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Best anti tank weapons.

Just wanted a realistic answer, I didn't want someone to tell me they should get S300 or S400 when it's not possible.

Yes of course :D
But why would somebody suggest S300 or S400 to knock out tanks, Your question is very specific; how to smuggle or conceal the devices!
If you want to ask about IEDs; maybe I can tell.
Are you "Fatah" or "Hamas"?
In-spite of all sophistication in this field, the most deadly and indefensible anti-tank weapon is the Molotov Cocktail. Nothing can protect a tank from this crude, home made, simple and cheap device.
Yes of course :D
But why would somebody suggest S300 or S400 to knock out tanks, Your question is very specific; how to smuggle or conceal the devices!
If you want to ask about IEDs; maybe I can tell.
Are you "Fatah" or "Hamas"?

Oh shoot, LOL, I got a little dazed off there. Hamas makes their own IEDs. But yeah, I did get carried off. I don't know why I joined those two.

In-spite of all sophistication in this field, the most deadly and indefensible anti-tank weapon is the Molotov Cocktail. Nothing can protect a tank from this crude, home made, simple and cheap device.

Really? Security forces right? Fatah doesn't have a active military organization anymore though. They're slowly coming back, but it will be a while before they have any presence in the West Bank.

Security Forces i dont know actually.... But They are well trained....

to me the best anti-tank missile is Javelin

if Palestinians get there hands on this no tank can stop in front of them
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I doubt they could, it's not available near their region and it's too pricey. They'd prefer to use Russian missle variants.
I doubt they could, it's not available near their region and it's too pricey. They'd prefer to use Russian missle variants.

you mean Russian s.h.i.t they don't do much damage to the tank only if it's Russian ,
thank god our army don't use russian s.h.i.t
You are arrogant. Your "reality" is only the suffering of an irrational people. How am I not facing "reality"? Israel is more "real" than is "Gaza". Can't you accept that as factual?

NO we cant and therefore there will be war and there will be blood shed until and unless either Palestine becomes free or the Muslims of the world become extinct
The most effective anti-tank weapon the Palestinian Arabs could have is to make peace with the Jews of Israel rather than seeking to destroy them. Since the Jews of Israel have no interest in attacking Arabs save in self-defence what better anti-tank weapon could be imagined?

I'm not very well versed in weapon systems. However, the best weapon for Palestinian Arab would be to establish peace with Israel. War and destruction is no sign of heroism. Hero is the one who establishes peace.

Well now gentlemen...

Wasn't that completely out of the blue? The OP asked about anti-tank systems and here you are about to drag us into a flame war.

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