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Bangladeshi Vegetarian Cuisine

Is Bangladeshi vegetarian cuisine as delicious as non-veg one?

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Was it because of office politics? You know the archetypical Indian office/workplace politics? Maybe it was and you don't know about it?


I don't think so.... they have sent me to Dubai thrice giving preference over him but in Indonesia this guy had travelled before and had better relations with our Indonesian aluminum foil suppliers.... they were sending me because they wanted me also to meet suppliers in person and see their factories... but don't know why they changed their mind afterwards....
My brother has worked with pakistani ppl too on ad film project in Bangkok but Pakistani never sacrificed their non vegetarian food just to respect my vegetarian brother... believe me it's a trend these days among BD youths to become vegetarian
Pakistanis are skinny dhoti picky eaters either.

Bangladesh is big and populated country.... you and your friend circle doesn't represent whole Bangladesh..... my brother has visited your country twice and had a long stay.... it's a trend among young broad modern minded people to become vegetarian these days... it makes them look modern, nature and animals friend....
The logic here. None of us represent bangladeshis. Only your brother who has eaten with 16 chore of us

And fact that you don't understand what is attracting your younger generation....
Duh! If you generalize our youth with the youth of film industry and media related folks,then there is nothing I can say or do. However sorry to say I am not going to take your advise.

I am sort of charvak follower, also quite healthy man, so refrain eating red meat is not possible. Also red meat is actually healthy contrary to popular propaganda. Bangladeshi people will also not refrain from eating meat! Because red meat is truly good for health!


Yes vaishnavas especially from kutch and Gujarat are very very strict vegetarian people....

Marwadis and Jains are also very strict in vegetarian food... they are so strict that they don't even tolerate sitting with person on same table if he or she is eating non vegetarian.... they don't even like to eat onions, ginger etc...

In our family we're strict vegetarian but we don't force someone to not to eat non vegetarian food if he is sitting with us...

In south India Lingayat brahmins and in Maharashtra GSB brahmins are also very strict vegetarian people....

In north almost 85% Hindus are purely vegetarian people....

There are many non vegetarian eaters in Hindus in some states but they are not originally non vegetarian people.... you can say they have adapted themselves to that diet.... their percentage is very low in comparison of vegetarian people....

Then there are many states which are non vegetarian such as NE states, Punjab, my own state Goa, kerala etc

But overall by majority India is known as a land of vegetarianism....
Thank you for the detail information. But I have a confusion. Why marwaris and Jains won't eat onion and garlic? These are not meat or any type of non veg food!!
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Duh! If you generalize our youth with the youth of film industry and media related folks,then there is nothing I.can do. However sorry so say I am not going to take your advise.

I am sort of charvak follower also quite healthy man, so refrain eating red meat is not possible. Also red meat is actually healthy contrary to popular propaganda. Bangladeshi people will also not refrain from eating meat! Because red meat is truly good for health!


Thank you for the detail information. But I have a confusion. Why marwaris and Jains won't eat onion and garlic? These are not meat or any type of non veg food!!

Actually among us it's believed that onion provokes sexual desires or it provokes bad eating desires in you.... but its very healthy and not everyone sacrifice onions even if they are vegetarian.... I too love salads with onions....

In marwadis they believe that onion, potatoes and ginger are alive like animals and among them food that grows below ground is prohibited.... they eat vegetables that grows above ground....
List those Bangladeshi dishes that are made from strictly vegetarian ingredients with the exception of milk. Post pics and state the recipe.

Although this thread is Bangladesh-centric this is one question for which there is little chance of any Bangladeshi answer.

Edit-Add: And please list the vegetarian dishes of Bangladesh. Most members are just emphasizing their preference without giving many examples of vegetarian dishes.

Still hoping . . .

P. S.: And is it as delicious as the non-veg cuisine of Bangladesh?


@Bilal9, I also know that horse is maqru. But you see Kazakhstan people regularly eat horse ( know from intranet, correct me if I am wrong) , and they are Muslims. Why Muslims will eat a maqruh food regularly if it's not Halal? Just slightly confused.

Maqruh means 'questionable' according to 'dhabiha' laws - and subject to specific reasons or circumstances. You can eat certain Maqruh items if that is pretty much your only subsistence or source of larger protein.

Kazakh folks eat horses because they have been nomads (being the descendants of Genghis Khan) since time immemorial and they have eaten horses as part of their culture and their physique/digestive systems can cope with it. It is a way of living off the land. They also eat other meat such as goats and sheep, milk from those animals, and wild hare/rabbits hunted specifically and carefully with trained falcons. They are experts at falconry, just like Arabs and some folks in Europe.

The central Asian steppes are a rich landscape that provides many types of food (animal protein included) and Kazakhs are adapted to it.

Camels are also sacrificed in the Middle East, and they are pack animals too. It all depends on 'need'. The dietary laws 'Dhabiha' were made I believe to protect food sources.
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Maqruh means 'questionable' according to 'dhabiha' laws - and subject to specific reasons or circumstances. You can eat certain Maqruh items if that is pretty much your only subsistence or source of larger protein.

Kazakh folks eat horses because they have been nomads (being the descendants of Genghis Khan) since time immemorial and they have eaten horses as part of their culture and their physique/digestive systems can cope with it. It is a way of living off the land. They also eat other meat such as goats and sheep, milk from those animals, and wild hare/rabbits hunted specifically and carefully with trained falcons.

The central Asian steppes are a rich landscape that provides many types of food (animal protein included) and Kazakhs are adapted to it.

Camels are also sacrificed in the Middle East, and they are pack animals too. It all depends on 'need'. The dietary laws 'Dhabiha' were made I believe to protect food sources.
Okay brother, well explained. Thank you.
@Bilal9 deserves a positive rating from a moderator for the post #13. Can someone copy them here? Im not sure of their ids. Thanks

Thank you Brother. I don't know if I do deserve one but am tagging them here @waz, @WebMaster . I will still be happy if I am not given one, just doing my job as a community member.
Thank you Brother. I don't know if I do deserve one but am tagging them here @waz, @WebMaster . I will still be happy if I am not given one, just doing my job as a community member.

thanks for quoting them Bilal. Please moderators have a read of Post #13. I found the post to be very balanced and thorough. This needs to be encouraged by giving positive ratings because of the time and thought one would have put in to write the post. I would really appreciate if this request is considered. Many thanks. :)
Perhaps it's the difference between vaishnava tradition and shaktism? BTW, an off topic question, are all vaishnava like Bengali Gaudia vaishnava who prefer radha krishna worship over other deities and prefer vegetarian diet?
Vaishnav's strictly follow a vegetarian diet without Onion, Garlic and some types of dal. While the Sakti worshippers are non vegetarian.
Durga puja which happens in my home follows a Vaishnab tradition. No non veg including onion and garlic are allowed that time.
Trivia - Sacrifice meat in famous Kali temple in Kolkata are cooked without onion and garlic.
Gaudia Vaishnava's primarily worship Radha Krishna and to some extent other forms of lord Vishnu. For an example Lord Jagannath has a very important place among them.
Vege is side dish for Muslim people. A Muslim can not be vegetarian. I mean we can not sacrifice an eggplant during Eid. Can we?
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Vege is side dish for Muslim people. A Muslim can not be vegetarian. I mean we can not sacrifice a eggplant during Eid. Can we?
Lol sacrificing egg plant :D. However not only vegetarian, a Muslim also can't be white meat eater only. Because we can't sacrifice chicken or duck can we? So basically we are red meat eater!

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