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Bhutto party in coalition offer

Well in view to yesterdays news.... PML (N) and PPP are going to form a government.... and Makhdoom Amin Fahim is going to be the future Prime Minister.... He seems to be a very cool and calm person.... and that is what is needed in order to run the show.....

Another name which might have come up in PML (N) ranks might have been Jawaid Hashmi or Chaudry Aitezaz Ahsan.... but I don’t think it will go that far...

MQM should be kicked out of this coalition and treated as harshly as possible.... Its not a political party but a gang of thugs.... I still don’t know who made Ishrat the Governor and on what grounds... a person who is involved in killing 3 Army personnel’s and 2 robberies..... MQM is a party of thugs and terrorists.... the real one's...... experts in making sure that the main economic hub of the country does not prosper.....

PML (Q) is not a party at all.... it’s just a group of individuals... trying to get some benefits and steal the wealth of the nation.... It’s more like a party created by the General so that he can feel secure in the parliament and show the Western powers that he is trying to run a democratic country....

I hope and strongly pray that the new government kicks out Mushy (friend of Bushy) out of the Presidency and run the government in a peaceful manner... so that we can see a democratic Pakistan.....

Well in view to yesterdays news.... PML (N) and PPP are going to form a government.... and Makhdoom Amin Fahim is going to be the future Prime Minister.... He seems to be a very cool and calm person.... and that is what is needed in order to run the show.....

Another name which might have come up in PML (N) ranks might have been Jawaid Hashmi or Chaudry Aitezaz Ahsan.... but I don’t think it will go that far...

MQM should be kicked out of this coalition and treated as harshly as possible.... Its not a political party but a gang of thugs.... I still don’t know who made Ishrat the Governor and on what grounds... a person who is involved in killing 3 Army personnel’s and 2 robberies..... MQM is a party of thugs and terrorists.... the real one's...... experts in making sure that the main economic hub of the country does not prosper.....

PML (Q) is not a party at all.... it’s just a group of individuals... trying to get some benefits and steal the wealth of the nation.... It’s more like a party created by the General so that he can feel secure in the parliament and show the Western powers that he is trying to run a democratic country....

I hope and strongly pray that the new government kicks out Mushy (friend of Bushy) out of the Presidency and run the government in a peaceful manner... so that we can see a democratic Pakistan.....


Yes Zardaari and Nawaz Sharif can run the government in a peaceful manner.:woot:

The point is will both the thieves be able to decrease the inflation rate?
They'll spend all the money, and there will be none left. No money; no inflation. Yes they will solve the awams problems.
I agree both of them are thieves but in my personal poin of view.... better the robbers we were having earlier.... lets see to early to say how it goes.....

What ever said and done its our country and our ppl have selected them so lets see.... what happens.... hope for the best and make dua that may Allah guide us and the country towards the right path.... Ameen

Dude, lets not blame Allah for our problems ok. We voted these losers in for a third time and deserve all that we are going to get and more.
They'll spend all the money, and there will be none left. No money; no inflation. Yes they will solve the awams problems.

:) sparten your post reminds me a dirty joke on PPP though i feel shy to quote but let me post it by censoring.


After winning the election Zardari has decided to change the PPP election symbole from arrow to C---- ( a contraband for men) beacuse it correctly reflects the policy and mind set of PPP and Zardari

A C----- allows inflation, halts production, destroy the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks and gives a sense of security while you are actually being screwed.

Zardari gonna scr-w the nation with help of Nawaz Sharif this time.

i wish if the media could be as courageous as it pretended to be by propogating against Musharraf.
Bhutto party meeting to pick PM

The party of Pakistan's late former prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, is to meet to pick the next prime minister after its victory in Monday's polls.
The Pakistan People's Party (PPP) earlier agreed to co-operate in government with the opposition PML-N, led by another former PM, Nawaz Sharif.

Asif Ali Zardari, the PPP leader and Ms Bhutto's widower, is not eligible to run for PM but retains great influence.

The coalition government is seen as a threat to President Pervez Musharraf.

The main party loyal to the president fared poorly in the parliamentary elections.

As president, Mr Musharraf did not personally contest the polls and has brushed aside calls for him to resign.

In a separate development, an explosion in the Swat region of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province has killed eight people and hurt a dozen others, officials say.

The blast targeted a vehicle carrying guests from a wedding party.

Swat, a former tourist resort, has recently seen intense clashes between Islamist militants and government forces.

Details unresolved

Newly-elected MPs of the PPP are meeting Mr Zardari to discuss whom to nominate as prime minister in a future government.

The PPP's 87 seats in the election were the highest polled by a single party, giving it about one third of the seats.
The PML-N came second, with 66 seats.

Details of the coalition - agreed between Mr Zardari and Mr Sharif on Thursday - have yet to be worked out.

Mr Zardari said the two parties would "stay together" but they had lots to work out.

"We have a lot of modalities to cover. We have a lot of ground to cover," he said. "We will be meeting off and on. In principle, we have agreed to stay together."

According to the BBC's Chris Morris in Islamabad, a coalition between the PPP and PML-N raises the prospect of a government which will try to force President Musharraf from power.

Though the two parties have little in common ideologically, both insist that they want to work together to re-establish full civilian democracy and the power of parliament.

The two parties have more than half of the new parliament's seats and if they can form a grouping with a two-thirds majority, they could call for Mr Musharraf to be impeached.

Mr Sharif has been deeply critical of the president and says he wants "to rid Pakistan of dictatorship forever".

Mr Musharraf has said he will not resign or retire, but instead wishes to work towards stable democratic government in Pakistan.

Mr Musharraf seized power from then-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a military coup in 1999 and was re-elected to the presidency in October in a parliamentary vote boycotted by the opposition as unconstitutional.

US ally

Mr Musharraf has been a major US ally in the "war on terror" but his popularity has waned at home amid accusations of authoritarianism and incompetence.

Our correspondent says the prospect of a prolonged confrontation between the president and the new government will not please the US, which has urged the two sides to co-operate.

Mr Musharraf's forces have been trying to contain a Taleban-influenced Islamist insurgency along the country's rugged frontier with Afghanistan.

Monday's election was preceded by months of violence, including the suicide attack that killed PPP leader, Ms Bhutto, in December.

The poll was initially scheduled for early January but was delayed after her assassination.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Bhutto party meeting to pick PM
:) sparten your post reminds me a dirty joke on PPP though i feel shy to quote but let me post it by censoring.


After winning the election Zardari has decided to change the PPP election symbole from arrow to C---- ( a contraband for men) beacuse it correctly reflects the policy and mind set of PPP and Zardari

A C----- allows inflation, halts production, destroy the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks and gives a sense of security while you are actually being screwed.

Zardari gonna scr-w the nation with help of Nawaz Sharif this time.

i wish if the media could be as courageous as it pretended to be by propogating against Musharraf.

It’s a matter of few months Jana; media will get what they deserve. I hate both PPP and PML (N) coz one is responsible for the fall of Dacca and the other is for the loss of Kargil.
Well people of NWFP saw the light and didn't vote for MMA after a few years of bad government.

Perhaps in a few years the nation will do the same and realise what a loss a Musharraf government is to the nation.
ppp is the biggest corrupt & criminals mafia of Pakistani politics this criminals zardari group must need to be finished from PAKISTAN's politics But first extremally needed to safe Karachi from these ppp goons...

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