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Betrayed, Arabized

Brother, I agree with your whole post, but the part in bold. This is how Takfiri thoughts arise.

"Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided".

If my beliefs are different from yours and I see you are doing something wrong this is the way to approach the people who you want to correct. Takfir and calling Jihad is no way to deal with things especially between you and someone who aslo calls himself a Muslim.
Does it change with time?

I am talking of now and then.

Yes ofcourse it changes with time- then- when Islam originated from the land of arabia- it was Arab=Islam- your texts book is full of calling it an arab invasion- and for arab muslims it was always an Islamic invasion- later on you adopted our version and began to call it Islamic Invasion-
If you can tell me what you call Mohammad Bin Qasims invasion as arab or islamic one- you will answer you own question-

For now- it is not Arab=Islam- there are obviously more Muslims in the world living elsewhere than arabia- approximately 80% of them-
Takfir and calling Jihad is no way to deal with things especially between you and someone who aslo calls himself a Muslim
So you condemn those who use Wahabi / salafi ideology to wage terrorism on Muslims?
My understanding is that the Arabic that was used in Quran is not what is spoken now in most of the Arabic world. So even most native Arabs can't understand all of the Quran directly, leave alone the non-Arabs.

No, every Arab can understand the quran easily
the quran is written in classic Arabic, and every Arab can understand the classic Arabic (fus'ha)
"Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided".

If my beliefs are different from yours and I see you are doing something wrong this is the way to approach the people who you want to correct. Takfir and calling Jihad is no way to deal with things especially between you and someone who aslo calls himself a Muslim.

"Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided".

Problem is, I will be Wajib-ul-Qatal according to Salafi authorities if I blasphemize, apostatize etc. Hence, there is no wisdom, good instruction, or an invitation here. Takfirism is rampant in Salafism because like you said, they claim to follow Allah (swt) the best, your exact words were "they only call for Islam to be practiced the way God told us to practice", meaning every other fiqh is wrong here. This is what gives rise to Takfiri thoughts & creates fitna. I have strong objections against this, I don't think I practice Islam better than anyone else from another fiqh, & may Allah guide us all to the Sirat-e-Mustaqeem.
"Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided".

If my beliefs are different from yours and I see you are doing something wrong this is the way to approach the people who you want to correct. Takfir and calling Jihad is no way to deal with things especially between you and someone who aslo calls himself a Muslim.

I Agree-
The word Jihad is wrongly used- and the term is misunderstood- When the armies of Hazrat Ali (RA) and forces loyal to Hazrat Ayesha (RA) fought in battle of Bassorah (Jamal)- no body called it a jihad- and which sides were shaheeds no body knows-
Yes ofcourse it changes with time- then- when Islam originated from the land of arabia- it was Arab=Islam- your texts book is full of calling it an arab invasion- and for arab muslims it was always an Islamic invasion- later on you adopted our version and began to call it Islamic Invasion-
If you can tell me what you call Mohammad Bin Qasims invasion as arab or islamic one- you will answer you own question-

For now- it is not Arab=Islam- there are obviously more Muslims in the world living elsewhere than arabia- approximately 80% of them-

Even then, Arabs made small inroads into just Sindh and were beaten back by the Hindus.

They are a small, almost negligible factor in India's history.
Unfortunate that you could not muster the courage, but then you live in a religious tyranny -- and since to yiu there is no such thing as wahabism and Salafism, how can you be expected to say that the things extremists are doing using this ideology is something you condemn -- damn shabby, Maso - you could have shown everybody here that I have been wrong about you , about arbis - but like I said your conscience belongs to the state, you cannot have your own conscience, if the state says a wrong is a right, you will agree.

It's not too late Maso, take the challenge, you said you wanted to be a brother and yet you negate what we tell you is causing death, mayhem and misery for Pakistan, for Afghanistan, for Tajikistan for Uzbekistan, for Chechen, for our dear brother, China, for the world - Please trust what I am saying to you about this, if you trust nothing else, trust this.

What is causing death mayhem and misery in Pakistan was the same thing that was causing death mayhem and misery in Saudi Arabia in 2003-2006. We are ALL affected by this group and no one should be blamed except for them. I hate them as much as you do and so does the majority of the Saudi people.
No, every Arab can understand the quran easily
the quran is written in classic Arabic, and every Arab can understand the classic Arabic (fus'ha)

Bro- i dont agree here- to simply put my point forward-
The arabic used in Quran is grammatical arabic- there are words which are not easily understandable even by arbic speakers just like some of us face difficulties in understanding pure Urdu words mostly used in shayaris-
Courage Maso Courage - Just come out and say it that you condemn the use of Wahabi/ Salafi ideology to wage terrorism against Muslims - just come out an unequivocally say it - be the brother to us that you say you want to be
What is causing death mayhem and misery in Pakistan was the same thing that was causing death mayhem and misery in Saudi Arabia in 2003-2006. We are ALL affected by this group and no one should be blamed except for them. I hate them as much as you do and so does the majority of the Saudi people.

Many people here dont understand/know/ignore the fact that Saudi Arabia was itself victim of Al- Qaeda radicals- Terrorists attacks did took place here- the efficiency Saudis showed in dealing with them did not made it into western media-
Problem is, I will be Wajib-ul-Qatl according to Salafi authorities if I blasphemize, apostatize etc. Hence, there is no wisdom or good instruction here. Takfirism is rampant in Salafism because like you said, they claim to follow Allah (swt) the best, your exact words were "they only call for Islam to be practiced the way God told us to practice", meaning every other fiqh is wrong here. This is what gives rise to Takfiri thoughts & creates fitna. I have strong objections against this, I don't think I practice Islam better than anyone else from another fiqh, & may Allah (swt) guide us all to the Sirat-e-Mustaqeem.

Who told you you will be Wajib-ul-Qatal according to Salafis?? According to true Salafis (Salf literally means ancient people and by this they point to the way of Muhammad (PBUH) and his Sahabah in handling things) the way to handle things is the way I told you with wisdom and good instruction and to argue in a way that is best. If a minority of people think other wise you should not believe that this is how all believe. And this sadfully has been one of the things fed by Media and propaganda. the same how some Sunni say that Shia believe Ali was the true prophet.
Courage Maso Courage - Just come out and say it that you condemn the use of Wahabi/ Salafi ideology to wage terrorism against Muslims - just come out an unequivocally say it - be the brother to us that you say you want to be

just replace wahabi/salfi with "jaahil" and i will agree with you on this.

You have come a long long way from where you started out - take that one step, come out sand say unequivocally that you as a Muslim condemn the use of Wahabi/Salafi ideology as terrorism aganst Muslims and anybody else - that you consider this a hijacking of the Wahabi ideology and that you stand with the people of Pakistan.
Assalam alaikum

bilal bhai, there r shia's in saudia and as i understood they have imam bargah and ja'fri courts as i heard, our saudi brother can tell us mores

so this point of urs is useless jazakAllah

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