said.

"People are asking all sorts of questions - whether the Americans overreacted, or the Pakistanis overreacted."

The government may have wanted to show a largely anti-US public that Pakistan will not tolerate any co-operation with the US spy agency, especially at a time of troubled relations with Washington.

Care to name these "Pakistani Officials" please......................
Haan, ab to is bechare pe kuch bhi ilzaam lagoo.. After womanizer now terrorist.
I think he is also a murderer/drug smuggler/ cyber criminal/ hmm please help me add more.
doubtful, the fact is, it was rushed, they didnt deliberate, they had made their minds up way before... it was a quick, in and out open and shut case..... i grant you, they did give it a fair amount of thought!! a fair amount of thought how to drum up charges to punish afridi and america for exposing their own terrorist links!!... they also thought a lot about how to make themselves look more justified, by changing public statements that he was charged for conspiring with usa to do a bogus immunisation thing to find usama, to the new excuse of having militant links?? ISI has links to lashkar?? lashkar also have muslim schools and all, where they teach extremism in lahore, why isnt that shut down? why pakistan allow them to exist and operate inside pakistan without even a whim about it....

boarder b/w pakistan and Afghanistan is open and impossible to stop anyone due to over 8 million afghan refugees..
he enterd into a safe zone of abbotabad during earthquake disaster of 2005 a super opportunity for anyone to enter
he was able to hide due to two obvious reason
1. he was non functional
2. he was hiding in a place where anyone would over look

practically his capture has little operational significance, more important figures were captured and handed over to US by pakistan. even his capture was probably due to capture of leading Indonesian terrorist who was alqeda no.1 in fare east region. he was captured in feb in abbotabad ..the ISI followed him after he entered Pakistan.
Actually his lawyer s couple of days ago in a conference, said that they are waiting for the written order, to know that for what crime he was sentenced for, treason or illegal surgery.

The lawyer himself said that he had the illegal surgery charge on him quite sims time before this OBL fiasco.

BTW, the KPK government has asked the federal government to shift afridi to another prison outside KPK, because Taliban might go for revenge.

Why would Taliban want revenge for?

I thought Osama died in 2002? :lol:
it is a shame that U.S.A is keeping quiet on this issue , this guy actually helped usa to nab this dreaded terrorist,and also might have saved so many life's who could have been victim's of bin ladens terror attacks .

why are u thinking so? read Hilary comment in regard of this issue.

USA will not abandoning him.
pakistan brother ....

Where do you read she (Pakistan) desperately want to punish this doctor?

On the contrary, when this doctor was free why didn't US paid him prize money and took care of his wellbeing?

What was US thinking about his future life in lime light, giving daily interviews sharing his dates with CIA?

His treason have saved him.. in way.
Tribal court? "If the goat licks his left hand, he is guilty...."
Pakistan is busy Cooking charges against this man, in my opinion.

Tribal court? "If the goat licks his left hand, he is guilty...."
That means basically I do not know anything hopefully the goat knows.
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