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Bhutto party in coalition offer


Aug 16, 2006
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The party of Pakistan's late former PM Benazir Bhutto - the biggest winner in Monday's election - says it is ready to form a coalition with the PML-N party.
If finalised, an alliance of Ms Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party (PPP) and the PML-N would have more than half the seats in a new parliament.

The main party backing President Pervez Musharraf suffered heavy defeats.

The president has never looked more vulnerable, the BBC's Chris Morris in Islamabad says.

If a new governing coalition could muster a two-thirds majority in parliament, it could call for Mr Musharraf to be impeached.

President Musharraf has been a major US ally in the "war on terror" but his popularity has waned at home amid accusations of authoritarianism and incompetence.

'End of dictatorship'

At a press conference on Tuesday, Ms Bhutto's widower and the PPP leader, Asif Ali Zardari, said his party would "form a government of national consensus which will take along every democratic force".

The PPP has won 87 seats so far, according to the website of private TV network, Geo.

The PML-N, or Pakistani Muslim League-Nawaz, which is led by another former PM, Nawaz Sharif, has 66 seats so far.

Mr Sharif said earlier on Tuesday that he was prepared to discuss joining a coalition with Mr Zardari's party in order "to rid Pakistan of dictatorship forever".

The two parties have a combined total of 153 seats.

The main party backing President Pervez Musharraf, the PML-Q, has already admitted defeat.

The party came a distant third, with 38 seats so far.

PML-Q chairman, Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, told Associated Press Television News his party accepted the results "with an open heart" and was prepared to "sit on opposition benches".

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Bhutto party in coalition offer
Yes but the biggest question is who will be the PM? The difrence between the votes are not great so expect drama.
Zaradaris press conference was very open ended. I would not be surprised if Zardari chose to stick with Mush and ditch the PML. The opposition is too divided anyhow. PPP in coalition with PML-Q, is one option, with MMA, ANP and MQM is another. So there is a lot of possibilities.
PML-N and PPP cannot join together till NS leaves his agenda to reinstate the judges.
PML-N and PPP cannot join together till NS leaves his agenda to reinstate the judges.

That is what i am saying for long.

Zardari wont accept it as if they do so it means the court can do away with NRO which means zaradri has to face the courts for all the crimes and looting.

i am feeling that Nawaz has tossed the demand of re-instating judges to pressur Zardari to accept removal of Musharraf.
Zardari can't do much, about the Mush bit, he dose not have majority in the Senate to force the issue, or the NA for the matter. I would not be surpised if he dumps Nawaz. They hate each other anyway.

What a tangled web we weave, when at first we plan to decieve.

I think, this was just the first warm up round---the intrigue has just started to reveal itself. The time of rhetoric and speech making is in the past---now it is time to face upto the music. The Nawaz Sharif of the old is a very stubborn person---he is very well set in his ways---now how much of a compromise will he make on the issues is a million dollar question. It will be a miracle that he gets all that he wanted and delivers all he promised---how much does the PPPP is going to need him and how much will they bend to accomodate PML N.

Reminds me of an old ROBERT REDFORD movie---after he gets elected---he turns around and ask his campaign manager ' What do I do now ' ?

I believe that Nawaz has chewed onto to more than he can swallow. I believe that it was a very bad time to come into power---ie just before the summer season and the oil hitting a $100 a barrell---the world economy and sepcially americas economy ( our biggest trade partner ) slowing down. Our textile industry is going to suffer as well---there is going to be a lot of pain and sufferening before the things turn around---I personally don't think that this coalition is going to last that long----Zardari is an Alpha male, who loves to ride the beast---Nawaz is an old bull elephant who was chased out of the field one time---the second time around---to make a winning stand he made promises---it will take more than a bull elephant to keep all those promises and deliver upon them---pakistani masses the voters are brutal and ruthless people---they don't want to be let down again.

What a tangled web we weave, when at first we plan to decieve.

I think, this was just the first warm up round---the intrigue has just started to reveal itself. The time of rhetoric and speech making is in the past---now it is time to face upto the music. The Nawaz Sharif of the old is a very stubborn person---he is very well set in his ways---now how much of a compromise will he make on the issues is a million dollar question. It will be a miracle that he gets all that he wanted and delivers all he promised---how much does the PPPP is going to need him and how much will they bend to accomodate PML N.

Reminds me of an old ROBERT REDFORD movie---after he gets elected---he turns around and ask his campaign manager ' What do I do now ' ?

I believe that Nawaz has chewed onto to more than he can swallow. I believe that it was a very bad time to come into power---ie just before the summer season and the oil hitting a $100 a barrell---the world economy and sepcially americas economy ( our biggest trade partner ) slowing down. Our textile industry is going to suffer as well---there is going to be a lot of pain and sufferening before the things turn around---I personally don't think that this coalition is going to last that long----Zardari is an Alpha male, who loves to ride the beast---Nawaz is an old bull elephant who was chased out of the field one time---the second time around---to make a winning stand he made promises---it will take more than a bull elephant to keep all those promises and deliver upon them---pakistani masses the voters are brutal and ruthless people---they don't want to be let down again.

Mastan Khan
Man I have to say I like your style. As to the choices open to Nawaz Sharif, and the road he takes; it is dependant on what the last 9-10 yrs have taught him.
If he is sensible, he will think of the future and sit in the opposition. Aside from the fact that it would be difficult time managing affairs with Zardari, he has to think of his promises as well. He cannot afford to totally back off the issue of the deposed judges and Zardari would find this difficult to comply with. Secondly, i think Zardari might want the Army and establishment to back him and they are not too keen on Nawaz, although they might be more receptive to the idea of Shahbaz, that is not likely to happen in the immediate future. then there is the American factor which again goes against Nawaz.lastly there is the question of need and I dont think PPP actually needs Nawaz to form a Government.
If he is obstinate and foolish, he will allie with Zardari and land himself into trouble as the personality conflict will lead to a tamultuous divorce after a painful marriage.
So to me it seems Sharif will concentrate on Punjab and say we will support you but from a distance. He then has a chance to gather more strength in Punjab, show that his party can work and make things better for the people and bide his time.
The elections showed that there is no federal party in Pakistan now.The ppp is fast becoming a party of Sindh only;Nawaz Sharif party is mostly confined to Punjab while ANP presence does not exist anywhere beyond the NWFP.This could only lead to a tussle between the central and the provinces in the future.
Hi Araz,

Thankyou very much. You are correct in your assessment about Zardari. The euphoria of the win is going to wear out in a week or two and when the realization hits them---it will be just like a night at the bar when you are trying to pickup someone in the early morning hours---then you wake up in your bed in the morning and look over and you would want to bite your arm for because of the "coyote ugly" lying next to you.

A lot of people under estimate Zardari---Zardari is a survivor, he is tenacious, he is sharp as a tack, but the thing is that he has been doing this all for himself all his life---for his person---The Zardari of today is like a bottle of vintage wine---we are going to find out very soon who the party chairman Zardari is made up of.

For Nawaz, truly, punjab is his focal point---he is going to make sure that PML Q is a part of history and possibly, it might happen---all the PML Q members would be absorbed back into the main party except for a few---the CH brothers might end up fatherless---.

There are so many options for PML N if Nawaz wants to consider them---take back the pml Q and join hands with MQM and get some of the independents as well. The true leadership of Nawaz will show in the next few days.
I don’t think so that MQM can join hands with Nawaz the memories of 92 operation are still there in the minds of Karachiites :disagree:
PPP should go with PML-Q, MQM, (ask ANP to join if not then ditch them). Form a government and lead.

The best option for Nawaz is sit as an opposition party. He has won, but lost.
pml Q MQM MMA(F) should be sitting on opposition benches.

MQM has more apprehensions to ppp than PML (N) , 1993 - 1997 , MQM suffered most from the hands of gen. BABAR.

it will be good that former ruling parties should give the chance to the parties who recently won the gen. elections.

any how , it will be not to long that these parties will lose the power because of thier croupt leadership . very soon these parties will kicked out.

pml Q AND MQM with thier allies , should watch the game and would try to bring some kind of political dicipline in thier ranks.

so that people of pakistan, can look upon the alternte to ppp and pml (n).

once again for 5 years.
Yesterday night I was watching many news channels and I thought it would be better if PML(Q) merge with MQM b/c it will help MQM to gain some position in Punjab and will help PML(Q) to have their access in most important areas of Pakistan I am saying this b/c unfortunately PML(Q) in my view in future will not be able to maintain their existence as many of its people could go to PML(N).

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